An exchange-traded note (ETN) is a debt security that tracks the performance of an asset, market benchmark, or investment strategy: How it works An investor loans money to a financial institution, such as a bank, and in exchange, the investor's money is tied to the performance of an asset or index. The investor doesn't receive interest. How it's traded ETNs are listed on an exchange and can be bought and sold throughout the trading day like a stock. How it's different from an ETF ETNs are different from exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in several ways, including structure, risk, and regulation: Structure: ETNs are debt securities issued by a financial institution, while ETFs are pooled investment opportunities that typically include baskets of stocks, bonds, and other assets. Risk: ETNs are riskier than ETFs because they're unsecured debt obligations that aren't backed by collateral. ETNs also expose holders to credit risk, which is the risk of the issuer defaulting. Regulation: ETNs and ETFs fall under different regulatory frameworks that offer different investor protections.
FANG+指数(NYSE FANG+ Index)是一个由纽约证券交易所推出的股市指数,旨在追踪全球范围内技术和科技相关行业中的一些最具代表性的高增长公司。这个指数由10只股票组成,采用等权重方法,每只成分股在指数中的权重相同。这种设计突出高波动性和高增长潜力。
1. 成分股:
包括“FAANG”股票(Facebook/Meta、Apple、Amazon、Netflix、Google/Alphabet),以及其他重要的科技和媒体公司,例如微软(Microsoft)、英伟达(NVIDIA)、特斯拉(Tesla)等 。
2. 行业分布:
3. 等权重方法:
4. 波动性与收益:
指数每季度进行一次调整,通常会根据市场表现、公司市值和增长潜力加入或剔除个别公司。例如,最近一次调整中,特斯拉和阿里巴巴被剔除,而博通(Broadcom)和CrowdStrike成为新的成分股 。
• 交易所交易基金(ETF):例如Mirae Asset NYSE FANG+ ETF。
• 杠杆与反向ETN:如MicroSectors FANG+系列产品,包括1倍(FNGS)、2倍(FNGO)和3倍杠杆(FNGU)等 。
An exchange-traded note (ETN) is a debt security that tracks the performance of an asset, market benchmark, or investment strategy: How it works An investor loans money to a financial institution, such as a bank, and in exchange, the investor's money is tied to the performance of an asset or index. The investor doesn't receive interest. How it's traded ETNs are listed on an exchange and can be bought and sold throughout the trading day like a stock. How it's different from an ETF ETNs are different from exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in several ways, including structure, risk, and regulation: Structure: ETNs are debt securities issued by a financial institution, while ETFs are pooled investment opportunities that typically include baskets of stocks, bonds, and other assets. Risk: ETNs are riskier than ETFs because they're unsecured debt obligations that aren't backed by collateral. ETNs also expose holders to credit risk, which is the risk of the issuer defaulting. Regulation: ETNs and ETFs fall under different regulatory frameworks that offer different investor protections.