旧房客搬走时已经打扫了, 基本干净, 但肯定是有不完美的地方。所以我没打算再找人清洁了。
新房客说他的老妈(不在lease上)对动物过敏,要求我deep clean。我有这个义务吗?要多少钱?大概1500 sf.
他妈有啥过敏, 跟我有啥关系?他的意思是猫的毛, 还是味道?
我能让他自己找人deep clean 吗?我不想付这个钱, 更不想负这个责, 万一将来他老妈出什么问题。法律上有什么说法吗?
我在网上看的deep clean的定义,好像我们的清洁工都做了。
1500 sqft, 到了300-500
就看你愿不愿work with 这个房客
Prepare a document for her to read and sign..
1. This is not included in the lease agreement.
2. You can do this and pay upfront, but she has to pay you back in installment (say 200 extra a month)
3. The cleaning is no guarantee that occupants will not develop allegeries...
you may lose this month's rent.
1. 允许他们 break lease 搬家,不扣deposit
2. 问清楚她要什么样的deep clean。跟她说清楚你可以付这次的钱,等她搬走的时候再做一次同样的clean,她付钱或者从deposit扣除。还要按B大说的做一下paperwork,让她签字。
其实还是看这房客是不是easy work with,钱其实是小事。要是不停地找麻烦干脆利用这个机会请她现在就搬家。
including the grounds and all buildings and improvements, and that they are, at the time of this Lease, in good order, good repair, safe, clean, and tenantable condition.
charge前房客,或者自己吃进,lease上的新房客随时可以file complaint.
旧房客搬走时已经打扫了, 基本干净, 但肯定是有不完美的地方。所以我没打算再找人清洁了。
新房客说他的老妈(不在lease上)对动物过敏,要求我deep clean。我有这个义务吗?要多少钱?大概1500 sf.
他妈有啥过敏, 跟我有啥关系?他的意思是猫的毛, 还是味道?
我能让他自己找人deep clean 吗?我不想付这个钱, 更不想负这个责, 万一将来他老妈出什么问题。法律上有什么说法吗?
我在网上看的deep clean的定义,好像我们的清洁工都做了。
1500 sqft, 到了300-500
就看你愿不愿work with 这个房客
Prepare a document for her to read and sign..
1. This is not included in the lease agreement.
2. You can do this and pay upfront, but she has to pay you back in installment (say 200 extra a month)
3. The cleaning is no guarantee that occupants will not develop allegeries...
you may lose this month's rent.
1. 允许他们 break lease 搬家,不扣deposit
2. 问清楚她要什么样的deep clean。跟她说清楚你可以付这次的钱,等她搬走的时候再做一次同样的clean,她付钱或者从deposit扣除。还要按B大说的做一下paperwork,让她签字。
其实还是看这房客是不是easy work with,钱其实是小事。要是不停地找麻烦干脆利用这个机会请她现在就搬家。
including the grounds and all buildings and improvements, and that they are, at the time of this Lease, in good order, good repair, safe, clean, and tenantable condition.
charge前房客,或者自己吃进,lease上的新房客随时可以file complaint.