【E诗E歌E决心】My New Years Resolution for 2021

楼主 (文学城)

My New Years resolution for 2021

I make a long list of New Year'resolutions very year, even though I have never been able to keep even a single one.

This year, I will only make one resolution because the more I make , the more I will break.

My new year‘s resolution is to improve my English Skill, especially listening and speaking including proper pronunciation, stress, rhythm and intonation.

Action plans:

(1) Visit MYSJ more ; Not just watching , but get ting involved as well. Participate in each event. 

(2) Listen more English songs, watch English movies and other English audio and video material. One movie a Month. Reduce the time spending on watching Chinese shows.

(3) Read out aloud something daily.

(4) Write something happened in English occationally.

MYSJ is such a nice place to have fun and to learn at same time. There are so many talented people here. There are something to learn from very post and every person. Thank you,  current and previous BANZHU of MYSJ for keeping MYSJ going on and for  leading and organizing all kinds of interesting activities and events.

Special thanks to BeautifulWind for the effort and positive energy you put in MJSY and thank you for shareing  your experience of practicing English and lots of good tips you collected in the following links.  They are very helpfull. I will following your footprint to practise English 900. With you and MYSJ, I see hope of keeping my resolution this year




To be honest, I have never recorded my own voice, not even in my mother language. I don't even know how to do that. I learned to use Audacity to record voice from one of those HowTo links on the right side of MYSJ.  I just used the build-in microphone of  my PC.  Initially, I had some concern to upload my recording   because I don't have good vocal and proper pronunciation, especially after listening so many beautifull songs and recitations by other people.  But I remind myself that everybody is unique. While we are admire others, we should also accept and respect ourself.  Sometime we  can improve fast to keep ourself in an unconfortable  circumstance. 

What I read is from a Inspiring poem: Promise Yourself by Christian D. Larson. I first saw this poem many years ago in one of my colleague's cubicle. I Loved it so much that I borrowed it and made a copy  to put it on the wall of my cubicle as well. 

Please feel free to point out the areas I need to improve.  I will read it again at the beginning of next year to see if there is any improvement. 

“Promise Yourself"

by Christian D. Larson

To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.

To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.

To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.

To think only the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

Thank you all for reading and listening

Ur every single post is inspiring as always!Thanks for your nice

Ur every single post is inspiring as always!Thanks for your nice post and inspiring reading!

Ur new year's resolution is very feasible! Let's do it!

Like the poem “Promise yourself”.

”To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.”

That's very true.

If one pronunciation u need to pay attention to, it is “l” as in “health”.

Do not curve your tongue as no “r” here. :)




Brava! Your writing and reciting all are so good and impressive.
Good good study, day day up! Very nice resolution and you're

doing great so far! 

好棒的新年决心,声音好好听!I am inspired as well:)
Very nice! I admire people who have goals in life

and work hard for them. I'm a lazy person. I never set any goal or made any resolution. 

Yes, everyone is unique and special! We all have our own timeline. We don't need to compare ourselves to other people. We can appreciate other people's talents, and at the same time run our own race in the speed we are comfortable with. 


“But I remind myself that everybody is unique. While we are admire others, we should also accept and respect ourself. ”


Thanks. L and R 的发音对我最难。要多练习。

我用你说的google translator测发音,十有八九都过不了关。

Thank you for your encouragement. 以前几乎没读过英文诗。现在跟你学。
谢谢,XIAOSAI. 让我们一起学习提高。
Youtube是好老师, L 的发音在这里:


Great reading and writing !
Great 2021's resolution! Wonderful writing and recitation!
Thank you for your nice words.
Thanks. Like your singing and story. Expecting to see more.