plaintiffs must prove the following four elements:
First, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant made a false and defamatory statement concerning the plaintiff. Second, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant made an unprivileged publication to a third party. Third, the plaintiff must prove that the publisher acted at least negligently in publishing the communication. Fourth, in some cases, the plaintiff must prove special damages.
是的,我没有任何证据证明老师迟到,老师不是full time teacher没有写在合同里,因为根本没有合同,我说M根本不在乎牛奶开了多久,只要保质期没到就给学生喝,我说她的30个学生SAT成绩没有提高,可是凭什么要我给证明这些都是真的啊?如果她要告我诽谤,当然是她要证明我说的是假的。她能证明什么?这些都是事实,她能证明是假的吗?
一开始给他的差评里把很多详情都写上了,虽然都有text message作为证据他要真正告起来也不容易,但是俺最后还是把详情略掉了,改成了 installation failsed, being threaterned with leagal action to stop me complaining.
见到对方律师信,吓得慌慌张张跑来发问,发了四个主贴,满口不知所云,臆想连篇的Review,甚至有了You think who you are这样的让人啼笑皆非的中式对骂文体,实话实说,你都不如直接写上”取泥玛德思密达“更给力。很多没有法律背景的朋友都觉得你这所谓的怼,恐怕只适合六线城市的菜市场骂战。你前后反复修改,一遍遍咨询。对两个职业律师级别的版主怒下战书,所谓不免费帮助你,就不是你心中那杆秤上的秤砣。
Most reviews are protected under the First Amendment (free speech). However, a court can find a reviewer guilty of defaming a business if they post factually incorrect accusations. Freedom of speech typically boils down to whether someone is expressing their opinion or asserting a fact.
For example, if a customer says that you are a jerk or you “charge an arm and a leg,” you cannot sue for it (or, you will not win if you do sue).
But, if a customer claims that you are unlicensed or that you stole her watch while painting her house, you could have a case. A false statement of fact that hurts your business is not protected by the right to free speech.
And for all you avid reviewers out there, take note of this distinction. It’s important to choose your words carefully before bashing a business on a review site. Stick to opinions and truths.
所以不是说什么都不需要证明,你说的是事实,但这种表达不能算“事实”。 比如这个:
Feb 19 2019 (日子错了): The owner Michelle has no respect for people, she is nice to students and parents face to face, but behind their back she thinks they are crazy coming to this place, yes, she believes most of the students are just wasting time, she believes they wont improve, she just want your money! I have seen the the SAT mock test results for about 30 students there, after a few months' intense class and 3-4 mock tests, they have not improved at all, no one!
还有这个:Also they have a filthy refrigerator on the second floor, Michelle herself never put anything there, but she stores students snacks there and as long as the expiration date is not passed she would give the students milks no matter when it is opened.
The point of this article isn’t to scare you off writing honest, negative reviews online. There are thousands of negative reviews posted every day and only a very small number of them end up with lawyers involved. The big takeaways are:
Only post things that are absolutely true. Make sure you’re expressing an opinion by saying things like, “I didn’t like X” rather than making statements that could be interpreted as facts like “X sucks”. Avoid accusing the companies you’re reviewing of criminal behaviour like robbing you, scamming you, and so on. Don’t write reviews while you’re angry. Wait a few days and see how you feel. If you still feel the need to write a negative review, do it carefully and deliberately. If you are sued or threatened with a lawsuit, contact a lawyer immediately. A few hundred dollars worth of legal advice now could save you hundreds of thousands of dollars in the future.
Michelle gives the same amount of milk to Benny everyday. Now let’s do the math, 1.89L lasts about 9 days, plus 2 days (they do not have after school class on weekends) is 11 days. Why there were two boxes of milk? Does Michelle care? You have your conclusion.
难道一个review 还真的啥也不能写了?我真是不信,就网上查了defaming lawsuit怎么样才能告,然后查到这个:
plaintiffs must prove the following four elements:
First, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant made a false and defamatory statement concerning the plaintiff. Second, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant made an unprivileged publication to a third party. Third, the plaintiff must prove that the publisher acted at least negligently in publishing the communication. Fourth, in some cases, the plaintiff must prove special damages.是的,我没有任何证据证明老师迟到,老师不是full time teacher没有写在合同里,因为根本没有合同,我说M根本不在乎牛奶开了多久,只要保质期没到就给学生喝,我说她的30个学生SAT成绩没有提高,可是凭什么要我给证明这些都是真的啊?如果她要告我诽谤,当然是她要证明我说的是假的。她能证明什么?这些都是事实,她能证明是假的吗?
我觉得柠檬和老猫对我的review太苛刻了,这是google review,这不是一个法律指控文件,证明我说的都是实话不是我的责任,我责任是保证我说的是实话。
bottom line,review只要你说的都是事实就行,证明这是事实不是你的责任。
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🛋️ 沙发板凳
Can J2 transfer to H1 without waver? Thanks.
1)网上其实这类review平台很多,有些可匿名发表。而你写在了google review,这与你email地址相连,就是说对方很容易跟踪到你。
3)最后一点,所谓“司法独立”是理想,现实是“有钱能使鬼推磨”的情况多了。你想想你现在面对的对手,倘若对方真不依不饶叫上劲,若真的打起官司,先不说输赢,你问问自己准备赔多少时间和钱请律师? 若不行,现在以淡化为上,
如果你写“ i believe going to this class is a total waste of my time and my money”, 她不能告你,因为你有权believe....
