Specifically engineered for high-quality digital audio capture, the all-digital motiv mv51 large-diaphragm condenser microphone seamlessly connects to any mac, pc, iphone, ipod, ipad and android devices for the ultimate in convenience of digital recording. Equipped with five onboard dsp preset modes to provide optimal recording results, the mv51 includes a unique onboard touch panel control for quick access to gain, mute and headphone volume adjustments. The 1 inch capsule element provides unmatched audio results, which are easily monitored in real-time via the built in 1/8" (3. 5mm) headphone output. The striking vintage design and durable all-metal construction includes an integrated kickstand compatible with any standard mic stand, making the mv51 a complete recording solution when convenience is required without sacrifice.
一開始倔強說要試試這首時, 我當場傻了, 離聖誕只有一個月左右了,很喜歡這首歌,可是真的很難,男女的合音太接近了,很難聽出來.....可是倔強很努力,說他不怕困難所以我讓他試很多次, 都沒半句怨言,真是感激^^最後想到一招, 終於讓他錄成功了....辛苦他了....男女合音有時候也換來換去, 一度勸他換個麥,他還以為我是推銷員呢^^倔強的音質真的不錯的,謝謝他的努力.....也讓我很有成就感,這麼不容易的歌, 也謝謝他減輕我的負擔提供了部分影片, 南半球和北半球的聖誕都在影片中.....他建議用wuta拍自己, 奇怪他拍的就很自然,可是為什麼我拍的很殭屍呢(最近太忙就在車子裡錄了)??沒太多時間研究,反正讓大家開心一下, 露一下不真實的臉, 好玩囉~~~~~分得出哪是南半球哪是北半球嗎??
更多我的博客文章>>> 【圣诞欢乐大PK】啦啦隊(愛在聖誕)倔強ft晴 【圣诞欢乐大PK】暖场:植物组8[My Grown Up Christmas List] 懂 《理智派生活》倔強ft 晴 【万圣节晚会】譚維維'晚婚' 【渣男专场】暖场 每個人都要[放過自己]
羞怯,xiu qie。听伴奏里和声也唱xiu que,估计是台湾发音?。。。
Product descriptionSpecifically engineered for high-quality digital audio capture, the all-digital motiv mv51 large-diaphragm condenser microphone seamlessly connects to any mac, pc, iphone, ipod, ipad and android devices for the ultimate in convenience of digital recording. Equipped with five onboard dsp preset modes to provide optimal recording results, the mv51 includes a unique onboard touch panel control for quick access to gain, mute and headphone volume adjustments. The 1 inch capsule element provides unmatched audio results, which are easily monitored in real-time via the built in 1/8" (3. 5mm) headphone output. The striking vintage design and durable all-metal construction includes an integrated kickstand compatible with any standard mic stand, making the mv51 a complete recording solution when convenience is required without sacrifice.