
楼主 (北美华人网)
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/17 9:47:01编辑过]
2 楼
why so expensive for such a relative small project!

try take lots of pictures of the work, send him through email. Tell him it's not acceptable, and he needs to fix it before you pay him off. Save the email as record.

If he doesn't response, keep sending him email every other day. That proves that you have been actively trying to work with him on the issue, but he's not cooperating.

You can take him to court before he files lien against you!
3 楼
WHY don't you sue him??
Even if he didn't threaten you, you should take the pictures and sue him, now he threatened you, you must sue him with plenty good reasons.
I remember a post in mitbbs about sueing contractor for building fence, and he/she won, just take pictures for evidence.