(Let's hope for)more sincerity and truthfullness among relationships, more simplicity and straightforwardness for communications. Show unhappienss if not pleased, laugh out loud when vividly amused, and respond firmly when being queried.
1. Always stay hopeful even when life gets very tough
2. Let’s hope to be more authentic and honest when dealing with others, respectful and straightforward in our interactions. Staying cool when you’re annoyed, laughing out loudly when you’re amused, and always speaking up when asked
2. When dealing with people, we should be more sincere; During the interaction, be more straightforward. When angry, don’t hide your anger. When amused, laugh. When asked, answer out loud.
In the interpersonal relationship, let us be faithful and sincere such as being straightforward when u interacting with others,losing your temper when u r angry,bursting into laughter when it is funny, giving an answer when you are asked.
1. Despite I am trapped in a mud, my mind is still towards the brightness.
2. I hope that we could be sincere in interpersonal relationship; be simple in the interaction. We show unpleasant when anger, laugh when funny, and answer loudly when query.
1. Even though I am trapped in the mud, my heart is shining towards the stars
2. In the interpersonal relationship, I hope we can be more sincere and sincere; in the interaction, be more quiet and simple. When you are angry, you will behave badly, laugh when you are amused, and answer out loud when asked.
1. I've lost my way but I will go on until the end.
2. Dealing with others, may you be more sincere and honest; in interaction, be more humble and simple. Be impertinent when angered, guffaw when teased (poked), reply loudly when inquired
1.When my feet trapped in the mud, I land my heart on the stars.
2. When with people I wish for more sincerity, more calmness and frankness. I show only my pride when angered, and I laugh with due humour, and reply aloud when asked a question.
1. Scandal-plagued, he was still wishing for a perfect ending.
2. When dealing with people, strive to be more honest and genuine. In social interactions, be discreet and straightforward -- flipping out when angered, laughing out loud when amused, and speaking out when questioned.
最开始,偶然考古看到Billnet的这个建议(看附录P.S.),受到启发,最开始美坛玩的是新概念的某一篇文章,贴中文,大家练习翻译成英文。但是因为时间精力有限,愚公(EnLearner)就简化成一句话翻译。“少就是多”,大家坚持的还相对不错。也是轮流主持,每人出题的时候,开始我是从网上找中英双语资料,但是发现有版权问题,而且,又觉得练习当前新闻,对提高实时的表达能力很有帮助,就成为现在的模式, 你上次指出中文的翻译问题,非常赞,说明你很用心。一句话翻译的目的其实不是要求100%翻译对,而是利用这个机会学习原版英文的词汇及文法表达,怎么能做到言简意赅,也看看童鞋们的各种表达,学习很多词汇。比如,最近学会了take a narrow lead,多地道多酷的表达,在这个自己先实践,再看原文的对比过程中,更容易印象深刻。
2. There should be more sincerity and heart in human relation, more silence and simplicity in our interactions. Be rude when you are angry, laugh when something is funny, and answer when you are asked.
第二句中,1)“悄然”在汉语中是副词,用于修饰动词和其它形容词,如“悄然落泪”,将其作为silence的译文似有不妥;2)“逊”的意思为“谦让、恭顺、谦虚”,“不逊”则为“不谦虚”,比如“出言不逊”,与rude好像还有些距离。3)“真诚”和“真心”在汉语里虽有细微差别但意思区别不大。真诚是一种品格,真心则是相对个体而言。“Heart”在牛津词典中的释义之一为:“the heart regarded as the center of a person's thoughts and emotions, especially love”。由此译作“爱心”是否更好些?
1. 虽身陷污浊泥淖, 仍心向星光灿烂
2. 在人际关系中, 希望我们能多一些真诚和真心; 互动中, 多一些悄然和简单直白。 生气时就表现出不逊, 逗趣时就哈哈大笑, 被询问时就大声回答。
虽身陷污浊泥淖, 仍心向星光灿烂
Although living in the malignant enviroment , I from the bottom of my heart always face to sunshine.