但是你写的是“Michell believes it is a waste of money”, 这就给人把柄了,虽然她也不一定赢,但是你也不想麻烦不是。
一开始给他的差评里把很多详情都写上了,虽然都有text message作为证据他要真正告起来也不容易,但是俺最后还是把详情略掉了,改成了 installation failsed, being threaterned with leagal action to stop me complaining.
最后他在俺的review下回了一句:false review. 俺回了一句:city 验收清楚写明安装失败。
你可以在state license regulation deportment and customer services department, also better business bureau file complaint.
可否請您日後在討論任何事時不要將老貓抓進來,因為你的事老貓不想再過問..同時請您日後的言論中不要再提及老貓,因為老貓沒有興趣與您繼續討論任何問題,.同時也不願意再被您在任何地方提及...(不是老貓自高,是老貓高攀不起) 謝謝您的合作..
(講白了,老貓尊重您的言論自由,但是也請您尊重老貓的意願,互相尊重是創造和諧社會的開始,謝謝 !)
火氣大是因為一些"人"氣的,泥人都有三分火,何況是已經 32 天沒薪水了,家中都快斷糧了,還有人建議老貓喝杯"酸梅湯"消火,老貓是招誰惹誰了....
这么点小事,煮汤 能跟 柠檬和猫都 杠上,字字句句, 小事上计较,我有点怀疑 汤 和那个韩国人 那个更 “刁”了。
就是柠檬不支持你,他的观点,听听就好,参考而已。非要证明 他不对,,谁对谁错呢?你的事你自己爱干嘛干嘛。
成为个人攻击。看来学会讨论中怎样focus 在问题的的分析是个大学问。suppose 这里参加讨论的都是受到过高等教育的人。我很想搞明白到底犯了什么法,法又是怎么说的。?结果还是没懂。
见到对方律师信,吓得慌慌张张跑来发问,发了四个主贴,满口不知所云,臆想连篇的Review,甚至有了You think who you are这样的让人啼笑皆非的中式对骂文体,实话实说,你都不如直接写上”取泥玛德思密达“更给力。很多没有法律背景的朋友都觉得你这所谓的怼,恐怕只适合六线城市的菜市场骂战。你前后反复修改,一遍遍咨询。对两个职业律师级别的版主怒下战书,所谓不免费帮助你,就不是你心中那杆秤上的秤砣。
我查“Can You Get Sued for Leaving a Bad Review?”
Most reviews are protected under the First Amendment (free speech). However, a court can find a reviewer guilty of defaming a business if they post factually incorrect accusations. Freedom of speech typically boils down to whether someone is expressing their opinion or asserting a fact.
For example, if a customer says that you are a jerk or you “charge an arm and a leg,” you cannot sue for it (or, you will not win if you do sue).
But, if a customer claims that you are unlicensed or that you stole her watch while painting her house, you could have a case. A false statement of fact that hurts your business is not protected by the right to free speech.
And for all you avid reviewers out there, take note of this distinction. It’s important to choose your words carefully before bashing a business on a review site. Stick to opinions and truths.
所以不是说什么都不需要证明,你说的是事实,但这种表达不能算“事实”。 比如这个:
Feb 19 2019 (日子错了): The owner Michelle has no respect for people, she is nice to students and parents face to face, but behind their back she thinks they are crazy coming to this place, yes, she believes most of the students are just wasting time, she believes they wont improve, she just want your money! I have seen the the SAT mock test results for about 30 students there, after a few months' intense class and 3-4 mock tests, they have not improved at all, no one!
还有这个:Also they have a filthy refrigerator on the second floor, Michelle herself never put anything there, but she stores students snacks there and as long as the expiration date is not passed she would give the students milks no matter when it is opened.
The point of this article isn’t to scare you off writing honest, negative reviews online. There are thousands of negative reviews posted every day and only a very small number of them end up with lawyers involved. The big takeaways are:
Only post things that are absolutely true. Make sure you’re expressing an opinion by saying things like, “I didn’t like X” rather than making statements that could be interpreted as facts like “X sucks”. Avoid accusing the companies you’re reviewing of criminal behaviour like robbing you, scamming you, and so on. Don’t write reviews while you’re angry. Wait a few days and see how you feel. If you still feel the need to write a negative review, do it carefully and deliberately. If you are sued or threatened with a lawsuit, contact a lawyer immediately. A few hundred dollars worth of legal advice now could save you hundreds of thousands of dollars in the future.即使没有官司,说话严谨,有理有据都是好习惯。
比如柠檬说输官司,你不同意,你就一是一,二是二的证明他的观点不对,说事不说人。这样,不是跟韩国人打官司的rehearsal 吗?还得谢谢柠檬陪练呢。
什么傲慢无礼(人身的?), 搜饭,,全是扯淡,这是说人不说事。
如果打官司也都是此等用语,我不认为胜算很大。不是仅这个case, 是General speaking。
Michelle gives the same amount of milk to Benny everyday. Now let’s do the math, 1.89L lasts about 9 days, plus 2 days (they do not have after school class on weekends) is 11 days. Why there were two boxes of milk? Does Michelle care? You have your conclusion.
come on. 哪怕读帖不认真,至少有没有在那儿应该了解的吧?
installation failsed, being threaterned with leagal action to stop me complaining.