Return of the Plagues

楼主 (文学城)

The italic font parts are from Internet

“… all the waters that were in the river [Nile] were turned to blood. And all the fish that was in the river died,” reports the Bible, “and the river stank, and the Egyptians could not drink of the water of the river.” (Exodus 7:20–21)

Bible, the book of Exodus describes the scene of God's punishment to the Egyptian after hearing the painful outcries from the Jews; the Pharaoh had conquered and put the Jews into heavy slavery; forced unbearable labours upon them to build the Pyramids of his afterlife. From today’s scientific point of view, this could be the record of ancient time poisonous algae outbreak in the river Nile.  The reports of sea water color change are also the phenomena of overgrow algae.  

With water pollution and temperatures on the rise, toxic algae cause serious problems nowadays for inland waters and for the oceans. Increasing algal bloom is poisoning fish and shells, and it has become a health hazard for human beings as well: toxic algae are responsible 60,000 cases of food poisoning worldwide every year. The documentary, Return of the Plagues, takes a closer look at the effect these poisonous microorganisms have today:

 in Germany, where restaurant guests suffered food poisoning from a seafood buffet in spite of intense food inspections;  in Florida, where not only dolphins fall victim to contaminated water but also swimmers who have difficulty breathing;  in Italy, where an invasive species of algae has caused the collapse of the marine fauna;  in Austria, where researchers are monitoring the mysterious behavior of algae that threaten to contaminate fresh water reservoirs; in Canada, where the fish and shellfish industry have shown great interest in sophisticated early-warning systems; and  at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven, Germany, where algae expert Allan Cembella and his colleagues are working on solving the puzzle of how this modern plague is propagated.

Algae and other microorganism including virus are the most ancient life formats on earth, far more ancient than human being, and will keep on living after mankind seize to exist on earth. Climate change on earth has sealed enormous old life formats, humans only know a very small part that is currently active.  For instance, shellfish feeds on algae, poison algae will not hurt shellfish, they keep on feeding and growing, when sea water temperature rises, the poisonous level will increase inside the shellfish to become poisionous to human,  after water temperature drops, the poisonous level drops back as well, to become edible, the shellfish harvesting is seasonal, that’s how the poisonous algae affecting the shellfish industry. With increased pace of global warming, more and more unknown ancient mysteries are being waken up.

Why are the strange diseases, bacteria, virus, and natural disasters seemingly more and more intensive nowadays?  Shouldn’t be a question deserves more attention?   2020 was bad enough for us, I had felt sorry for all the bad things I said about 2019, hope I do not have to do the same to 2020 at the end of 2021.  



nonitalic 部分是我写的,有些是把documentary里的解说用我自己的话说出来,有些是我的想法。
开卷有益,花帅写的真好。人定胜天,really? that's a question
Very good warnings!
so,一切都是天注定,人类就是爱折腾。 All is covered by God, no worry!
good article, big warning!
Glad to get some knowledge on the Algae and other microorganism'

Glad to get some knowledge on the Algae and other microorganism's negative effect
