You always keep your head out of the water To breathe today's air I kiss your elegant face and long flowing hair Your ethereal tail floats with a pleasant melody I listen quietly To the story of a thousand and one years Of the past and future Like an enchanted lover
By Tweeting Green
You always keep your head out of the water
To breathe today's air
I kiss your elegant face and long flowing hair
Your ethereal tail floats with a pleasant melody
I listen quietly
To the story of a thousand and one years
Of the past and future
Like an enchanted lover
据说哥伦布命令他的水手们经过人鱼唱歌的礁石时都堵住耳朵, 以免被人鱼诱惑地失去方向而丧命, 他自己确想亲自见识人鱼的歌声,有多么的致命诱惑, 又怕自己禁不住诱惑,于是命人把他绑起来听
I wonder if the mermaid has normal teeth, or。。。
shark teeth
in one single bite is a piece of cake for her
still alive