Unfortunately, at the time that you were trying to get into your driveway, our driver was having to deal with a troubled child and could not move the bus. I do apologize for your inconvenience, however it would have been unsafe for our driver to move at that time.
然后我回email说我看到司机正在檫窗子, 并在后窗挂了个"checked"白牌子。不是deal with a troubled child。(今天查网站才知道这个"checked"白牌子表示检查过了, 没遗留睡着的小孩在车上。 说明校车上当时根本没有学生)
然后助理经理回email说, 奥, 这不是我们公司的校巴, 我们不挂"checked"白牌子。 First Student 才挂"checked"白牌子。
昨天一辆黄色校巴挡在俺driver way上,司机在车上,俺开车在后面俺喇叭, 等足有5分钟, 校巴才挪走。
然后回家找到校巴网站, 填表抱怨。表格包括车号, 车牌号。
今天, 黄色校巴公司助理经理回email解释说,
Unfortunately, at the time that you were trying to get into your driveway, our driver was having to deal with a troubled child and could not move the bus. I do apologize for your inconvenience, however it would have been unsafe for our driver to move at that time.
然后我回email说我看到司机正在檫窗子, 并在后窗挂了个"checked"白牌子。不是deal with a troubled child。(今天查网站才知道这个"checked"白牌子表示检查过了, 没遗留睡着的小孩在车上。 说明校车上当时根本没有学生)
然后助理经理回email说, 奥, 这不是我们公司的校巴, 我们不挂"checked"白牌子。 First Student 才挂"checked"白牌子。
你说这经理不是糊弄老百姓吗? 根本没查车号,就马上扯谎找借口, 然后才发现不是他们的车。
我上班路上要经过一个并不大的富人小区(最远走路也就5分钟)出口。好多富人还要开车把孩子送到出口。很多孩子还在坐在车里等。Bus到门口后,他们才磨磨蹭蹭地走出小区大门,还不急不慢的上车。常常就为这么几个学生等5 分钟左右。有时真想下车踢那最后一个孩子两脚。
compiling/executing 出错,,,,
Error: Use of undeclared identifier “一个”