你的brokerage的traditional IRA account是不分non- deductible IRA或者deductible IRA的,其实是brokerage没法给你分因为会产生gain呀。但是brokerage每年会给你5498form(contribution表)你如果转钱去traditional IRA account,以及1099R(distribution表)你如果转钱出traditional IRA进Roth IRA account,所以你的contribution和distribution都有记录的,你就拿这两个表报税,traditional IRA和Roth IRA 两个account都会有如果你转的话。8606表记录你有多少是已经交过税的。
因为convert到Roth IRA这第二步是没有limit,所以你现在可以转2020的6000和2021的6000到你的traditional IRA account,同时convert到Roth IRA,你会收到brokerage的1099R包含两年的conversion to Roth IRA 算在2021的conversion里。第一步转去traditional IRA的deadline是第二年的4/15,所以你现在可以转2020和2021 年各6000去你的traditional IRA,第二步转去Roth IRA的deadline是当年12/31,所以你现在转去年的也算在2021年的报税。没有gain都无所谓,有gain的话第二步就要注意convert到Roth IRA的年份了。
如果在你的名下有其他的traditional IRA account的话,包括房产,土地等等,都要在你convert到Roth IRA这一步时按比例交税的。房子土地都要做appraisal确定value。
No problem, there is always exception for American tax code. lol
The spousal IRA exception
Fortunately for married couples, there is one way to make a contribution to an IRA if you don't have wages—a traditional or Roth spousal IRA. This is a tax-advantaged retirement account designed specifically to allow a working spouse to make contributions on behalf of a nonworking spouse.
Under current laws, if you're married filing jointly, you can contribute the maximum into an IRA for each spouse—even if one of you has no earned income—as long as the working spouse has income equal to both contributions. So let's say both you and your spouse are over 50 and want to contribute the maximum of $7,000 to each of your IRAs. Whichever one of you is working would have to have earned income of $14,000 or more to cover both contributions.
你现在只要去开两个account,一个traditional IRA account,一个Roth IRA account。如果你LG也投的话就是开4个account。然后先从外面自己的account转钱去traditional IRA account,2020和2021两年各6000 进去,要分年头转的。然后再转里头所有的钱去Roth IRA account。就好了。
我知道可以去各种brokerage 开个账号,然后的问题是如何能转6000刀的 pre-tax money 进去?工资到手不都是after tax的吗?
讲个栗子: 今天我去开两个账号,一个traditional 一个 Roth, 然后往traditional 里面加入6000刀 for2020,同一天还没产生任何利息和收入,马上转到Roth IRA里面。那么2020 报税的时候, 要先从 income deduct traditional 的6000刀, 然后再把转的6000加入收入,这么一个来回,等于0 变化。
注意你不能有别的traditional ira不能有税前的钱,不然你得再交税吧。我因为有一个以前公司的401k转的traditional ira 和一个sep ira,一直没做backdoor.
这个threshold 比 Roth threshold 还要低。所以如果你连Roth 都不qualified 的话,是不可能qualify deductible IRA 的,只能开non deductible IRA, 然后back door 进 Roth. 这是我的理解,大牛们来看看对不对?
里头包括non- deductible IRA和deductible IRA两种,brokerage不会给你分两个不同的IRA的。
要区分这两种IRA是从你的税表上区分。有一个8606表累计记录你的non- deductible IRA的数字。如果是non- deductible IRA,你每年报税时填上这是你税后的钱,8606表就会每年累积记录。你把这个account全部转去Roth IRA时,多于这个数字的是产生的gain是要交税的。所以你马上convert到Roth就没有gain产生就不需要付税。然后你报税时报转去了的Roth,8606表就会减去你的non- deductible的累计数值。
你的brokerage的traditional IRA account是不分non- deductible IRA或者deductible IRA的,其实是brokerage没法给你分因为会产生gain呀。但是brokerage每年会给你5498form(contribution表)你如果转钱去traditional IRA account,以及1099R(distribution表)你如果转钱出traditional IRA进Roth IRA account,所以你的contribution和distribution都有记录的,你就拿这两个表报税,traditional IRA和Roth IRA 两个account都会有如果你转的话。8606表记录你有多少是已经交过税的。
因为convert到Roth IRA这第二步是没有limit,所以你现在可以转2020的6000和2021的6000到你的traditional IRA account,同时convert到Roth IRA,你会收到brokerage的1099R包含两年的conversion to Roth IRA 算在2021的conversion里。第一步转去traditional IRA的deadline是第二年的4/15,所以你现在可以转2020和2021 年各6000去你的traditional IRA,第二步转去Roth IRA的deadline是当年12/31,所以你现在转去年的也算在2021年的报税。没有gain都无所谓,有gain的话第二步就要注意convert到Roth IRA的年份了。
如果在你的名下有其他的traditional IRA account的话,包括房产,土地等等,都要在你convert到Roth IRA这一步时按比例交税的。房子土地都要做appraisal确定value。
你税低的年份按比例转去Roth IRA。non- deductible IRA是没有收入限制放满401K也可以放的,是extra contribution。不放就放弃了,转Roth当然也少了。假如这个backdoor 税法不变任何时候都可以转的。
太感谢了写这么多。俺目前看,不到LD退休 没有滴水的时候了
The spousal IRA exception
Fortunately for married couples, there is one way to make a contribution to an IRA if you don't have wages—a traditional or Roth spousal IRA. This is a tax-advantaged retirement account designed specifically to allow a working spouse to make contributions on behalf of a nonworking spouse.
Under current laws, if you're married filing jointly, you can contribute the maximum into an IRA for each spouse—even if one of you has no earned income—as long as the working spouse has income equal to both contributions. So let's say both you and your spouse are over 50 and want to contribute the maximum of $7,000 to each of your IRAs. Whichever one of you is working would have to have earned income of $14,000 or more to cover both contributions.
你LG放满401K都可以再放non- deductible IRA。
你现在只要去开两个account,一个traditional IRA account,一个Roth IRA account。如果你LG也投的话就是开4个account。然后先从外面自己的account转钱去traditional IRA account,2020和2021两年各6000 进去,要分年头转的。然后再转里头所有的钱去Roth IRA account。就好了。
报税时,你如果用turbo tax的话,走一遍IRA section,跟着走按要求把数字填上就好了。你当年马上转掉2021年的8606表也没有数字的。就不需要管它了。