Hey Mr. Smith, my mom told me about this movie called Gifted Hands. Its a great movie and i really recommend you to see it. If you have any time, heres the link http://uploadville.com/30oc0jiuy7bv 当初,推荐这部电影给PETER,他不看。我推荐的他都拒绝。 题材取自真人真事。对PETER最有震动的是,小卡森 因 暴躁,2次差点出人命,那将是另一个人生。 我能理解你。2年前,我认为再这样下去,他有一天会杀了我。 现在老大变成这样了: http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/znjy/1517553.html
Appearance is a big thing in teens and young adults. When my son had a haircut which was only very slightly shorter than "perfect" on one tiny spot, he refused to take a formal picture which will show on school's yearbook. We had to cancel appointment(heavy fine) at a photo studio and wait for another 3 weeks.
Agree with Adazheng, if his disrespecfulness toward you or both parents is a pattern, then you need to check seriously your relationship with him, and set bottom lines and stick with them.
With one teen in my household, i would like to share that teens don't always mean or understand what they say or do. Most of times, thay are driven by surging hormone and emotions, often regret late. Seeing a counselor can help a lot. They can release nagative feelings safely, learn skills to manage nagative feelings, and keep mentally and emotionally healthy.
My hu*****and often uses this phrase if he feels awkward or traffic is bad, it doesn't mean he's mad at me or being rude. I know.
To those who are native English speakers in U.S, SOB really doesn't count as cursing or swearing. It's just an expression of emotions. So take it easy.
I wouldn't be mad even if my child occasionally uses F word, if it doesn't point directly to anyone. Who doesn't use it anyway?
晚上我给十七岁的儿子剪头。因为光线不好,我说:明天白天个别地方可能要修一修。他好不高兴,说我还要浪费他的时间(今晚是他要求剪的)。于是让他稍低点头也不听,让他侧向灯光也报怨。我火了:你到底剪不剪,不剪就算了! 他大声骂道:"给我剪!sun of a *****." 我气的冲了出去。。。
你娃是过线了,曾经也看到听到很多, 成人懂事后就会理解。
就事论事,以后也不用剪头,在外面剪, 好坏他自己负责。
当初,推荐这部电影给PETER,他不看。我推荐的他都拒绝。 题材取自真人真事。对PETER最有震动的是,小卡森 因 暴躁,2次差点出人命,那将是另一个人生。 我能理解你。2年前,我认为再这样下去,他有一天会杀了我。 现在老大变成这样了: http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/znjy/1517553.html
when you are emotional.
when you are emotional.
Appearance is a big thing in teens and young adults. When my son had a haircut which was only very slightly shorter than "perfect" on one tiny spot, he refused to take a formal picture which will show on school's yearbook. We had to cancel appointment(heavy fine) at a photo studio and wait for another 3 weeks.
Agree with Adazheng, if his disrespecfulness toward you or both parents is a pattern, then you need to check seriously your relationship with him, and set bottom lines and stick with them.
With one teen in my household, i would like to share that teens don't always mean or understand what they say or do. Most of times, thay are driven by surging hormone and emotions, often regret late. Seeing a counselor can help a lot. They can release nagative feelings safely, learn skills to manage nagative feelings, and keep mentally and emotionally healthy.
My hu*****and often uses this phrase if he feels awkward or traffic is bad, it doesn't mean he's mad at me or being rude. I know.
To those who are native English speakers in U.S, SOB really doesn't count as cursing or swearing. It's just an expression of emotions. So take it easy.
I wouldn't be mad even if my child occasionally uses F word, if it doesn't point directly to anyone. Who doesn't use it anyway?
他是指著你的鼻子說嗎? 如果不是, 可能只是發洩一下情緒, 並不是真的罵你. 不過在父母面前說粗話也是很不恰當的.
十七岁的儿子, 受到美国教育, 家中有如此典型的中国妈妈, 他不性格分裂就不错了...他能让你给他理发, 要多大的耐心啊! 他在同学面前不自卑吗? 多么好的, 伟大的儿子... 俺家的早都要去super Clip or Sports Clip. 而且最好是MVP service.
你儿子很正常. 这个年纪,你不能要求他象四五十岁的过来人.
我年青是跟大多数男孩一样年少气盛.不时惹母亲生气. 等到自己有了小孩, 经历过人生的坎坷,到后来自然能体会到父母恩重如山.
儿子年青的时候不懂事. 做父母的何必跟自己的骨肉计较.