取决于个人。另一位朋友是专业投资者 He put in maximum to Roth each year
Trade profits from Roth are tax free. His Roth grows 30 to 50% a year from trading.
If you ask, he is putting 50% of his LIQUID investable assets on 13 to 26 weeks T Bills at this moment. The other 50% have also 50% (meaning 25% of total investable assets) on 52 weeks T Bills. At the moment he only uses 25% of total LIQUID investable assets for trading.
All T Bills are held at brokerage accounts so if needed can immediately cash out for stock trading needs.
Meanwhile he is preparing to get rid of his rental properties which are bought in 2008-2009 under the premise of "diverstification" but he hates to be a landlord, much prefer to be a stock trader, a lot less matters to look after.
听你讲过好多次说能推迟交税的一定不现在交。我有点困惑,Roth 401k的gain是不交税的,如果退休后住在retirement money需要交税的州,是不推迟交税不一定划算?
不确定因素太多。我主要是考虑到Roth 401k 的gain不用交税,所以不确定哪个更合适
不要忘了Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) ,到了73岁,401k/IRA的数目会很大,税率不一定会降下来。
可以去没有州税的地方先去把IRA转为Roth IRA。
不要低估 IRA 的资本收益,当您必须 领取 RMD, the tax burden could be much larger than the tax paid to convert to Roch。
2022 IRS had a one time exemption that you could opt not to take RMD. They saved $40K+ tax that year.
https://www.marketbeat.com/dividends/calculator/ 来算算将来的大概的 401K 的复利增长。
输入 比较S&P 更保守一点的 2% dividend,0% dividend increase, 8% share price increase, years 根据自己据73岁还有多少年来 任意调整, set DRIP to Yes。 然后根据ending balance 再看看73岁后你的RMD 会是多少。RMD 网上有算法。
许多人(白领阶层)72 岁时发现比自己退休前的收入还高,税率自然也就高了。
大概率将来的税率会高, 才可能支撑非法难民,俄乌战争支出,社会福利,等等。
想想Roth 401k 的gain 有可能挺可观的,所以有点儿晕,不知应该选哪个
Trade profits from Roth are tax free. His Roth grows 30 to 50% a year from trading.
If you ask, he is putting 50% of his LIQUID investable assets on 13 to 26 weeks T Bills at this moment. The other 50% have also 50% (meaning 25% of total investable assets) on 52 weeks T Bills. At the moment he only uses 25% of total LIQUID investable assets for trading.
All T Bills are held at brokerage accounts so if needed can immediately cash out for stock trading needs.
Meanwhile he is preparing to get rid of his rental properties which are bought in 2008-2009 under the premise of "diverstification" but he hates to be a landlord, much prefer to be a stock trader, a lot less matters to look after.
我预测国会以后会补上这个漏洞,反正我们家是全额投Mega 401K (backdoor,前几年公司才给这个选项),虽然现在交很多税。
剩下的投Roth. 得研究一下