我女儿之前住的1b/1b公寓在加州。现带家具出租,租期1/21/2023开始。房客1/30星期一投诉昨晚被虫咬并说可能是bedbugs后来又说是fleas, 我即刻联系杀虫公司, technicians下午两点去做检查并杀虫。1/31 房客说没有被咬,但是2/1投诉fleas还在,身上有红点并增加到50多处,奇痒。 要求搬到hotel 住直到虫被完全杀死。我问房客你是否已联系杀虫公司,她说应该房东做。我在下午打电话并留言,当天晚上房客说身上已有70多处并说“The pest control said they cannot eradicate them once and for all.”并要求退还一月房租,住酒店,退还虫没彻底消灭的天数的二月房租。房客还一直强调fleas造成她mental, physical health 伤害,无法工作。2/2早上我再次打电话并与technician通话,我被告知:他们两个在公寓检查了45分钟左右,翻沙发床垫...但没发现one flea.在房客再三要求下做了treatment (bill上写明房客报告有fleas并要求杀虫),technician 说即使有虫咬,也不能肯定是公寓里的也可能经过的草地被咬并带回家。并且the impact 需要a few days. 房客说她要联系公司的legal service。2/3今天,我准备联系房客,杀虫公司三方在公寓见面寻求解决办法,要再杀次虫?我应该同意房客住酒店直到虫彻底消灭并退租金?被fleas咬了就有人体伤害要赔偿?我可以怎样合法让她走吗?已发法坛,也想请教这里的各位,谢谢。
You are taking it seriously... don't be afraid... this
tenant is a trouble maker and trying to take advantage of you, seems like. Keep good records, especially the report from pest control. Pest control can give you report about the finding/non-finding of whatever. As long as you are not being negligent and reasonable, you should be okay going to court, if it takes there
我女儿之前住的1b/1b公寓在加州。现带家具出租,租期1/21/2023开始。房客1/30星期一投诉昨晚被虫咬并说可能是bedbugs后来又说是fleas, 我即刻联系杀虫公司, technicians下午两点去做检查并杀虫。1/31 房客说没有被咬,但是2/1投诉fleas还在,身上有红点并增加到50多处,奇痒。 要求搬到hotel 住直到虫被完全杀死。我问房客你是否已联系杀虫公司,她说应该房东做。我在下午打电话并留言,当天晚上房客说身上已有70多处并说“The pest control said they cannot eradicate them once and for all.”并要求退还一月房租,住酒店,退还虫没彻底消灭的天数的二月房租。房客还一直强调fleas造成她mental, physical health 伤害,无法工作。2/2早上我再次打电话并与technician通话,我被告知:他们两个在公寓检查了45分钟左右,翻沙发床垫...但没发现one flea.在房客再三要求下做了treatment (bill上写明房客报告有fleas并要求杀虫),technician 说即使有虫咬,也不能肯定是公寓里的也可能经过的草地被咬并带回家。并且the impact 需要a few days. 房客说她要联系公司的legal service。2/3今天,我准备联系房客,杀虫公司三方在公寓见面寻求解决办法,要再杀次虫?我应该同意房客住酒店直到虫彻底消灭并退租金?被fleas咬了就有人体伤害要赔偿?我可以怎样合法让她走吗?已发法坛,也想请教这里的各位,谢谢。
谢各位。我愿意退租金,只要她搬走。问题是她没想搬啊,还二月底洗地毯(只有卧室是地毯)。想再请教:如果按她要求退钱,终止合约,她以后会以mental health issue 再找我吗?我需要请专业律师写一个addendum杜绝后患?
tenant is a trouble maker and trying to take advantage of you, seems like. Keep good records, especially the report from pest control. Pest control can give you report about the finding/non-finding of whatever. As long as you are not being negligent and reasonable, you should be okay going to court, if it takes there
Not only for this, but for other possible scenarios...
You don't have the experience to deal with them. By having a lawyer you basically pay to get professional service.
if found any bed bug, go home depot, buy a bag of powder, worked for me.