companies such as Luminar could use their technologies to explore deep oceans that cover 70% of earth, instead of going to the outspace, so that we can live next to whales. Humans have conquered the land, but fishes dominate the oceans. I mean, not disrupting the ecosystem, there is a large space on this earth not fully explored yet. Those are better bet than immigation in the solar system. I see they can make machines see things beyond human can see. We are at the dawn of exploring the ocean.
companies such as Luminar could use their technologies to explore deep oceans that cover 70% of earth, instead of going to the outspace, so that we can live next to whales. Humans have conquered the land, but fishes dominate the oceans. I mean, not disrupting the ecosystem, there is a large space on this earth not fully explored yet. Those are better bet than immigation in the solar system. I see they can make machines see things beyond human can see. We are at the dawn of exploring the ocean.
But I doubt it. They have owned shares of APPLE and META. Bill Gates could be the best investor in tech.:)
1: It needs to be the clear and undisputed market leader in its space
2: It must has a visionary and bold CEO (很多时后大家不屑画大饼的CEO,我要说的是,一家公司如果连饼都画的不大,那这家公司也肯定做不了多大)
3: Its revenue and earning growth must have potential to exceed the current valuation.
A company must first meet at minimal 2 of 3 criteria, and a line of sight to meet all 3 within 12 months, to even being considered.
当然更重要的是选择 正确的sector,这就要因人而异了。
你和糊涂东邪西毒;the best growth/offence-minded investment vs. the best divident/defense minded investment
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