Iam suddenly interested in painting. One day I happened to watch a Youtube video on painting for beginners. When I saw the artist painting the amazing masterpiece with his brushes and paints, I am fascinated in the light and shadows suddenly. So, I ordered canvas, acrylic paints and palette and a wooden easel on Amazon and decided to learn painting! Please do not show your surprise now as I know me so well. The enthusiasm will fizzle out soon as usual. Let us see whether it is 3 days or 3 months this time. :) Here is my first painting finished yesterday. Very naive!:)
我是作弊,用stencil 套色,用的油漆只有三种颜色,画或说刷了一面墙
这是完成的一角,用IKEA的橱柜设计,制作的wet bar
wet bar设计的简约唯美,艺术气息扑面而来:)和你设计的那面墙颜色很搭,我学画以来,对色彩明显比以前更敏感了,你这三种颜色配色很和谐:)
等你的Hobby Show!:)