Stanford and MD Anderson do not accept ACA Indual plans either, only accept group plans offered by employers. However they do accept Traditional Medicare A and B.
For those worry about Medicare Advantage C is not good enough for catastrophic illnesses, now you can switch between Traditional and Advantage at certain time of the year, no specific requirement.
In other words at 65 if you are relative healthy, you could choose Medicare Advantage D plan to save quite a bit of money. Then if unfortunately your health deteriorates a lot, you are worried about the coverage / networks not good enough, then you can switch to Traditional A, B and D, plus getting the supplemental G (now it has many choices).
26.8 %
正確的解釋。 如果您的收入高於政府補貼水平,您要么 支付全額保費或在提交報稅表時償還政府抵免額。 所有所謂的市場計劃都與歐巴馬健保提供的內容相同。
但有些人願意透過一些個人「推薦」的保險公司來買你的保險, 而那些「推薦」的公司將會支付佣金/回扣給「推薦」的個人,那是你的選擇。
我的家庭醫生不接受 個人ACA 計劃,但接受至少 2 家保險公司的 Medicare 計劃
Stanford and MD Anderson do not accept ACA Indual plans either, only accept group plans offered by employers. However they do accept Traditional Medicare A and B.
For those worry about Medicare Advantage C is not good enough for catastrophic illnesses, now you can switch between Traditional and Advantage at certain time of the year, no specific requirement.
In other words at 65 if you are relative healthy, you could choose Medicare Advantage D plan to save quite a bit of money. Then if unfortunately your health deteriorates a lot, you are worried about the coverage / networks not good enough, then you can switch to Traditional A, B and D, plus getting the supplemental G (now it has many choices).