I just learned this sample technique today. It only takes 10 minutes a day, but if you can practice everyday, you’ll definitely become more fluent in English. I tried myself today and I think it’s very practical.
This game has 3 stages.
First, you are going to give a speech for 1 minute without any preparation. You can talk about anything you like. For example, I asked myself how I like my new job. Then I just start to talk. The rule is you can not stop talking, you must talk for the full minute. Even if you say something nonsense, it’s ok, just keep talking. And you also can’t make any notes while you are speaking , you must only concentrate on speaking. So you start to stage one on your timer, and you speck for one minute. I also record my speech.
Stage two. Make the same speech for one minute. Before the speech, use your pen and paper to write down ideas you came up with. For my speech today, I wrote down the pros and cons about my new job etc. Then I started the timer again. Once the timer hit one minute, I stopped.
Now move to stage three. This time, you’ll make more notes, expand your idea and give more information based on your second speech. Then you start the timer again, speck for one minute , and do the recording again.
If you compare your third speech to your first speech, You’ll be surprised how much more you have improved.
Believe or not, magic does happen in life. Here, I share a magic number of myself.
The number is 3060. It was assigned to me as the employee number from my previous employment.
Some ten years ago in a winter day, my wife got involved in a single car accident. She lost control to the car on a icy road, the car spinned off road, and stopped by a tree right in front of someone's fence. One side door including the windows was smashed, the car was not drivable. The 911 operator called me first then my wife. She forgot her cell phone at home. A nearby witness helped her make all the calls. I got on the scene earlier and waited for police. A minute later a curiser arrived and a young cop came out with the badge number exactly the same as my employee number,3060. This is the first coincidence.
In my most recent work place, I need to pick up a 4_ digit entry code of the building, I chose 0603 reverse to my ex-employee number. For quite some time, I never used it, many times people arrived at the same time and also the building locking policy was not strictly followed, the door ramained unlocked for most of the time. Until one day I really need it, the number seemed on the tip of my tongue, then slipped off my mind completely. It bothered me enough for the rest of the day but not enough to bother checking with HR to find it out only bearing some fun to myself. The next day, I stopped by the Tim Hortons where I bought my daily coffee. First time ever I had my eyes on the store road number. The number is 3060. Alas!
Have you ever experienced such ordinary magics? Would you mind to share? It is entertaining.
美语世界坛将在圣诞节期间举行 My Story My Speech 活动。
活动内容(1 or 2 任选):
1. My Story 网友用英文写出你自己的经历过的故事,可以读出来(optional)
2. My Speech 网友或者用英文写出speech,或者读自己写的Speech,或者读别人写的Speech
活动时间: 12/23/2020(Wed)- 12/26/2020( Sat) (为期四天)
活动论坛: 美语世界论坛
1. 小公主的 How to become fluent in English (文本见下):(https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/215906.html)
小公主的daily writings 都是这个活动的例子。
可以用Chat Pack 练习Topic (AprilMei 推荐:https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/216125.html )。 可以google相关题目增加灵感。
可以用配音秀的演讲材料( 如何上传配音秀,moiausis提供:https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/bbs/mysj/215161.html)
How to become fluent in English author:小公主
I just learned this sample technique today. It only takes 10 minutes a day, but if you can practice everyday, you’ll definitely become more fluent in English. I tried myself today and I think it’s very practical.
This game has 3 stages.
First, you are going to give a speech for 1 minute without any preparation. You can talk about anything you like. For example, I asked myself how I like my new job. Then I just start to talk. The rule is you can not stop talking, you must talk for the full minute. Even if you say something nonsense, it’s ok, just keep talking. And you also can’t make any notes while you are speaking , you must only concentrate on speaking. So you start to stage one on your timer, and you speck for one minute. I also record my speech.
Stage two. Make the same speech for one minute. Before the speech, use your pen and paper to write down ideas you came up with. For my speech today, I wrote down the pros and cons about my new job etc. Then I started the timer again. Once the timer hit one minute, I stopped.
Now move to stage three. This time, you’ll make more notes, expand your idea and give more information based on your second speech. Then you start the timer again, speck for one minute , and do the recording again.
If you compare your third speech to your first speech, You’ll be surprised how much more you have improved.
2. 移花接木的My Magic Number是这次活动的例子(故事加音频)(如何上传音频:https://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/56317/201509/8777.html )
Believe or not, magic does happen in life. Here, I share a magic number of myself.
The number is 3060. It was assigned to me as the employee number from my previous employment.
Some ten years ago in a winter day, my wife got involved in a single car accident. She lost control to the car on a icy road, the car spinned off road, and stopped by a tree right in front of someone's fence. One side door including the windows was smashed, the car was not drivable. The 911 operator called me first then my wife. She forgot her cell phone at home. A nearby witness helped her make all the calls. I got on the scene earlier and waited for police. A minute later a curiser arrived and a young cop came out with the badge number exactly the same as my employee number,3060. This is the first coincidence.
In my most recent work place, I need to pick up a 4_ digit entry code of the building, I chose 0603 reverse to my ex-employee number. For quite some time, I never used it, many times people arrived at the same time and also the building locking policy was not strictly followed, the door ramained unlocked for most of the time. Until one day I really need it, the number seemed on the tip of my tongue, then slipped off my mind completely. It bothered me enough for the rest of the day but not enough to bother checking with HR to find it out only bearing some fun to myself. The next day, I stopped by the Tim Hortons where I bought my daily coffee. First time ever I had my eyes on the store road number. The number is 3060. Alas!
Have you ever experienced such ordinary magics? Would you mind to share? It is entertaining.