When life gives you lemons, use them to make lemonade
both talk about "never give up, no matter what"
1. 虽身陷污浊泥淖, 仍心向星光灿烂
(One must) Still hope for starry shininess even though being trapped in dirt and mud.
2. 在人际关系中, 希望我们能多一些真诚和真心; 互动中, 多一些悄然和简单直白。 生气时就表现出不逊, 逗趣时就哈哈大笑, 被询问时就大声回答
(Let's hope for)more sincerity and truthfullness among relationships, more simplicity and straightforwardness for communications. Show unhappienss if not pleased, laugh out loud when vividly amused, and respond firmly when being queried.
Even though stuck in filthy and muddy wetland, yet his heart is going with glittering starlight.
Even though stuck in filthy and muddy wetland, still his heart is remaining with glittering starlight.
keeping his soul toward starry night while get stuck into filthy mud
1. 虽身陷污浊泥淖, 仍心向星光灿烂
试译:Even though my life feels like a complete mess now, I still hope for a star-filled future.
1. Always stay hopeful even when life gets very tough
2. Let’s hope to be more authentic and honest when dealing with others, respectful and straightforward in our interactions. Staying cool when you’re annoyed, laughing out loudly when you’re amused, and always speaking up when asked
2. When dealing with people, we should be more sincere; During the interaction, be more straightforward. When angry, don’t hide your anger. When amused, laugh. When asked, answer out loud.
2. 在人际关系中, 希望我们能多一些真诚和真心; 互动中, 多一些悄然和简单直白。 生气时就表现出不逊, 逗趣时就哈哈大笑, 被询问时就大声回答。
In the interpersonal relationship, let us be faithful and sincere such as being straightforward when u interacting with others,losing your temper when u r angry,bursting into laughter when it is funny, giving an answer when you are asked.
1. Despite I am trapped in a mud, my mind is still towards the brightness.
2. I hope that we could be sincere in interpersonal relationship; be simple in the interaction. We show unpleasant when anger, laugh when funny, and answer loudly when query.
1. Even though I am trapped in the mud, my heart is shining towards the stars
2. In the interpersonal relationship, I hope we can be more sincere and sincere; in the interaction, be more quiet and simple. When you are angry, you will behave badly, laugh when you are amused, and answer out loud when asked.
1. I've lost my way but I will go on until the end.
2. Dealing with others, may you be more sincere and honest; in interaction, be more humble and simple. Be impertinent when angered, guffaw when teased (poked), reply loudly when inquired
2. When with people I wish for more sincerity, more calmness and frankness. I show only my pride when angered, and I laugh with due humour, and reply aloud when asked a question.
"生气时就表现出不逊" , an interesting one.
1. Scandal-plagued, he was still wishing for a perfect ending.
2. When dealing with people, strive to be more honest and genuine. In social interactions, be discreet and straightforward -- flipping out when angered, laughing out loud when amused, and speaking out when questioned.
一点建议:非常喜爱这项活动。今后能不能直接练习翻译中文原句?为什么要把译自英语的译句翻回英文?翻译是一门遗憾的艺术,每次翻译都会有所损失,翻来译去,很难做到信、达、雅,与我们练习所追求的目标不符。(比如,此次翻译句中的“悄然”令人费解,人际关系中何以“悄然”?期待明天的答案能释然。)翻译也没有标准答案 (比如,第一句由于没有上下文,译文的自由度几乎没有上限),没有最好,只有更好,能在大家互相切磋帮扶中共同提高,我们的目的也就达到了。谢谢“树的花花世界”为大家的辛勤付出!
