premium subsidy depends on your state participatation (medicare expansion), and your family size ,,,etc. So you have to manage your income very carefully not to cross the cliff. The substy is in form of refundable tax credit meaning you get money back if the substy is more than your tax bill.
curious how the self-formed group idea works? any insurance agents here to help?
you can google group health insurance without jobs, ACA(Obamacare), private insurance, professional organization membership insurance,.... shop around.
麻州有麻州care,大概还能付得了。60岁要1.5万一年。但是比一般的商业保险还是要好。不知道奥巴马care 行不行?还有就是成立一个无业务公司,众人团购group保险。不知道行不行?听人说过,理论上应该可以。至少比单独购买要好。
更多我的博客文章>>> 关于提前退休养老保险的问题 有父母在的地方,不管什么时候都能回家 你在生存空间的哪个位置 人这一辈子 我们积累了太多没用的东西
premium subsidy depends on your state participatation (medicare expansion), and your family size ,,,etc. So you have to manage your income very carefully not to cross the cliff. The substy is in form of refundable tax credit meaning you get money back if the substy is more than your tax bill.
curious how the self-formed group idea works? any insurance agents here to help?
What is Mass Care?
Do you mean
ObamaCare(Affordable Care Act)落实是各个州选择自己做还是让联邦政府做。麻省选择自己做,所以MA Health Connector就是ObamaCare,遵守的都是ObamaCare的规则。 see
Do you know where the group insurance can be purchased? Thanks
you can google group health insurance without jobs, ACA(Obamacare), private insurance, professional organization membership insurance,.... shop around.