现在,house 2的主人想改善patio顶的排水问题(不知是不是为自主还是以后卖房)。接到的一个方案是:cut a 1/8” inch line in the mortar joint of the wall to put a piece of metal in its place and concrete it back in. 请问这样做,会对house #1 有什么隐患和需要注意的吗?(update:邻居现在又向contractor询问有没有其它的方案,在等回复。)
Did you mean the owner of the house 2 can do anything
That he wants, including cutting a line on the wall of house 1 from a different owner? Sorry, I may not express it clearly. The two houses have differnent owners.
这是关于两个相邻townhouse的问题。手机没有extension rod,所以下面照片是从一人高的位置照的。照片里,左侧的是House 1,右侧的是house 2 (邻居),中间是house 2 的带screen(6大片 黑色screens)的patio和一部分的二楼。patio的roof不是后面二楼那样的roof (黑色)。patio 的roof现在估计就是一两层什么sheets。与House 2 patio相接的house 1 的墙的部分大概15-20 feet 长。这个patio的顶,两面(右侧和后侧)连着house#2,顶的坡度向house #1倾斜,所以雨水向house#1流。patio的顶,没有像样的gutter,可能只有个挡板在house#1的外墙。
现在,house 2的主人想改善patio顶的排水问题(不知是不是为自主还是以后卖房)。接到的一个方案是:cut a 1/8” inch line in the mortar joint of the wall to put a piece of metal in its place and concrete it back in. 请问这样做,会对house #1 有什么隐患和需要注意的吗?(update:邻居现在又向contractor询问有没有其它的方案,在等回复。)
我是希望house 2 patio的顶重做一个正规的房顶+gutter,房顶向外倾斜(没有墙的一侧)。值得这么大改动吗?这样要求house 2的主人合理么?
whatever he wants. In my opinion the patio should be rebuilt. The tilted line is so urgly.
That he wants, including cutting a line on the wall of house 1 from a different owner? Sorry, I may not express it clearly. The two houses have differnent owners.