1. living room has a receptacle wired in reverse 2. kitchen sink plumbing is not active and leaking. 3. water heater TPR valve extension tube is not installed. 4. washing machine shut off valves are leaking. 5. hall bathroom light fixture is leaking and not active. 6. master bathroom cabinet plumbing is leaking. 7. water heater electrical is not properly installed. 8. Repair the disconnected furnace vent pipe 9. Repair unwrapped duct work in the attic 10.Some air registers have water damage due to condensation 11.dishwasher is leaking and not working properly
2) 周末接到租客的短信说冷气机只出暖风,于是让他先用box fan顶过周末,今天早上打了一圈电话,大部分一听到是AC repair就马上要$120-150的on site diagnosis fee,后来通过Thumbtack联系到了一位评分很高的handyman,电话里说$80就可以过来,来了之后发现ac condensor capacitator坏了,换好还是不行,发现要换fan motor,后来收了我们$450
问题:我们是不是被坑了?还有那个ac condensor很老旧了1999的型号,handyman跟我们说可能要预留大概3-4000来换掉condensor和coil,下一次再出问题的话我们应该继续修理这个老古董还是狠下心换个系统呢?
1. living room has a receptacle wired in reverse
2. kitchen sink plumbing is not active and leaking.
3. water heater TPR valve extension tube is not installed.
4. washing machine shut off valves are leaking.
5. hall bathroom light fixture is leaking and not active.
6. master bathroom cabinet plumbing is leaking.
7. water heater electrical is not properly installed.
8. Repair the disconnected furnace vent pipe
9. Repair unwrapped duct work in the attic
10.Some air registers have water damage due to condensation
11.dishwasher is leaking and not working properly
总结:打算以后换租客的时候把garbage disposal和洗碗机都拆了。
帮你换个capacitor 都至少收200呢。
其他的问题我都不懂,不好说该请plumber 还是handyman,等波大糊涂兄吧。