Bitcoin ETFs and Fees

楼主 (文学城)

Here is the fee table. The lowest is BITB. No fee for first six months or first $1 B reached.  IBIT has the largest assets at the moment with around $22 million. GBTC sold $1 B worth of asset in last few days. Their target is to bring it to $0 and exchange with other Spot ETFs. 

I would choose one of the ETFs in top 3 list. Any fee over .25% is too high. This will be cheaper than buying Bitcoin directly from Coinbase, Robinhood or Paypal (I feel these 3 will need to reduce fee in the future, otherwise no one will buy it from their platform). 

The selling pressure may continue until GBTC is close to complete its turnover. With those ETFs available, it would be much safer for people to buy bitcoin. We shall see institutional support of Bitcoin spot price, hence it should be more stable than before. Can it go to the MOON? lol... I hope so.

If it goes to $0 (which I think it won't happen in next 20 years at least, until a brand new super coin comes out), so be it. Life is all about to take measured risk. :-)

我的ETF都负20,diamond hand,

Tom Lee 木头姐都说要翻番。