我的理解是: 英翻中后再拿出来大家试, 可以有个原版英语给大家对照。 不是对错的检查, 但也有个比较。 我猜这可能就是为什么大家都用翻译的中文版吧。 既然是翻译的目的是让大家再翻回英文(是有点绕哈), 有些词就不能太意译, 直译确实会有不符合语言习惯的尴尬。 兼顾信,达,雅上肯定有损失, 这是翻译目的不同导致的吧。
这是我玩了几次的感受, 不知对不对, 请美风版主纠正解惑吧。
更容易Chinese whispers了
最开始,偶然考古看到Billnet的这个建议(看附录P.S.),受到启发,最开始美坛玩的是新概念的某一篇文章,贴中文,大家练习翻译成英文。但是因为时间精力有限,愚公(EnLearner)就简化成一句话翻译。“少就是多”,大家坚持的还相对不错。也是轮流主持,每人出题的时候,开始我是从网上找中英双语资料,但是发现有版权问题,而且,又觉得练习当前新闻,对提高实时的表达能力很有帮助,就成为现在的模式, 你上次指出中文的翻译问题,非常赞,说明你很用心。一句话翻译的目的其实不是要求100%翻译对,而是利用这个机会学习原版英文的词汇及文法表达,怎么能做到言简意赅,也看看童鞋们的各种表达,学习很多词汇。比如,最近学会了take a narrow lead,多地道多酷的表达,在这个自己先实践,再看原文的对比过程中,更容易印象深刻。
回复:怎样提高英文写作能力 - 一个最慢 也最快的办法 - 来源: billnet 于 2009-10-22 08:10:42 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 2220 次 (1217 bytes) 字体:调大/重置/调小 | 加入书签 | 打印 | 所有跟帖 | 加跟贴 | 当前最热讨论主题 | 删除 | 取消置顶 | 打包 [管理菜单] 帖子归属: 美语世界 »谜语幽默 »流行美语 »英文电影 »习惯用语 »英文歌曲 »学一个词 »美语美文 »英语朗诵 »实用英语 »中英翻译 »英语原创 »录音指南 »视频听力 »英语资料 »日常英语 »职场英语 本文内容已被 [ billnet ] 在 2009-10-26 05:25:35 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除. 一个最慢 也最快的办法 -找十篇短小范文,每篇三百字为宜;相对于自己目前水平,五篇浅易,五篇较难。所选短文要有音频文件。
将一篇翻译成中文后(不求华丽),再将中文译成英语;将自己的译稿对照原英文元件逐字改正,找出错误。分析一下是单词拼错了,用错了;还是介词连词用错了,还是标点,语法不对。将错误改正后,把文章跟录音读几遍,读熟 ---〉
估计这时候已经能把原文背过了,不要停止,将原文继续朗读十几遍,且要对照模仿原录音读,不必强求但要尽量读得像,音读得准,语调模仿的贴近,直至自己相对满意。这要求在最短的时间内完成。 按此方法,在一到两个月内将这十篇短小范文完成。
再就是国内国外对英语掌握要求不一样。在国外,英语是工具,要求比国内高(多数网友超过国内英语专业的了);满足了(起码达到了)工作要求后,还有继续自学深造: 听力口语写作都要上,在此基础上,再读通英文二三十本小说, 英语就保持住了。
1. We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
这句话是王尔德所写的《温德密尔夫人的扇子》第三幕中达林顿爵士的一句台词, 意思:“我们都在贫民窟中, 但我们中有一些人正仰望着星星。”达林顿原来的意思是“男人都是坏的”(We are all in the gutter), 后面一句中的“星星”指的是他所爱的女人。
目前普遍认同的意思是“我们都从同样的基础开始, 但是我们中有一些人不满足现状,以足够的毅力和勇气去争取成功”。“树的花花世界”第二版译文相当精彩!!
2. There should be more sincerity and heart in human relation, more silence and simplicity in our interactions. Be rude when you are angry, laugh when something is funny, and answer when you are asked.
第二句中,1)“悄然”在汉语中是副词,用于修饰动词和其它形容词,如“悄然落泪”,将其作为silence的译文似有不妥;2)“逊”的意思为“谦让、恭顺、谦虚”,“不逊”则为“不谦虚”,比如“出言不逊”,与rude好像还有些距离。3)“真诚”和“真心”在汉语里虽有细微差别但意思区别不大。真诚是一种品格,真心则是相对个体而言。“Heart”在牛津词典中的释义之一为:“the heart regarded as the center of a person's thoughts and emotions, especially love”。由此译作“爱心”是否更好些?