于是乎, 女娲在忘情河边, 用兄妹玩过家家时, 专门发明的语言, 深情地唱一曲"Far From The Sanctuary", 然后毫不犹豫地跳入忘情河,将河底的五彩神石取出,用于补天。
天补好了, 老百姓重新安居乐业了。不过, 女娲的生命中, 从此不再有爱情。。
这是当年女娲在忘情河边演唱的Far From The Sanctuary 翻译成中文, 就是救赎的意思...
"Far From The Sanctuary"/偶尔掉链子
With eyes of fire we'll stand in line to the final destination Prepare to pay the price of life without further explanation The eyes of a wolf, they live in pain The struggle is now over we'll then dedicate To an unknown world the darkness restless harbour
The path to death is revealed The truth due is received
Far, from the sanctuary with a castle made of gold Here, in the solemness with the songs of the unstoned Dear it's forevermore till we make it back in time - Done? To the other side, we'll be alright To the shadow gate we'll rise
Placing fire from the sky, the screams of desperation All alone in the darkest fields, the signs of recreation Back and forth once again Once Again! Demise is all that remains
Far, from the sanctuary with a castle made of gold Here, in the solemness with the songs of the unstoned Dear it's forevermore till we make it back in time To the other side, we'll be alright
To the shadow gate we'll rise
Far, from the sanctuary with a castle made of gold Here, in the solemness with the songs of the unstoned
Dear it's forevermore till we make it back in time To the other side We'll be alright To the other side... we'll be alright
Far, from the sanctuary with a castle made of gold Castle made of gold Here, in the solemness with the songs of the unstoned
Dear it's forevermore till we make it back in time To the other side, we'll be alright
在上古时代,华夏的始祖共公氏 (炎帝的孙子) 与颛顼 (黄帝的孙子) 都喜欢天下第一美女女娲。。。
可是, 可是, 女娲不稀饭这俩儿孙子, 她深爱的, 是她的亲哥哥伏羲。。。
结果, 这俩儿孙子为红颜冲冠一怒,合力打败了伏羲。伏羲在东方无立足之地, 只好逃到了西方, 据说后来伏羲在西方打遍天下无敌手, 变成了西方万神之王。。。
赶走了伏羲后, 为了能够独霸女娲, 共公氏与颛顼在不周山下又一决雌雄!
一时间, 天塌地陷, 乾坤倒错, 日月颠倒, 黎民百姓流离失所, 无以为生。
女娲为了天下的黍民百姓 (对, 都是她跟亲哥哥伏羲玩儿过家家时, 用泥巴捏出来的),决心把天上的这个窟窿补上。可是补漏洞, 必须要用五彩神石。这种五彩神石, 只有在忘情河的河底才能得到。女娲长叹一声, 自己的意中人伏羲生死未卜, 共公氏与颛顼这俩儿孙子, 看着就恶心。
问世间情为何物, 直教神生死相许。。。。
于是乎, 女娲在忘情河边, 用兄妹玩过家家时, 专门发明的语言, 深情地唱一曲"Far From The Sanctuary", 然后毫不犹豫地跳入忘情河,将河底的五彩神石取出,用于补天。
天补好了, 老百姓重新安居乐业了。不过, 女娲的生命中, 从此不再有爱情。。
这是当年女娲在忘情河边演唱的Far From The Sanctuary 翻译成中文, 就是救赎的意思...
"Far From The Sanctuary"/偶尔掉链子
With eyes of fire we'll stand in line to the final destinationPrepare to pay the price of life without further explanation
The eyes of a wolf, they live in pain
The struggle is now over we'll then dedicate
To an unknown world the darkness restless harbour
The path to death is revealed
The truth due is received
Far, from the sanctuary with a castle made of gold
Here, in the solemness with the songs of the unstoned
Dear it's forevermore till we make it back in time - Done?
To the other side, we'll be alright
To the shadow gate we'll rise
Placing fire from the sky, the screams of desperation
All alone in the darkest fields, the signs of recreation
Back and forth once again Once Again!
Demise is all that remains
Far, from the sanctuary with a castle made of gold
Here, in the solemness with the songs of the unstoned
Dear it's forevermore till we make it back in time
To the other side, we'll be alright
To the shadow gate we'll rise
Far, from the sanctuary with a castle made of gold
Here, in the solemness with the songs of the unstoned
Dear it's forevermore till we make it back in time
To the other side
We'll be alright To the other side... we'll be alright
Far, from the sanctuary with a castle made of gold Castle made of gold
Here, in the solemness with the songs of the unstoned
Dear it's forevermore till we make it back in time
To the other side, we'll be alright
To the shadow gate we'll rise
在古代,人们崇拜蛇,因为蛇有强大的繁衍能力,所以人们在创造和传颂女娲的时候也赋予了她蛇身,意味着繁衍人类的重任,因而女娲被称为“始祖母神”。 古人崇蛇,一是因为蛇滋生能力很强,古代对于女性的滋生能力是十分推崇的,因此古人对蛇崇敬;二是对因为古代生活环境很恶劣,人们对于蛇的能力的害怕。
老师批示: 家长不要啥都给孩子看!
家长回复: 孩子少写了一个 脸 字
以前啦~ 这种故事必得是大长篇,我挖坑太多,羞得我那时连博客都关了。爪哥,我说你这系列可太适合奇谈了~原创+上古神话+胡说八道的爪式江湖
终于发现不是茶叶, 是如火如荼