Childhood fantasy, eh…I don’t have much to start with at first place. Within the very limited selections, they are neither noble nor grand; oppositely, I have to admit it is actually a little bit embarrassing.
My biggest fantasy during my childhood is that I am the only person in my entire city. Yes, you don’t read it wrong, nobody else would be around, so that I can do whatever I like, no schoolwork, no exams, no need to get up in the early morning, and no nagging from parents/teachers. The best part would be that I could visit the biggest department store in the city and eat all the food that my mom would not allow or buy otherwise, and play with all the toys there. I have a great plan how to enjoy the facilities available there, and my typical day would look like: wake up whenever on a big soft bed in the furniture department, fetch some cookies or cake from food section for breakfast, browse through the beautiful clothes which my mom will never buy for me, and try on those fancy high heels like a young lady. And for sure the toy department is my haven, and many toys would be waiting for me there. Also I would spend some time in music instrument department and play the piano there which my parents can’t afford to get me one. Haha, all of sudden, I realized that the hottest topic people are talking about on internet nowadays which is “lay down flat” (躺平), hey, that is my idea when I was 10 and I still have it now!!!
In the blue sound of vinyl
I have many a turntable,
but only one syncs silently with my feel.
I have many a record of vinyl,
but only one sings softly her appeal.
I have many a fantasy,
but only one I wish come real and true.
I have many a fallacy,
but only one I wish to revoke and undo.
When she left me on a rainy day
I said to my invisible DJ,
I don’t know what goes wrong,
I don’t know why days become long.
Oh, when night plays my turntable,
I see her face shining again,
in the blue sound of vinyl.
Oh, when the past plays my turntable,
I hear my heart chiming pain,
in the blue sound of vinyl.
进入数字音乐时代, 首先出现的媒体是CD,但从没听说有人把PC(聚碳酸脂)作为CD唱片的带用词, 时代变化快啊,
my embarrassing childhood fantasy 来源: 树的花花世界 于 2021-06-25 20:20:18 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 13471 次 (1666 bytes) 字体:调大/重置/调小 | 加入书签 | 打印 | 所有跟帖 | 加跟贴 | 当前最热讨论主题 | 删除 | 取消置顶 | 打包 [管理菜单] [ 本文于 2021-06-27 17:02:52 被推荐 ] 帖子归属: 美语世界 »谜语幽默 »流行美语 »英文电影 »习惯用语 »英文歌曲 »学一个词 »美语美文 »英语朗诵 »实用英语 »中英翻译 »英语原创 »录音指南 »视频听力 »英语资料 »日常英语 »职场英语 本文内容已被 [ 树的花花世界 ] 在 2021-06-25 20:40:49 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.
Childhood fantasy, eh…I don’t have much to start with at first place. Within the very limited selections, they are neither noble nor grand; oppositely, I have to admit it is actually a little bit embarrassing.
My biggest fantasy during my childhood is that I am the only person in my entire city. Yes, you don’t read it wrong, nobody else would be around, so that I can do whatever I like, no schoolwork, no exams, no need to get up in the early morning, and no nagging from parents/teachers. The best part would be that I could visit the biggest department store in the city and eat all the food that my mom would not allow or buy otherwise, and play with all the toys there. I have a great plan how to enjoy the facilities available there, and my typical day would look like: wake up whenever on a big soft bed in the furniture department, fetch some cookies or cake from food section for breakfast, browse through the beautiful clothes which my mom will never buy for me, and try on those fancy high heels like a young lady. And for sure the toy department is my haven, and many toys would be waiting for me there. Also I would spend some time in music instrument department and play the piano there which my parents can’t afford to get me one. Haha, all of sudden, I realized that the hottest topic people are talking about on internet nowadays which is “lay down flat” (躺平), hey, that is my idea when I was 10 and I still have it now!!!
树的花花世界发过的热帖: 【听歌练听力】 周三传统节目: 听歌填词练听力 梅雨潭的爱 -- 诗、歌的应和 【笑闹美坛】之旅途逸事 传统项目一句话翻译,没有标准答案,各位的答案已很精准。我也凑个自己的表达,求斧正! 【E外桃源】活动 -- my dream land 【美语世界2021春情节HobbyShow活动颁奖典礼及合辑】 hobbyshow -- read it when you are hungry 奇文共赏之 ---《钱本草》 击鼓传花,文学的火种传下去,呼唤xiaosai 接棒主持一句话翻译,不知可否? 珠玉在前,我鲁莽一试, 一句话翻译答案奉上。同时呼唤下期主持人快快现身