We met a very bad eviction company, what can we do now

楼主 (文学城)

我遇到了一家very bad驅逐公司,稱為one source eviction,或landlord eviction,她拒絕繼續幫助我們的案子,no email,她還未經我們同意提交了removal of unknown 申請。我們如何處理這種情況? 起訴這家公司?

我們位於san diego, ca,您知道任何好的驅逐公司或律師想繼續為我們的案件提供幫助?

用Fast Eviction, 各地有分枝
Maybe learn to spell?



thank you for pointing out my typo

thank you for correcting me. It is our first time to do eviction. If you google "one source eviction review", you will see how bad this company was. We paid around $500 at the first time to expecting she can help us on everything as their ads said. But she kept on charging us different items, her processing server could not deliever the summons and complaints sucessfully first, then she wanted to charge us $250 to apply the court post and mail service, This is the time I was forced to get involved, since I checked the court post and mail service only charge $20, then I decided to apply this step by myself. Also at this time, I found out she submitted the "dismissal of unknown" for us and also charged us for extra money without letting us knew also. I found the charges from my credit card bill. Then I asked her to cancel the "dismissal of unknown" form. Then she got mad, emailed us saying that she will not help us anymore. I asked her to give us the document she submitted to court and some deliver documents(due diligence), no more reply. That is the reason I asked my question here to see if I can get any help to sue this company and find another company to help me to continue our case. We start our eviction since this end of Feb since our tenant didnot pay from the begining of the year. Sorry it is hard for me to type in Chinese. I used google translator in my last post

Sorry not sure what "dismissal of unknown" is.

Customer is not always right.  You are looking for a good eviction company, an eviction company is also looking for good clients. 


$500 应该只是该公司的收费,法院的费用、送信的费用还是你付
"We met a very bad eviction company, how can we do now". 改为“ ..

改为“ ......, what can we do now"?


国人经常 how, what 的使用分不清.

do we have a good lawyer you can recommend to us?

yes, they already charged us additional over $400 for some extra services, including court fee $240

see inside to see "dismissal of unknown"

if you found people other than the defendants also lives inside the house, you need evict them also, otherwise, even if you won the case, the police could not evict those people not in the defendants list