amit@amitisinvesting WHY DONALD TRUMP WANTS THE MARKET TO CRASH ….in the short term This chart below sums up the reasoning behind what the current adminstration is doing and why it is having adverse effects on the market. Kris @KrisPatel99
did a great job today explaining this more in depth on the market open & I think the thesis checks out: 1. We have $7T of debt we need to pay in the next 6 months…if we don’t pay it, we’ll have to refinance. 2. The Trump admin does NOT want to refinance at a 4%+ rate…the 10yr at one point this year was 4.8%. 3. How do you get the 10yr to come down? Markets need to show weakness in growth, DOGE has to be perceived as actually working, interest rates need to come down. The way to do that is to create massive uncertainties — aka tariffs — which can slow down growth in the short term, get the bond market to start BUYING bonds ASAP because of how scared they are of touching stocks (causing yields to fall which is what we need to refinance the debt) and then that gives the Fed the authority to lower rates which continues to bring yields down. So, although conventional wisdom says tariffs are inflationary and the 10yr should be spiking on more tariffs — it’s actually going down because its bringing so much uncertainly to equity markets that people are selling stocks and buying bonds! Which is exactly what the Trump administration wants to happen in the short term in order to bring refinancing costs down. Short term pain for long term gain?
1)美国现在有36万亿囯债:光利息每年就有一万个亿,压力山大。今年又有十几万亿要新债换旧债。而十年利率又居高不下。唯有人为的让股市回调,把一部分钱赶进中长期债市,政府的十年债券利率才会降低。现在的十年利率才4.2% (原来是4.8 %).
amit @amitisinvesting WHY DONALD TRUMP WANTS THE MARKET TO CRASH ….in the short term
did a great job today explaining this more in depth on the market open & I think the thesis checks out: 1. We have $7T of debt we need to pay in the next 6 months…if we don’t pay it, we’ll have to refinance. 2. The Trump admin does NOT want to refinance at a 4%+ rate…the 10yr at one point this year was 4.8%. 3. How do you get the 10yr to come down? Markets need to show weakness in growth, DOGE has to be perceived as actually working, interest rates need to come down. The way to do that is to create massive uncertainties — aka tariffs — which can slow down growth in the short term, get the bond market to start BUYING bonds ASAP because of how scared they are of touching stocks (causing yields to fall which is what we need to refinance the debt) and then that gives the Fed the authority to lower rates which continues to bring yields down. So, although conventional wisdom says tariffs are inflationary and the 10yr should be spiking on more tariffs — it’s actually going down because its bringing so much uncertainly to equity markets that people are selling stocks and buying bonds! Which is exactly what the Trump administration wants to happen in the short term in order to bring refinancing costs down. Short term pain for long term gain?
25%应该是底线。 甚至25%都不应该。 身价三四米跌掉一米是巨大损失。
巴菲特名言, 投资就两条, 第一是不亏钱, 第二是牢记第一条。
我想2022年, 好多家庭从高点下来, 以米计算的