You would have already made the money on the put spread (the spread price on 260:250 last week reached 8, so you could close 1:1 put spread to lock in profit first) when Tesla dropped to 220 last week, and now on the way to make money on the call spread of this combo.
If you executed this strategy last week when Tesla was 230 (ajustment those strike price lower), you would have made profit exclusivly on the call spread by now
比较稳妥的办法是双管齐下,即买正股也卖PUT,如果买多了,就通过sell CALL把多余的股票卖掉。
我的理解Ratio Put + Call spread = Sell one Put +(ATM call debit spread + ATM put debit spread)
可不可以理解成,用一个sell put premium P0中的一部分钱P1,分成两半,P1/2用来买ATM call debit spread, P1/2用来买ATM put debit spread。
ATM call/put debit spread,因为在delta=0.5附近,P1/2所以买到的两个spread的 幅度大概比P1多一点,近似为1.3P1。
(1)如果股价上涨高过call spread的范围,拿到的大概P0-P1+1.3P1 = P0+0.3P1权利金;(2)如果股价下跌低过put spread的范围,同样拿到大概P0-P1+1.3P1 = P0+0.3P1权利金, 但是要买入sell PUT的股票。(3)如果股价完全不动,就拿到P0-P1的权利金。
You would have already made the money on the put spread (the spread price on 260:250 last week reached 8, so you could close 1:1 put spread to lock in profit first) when Tesla dropped to 220 last week, and now on the way to make money on the call spread of this combo.
If you executed this strategy last week when Tesla was 230 (ajustment those strike price lower), you would have made profit exclusivly on the call spread by now
Of course, buy and hold is a also a good strategy, but that is an apple vs orange.
If he wants to limit his risk, nothing wrong with it. Everyone has its own strategy. Whatever works for himself is the best one