我们这些学中文起家的容易对URGENT这个名目误解。URGENT CARE 和 EMERGENT CARE 是两回事。
Pregnancy-related issues such as vaginal bleeding Moderate to severe burns Severe abdominal pain Compound fractures, where bones penetrate the skin and dislocated joints Poisoning Homicidal or suicidal feelings Heavy and uncontrollable bleeding Gunshot wounds or deep knife wounds Stroke symptoms, like confusion, weakness, slurred speech, sudden numbness on one side, or vision loss Loss of consciousness, seizures, and convulsions Fever in a child younger than three months Heart attack symptoms, like pro-longed chest pain that exceeds two minutes Difficulty breathing or severe chest pain Serious back, neck, and head injury Eye injury Fever accompanied by a rash
Flu or fever Dehydration, diarrhea, or vomiting Eye redness and irritation Strains and sprains Urinary tract infections Falls and accidents Moderate back issues Breathing difficulties, like mild or moderate asthma Severe cough or sore throat Minor fractures and broken bones in the toes and fingers Skin infections and rashes Cuts with minimal bleeding that don’t require stitches
URGENT CARE 有打点滴的条件。比如糖尿病人突发血糖低可以迅速缓解。同样的,高血糖的也可以在那里打胰岛素缓解。
我们这些学中文起家的容易对URGENT这个名目误解。URGENT CARE 和 EMERGENT CARE 是两回事。
Pregnancy-related issues such as vaginal bleeding
Moderate to severe burns
Severe abdominal pain
Compound fractures, where bones penetrate the skin and dislocated joints
Homicidal or suicidal feelings
Heavy and uncontrollable bleeding
Gunshot wounds or deep knife wounds
Stroke symptoms, like confusion, weakness, slurred speech, sudden numbness on one side, or vision loss
Loss of consciousness, seizures, and convulsions
Fever in a child younger than three months
Heart attack symptoms, like pro-longed chest pain that exceeds two minutes
Difficulty breathing or severe chest pain
Serious back, neck, and head injury
Eye injury
Fever accompanied by a rash
Flu or fever
Dehydration, diarrhea, or vomiting
Eye redness and irritation
Strains and sprains
Urinary tract infections
Falls and accidents
Moderate back issues
Breathing difficulties, like mild or moderate asthma
Severe cough or sore throat
Minor fractures and broken bones in the toes and fingers
Skin infections and rashes
Cuts with minimal bleeding that don’t require stitches
URGENT CARE 有打点滴的条件。比如糖尿病人突发血糖低可以迅速缓解。同样的,高血糖的也可以在那里打胰岛素缓解。
去URGENT CARE初步诊治以后,可能还是要去ER(无论是自行去还是叫急救车)。
一个是在院子里干活被马蜂蜇了手指肿胀,戒指卡死了,救护车上有剪戒指的专用工具(我不清楚为什么这家URGENT CARE没有)。
还有我儿子在学校突然环境过敏,脸肿眼睛睁不开,有些呼吸困难,学校护士给我们打电话接走特意嘱咐我们去哪家urgent care, 说已联系好。如果我们15分到不了会叫救护车送那里。也是进去后直接进诊室,给药后症状减轻才走。如果没有经验我们大概率会去ER的。
但是UCare 有时间限制,不是24小时开。
就决定去urgent care。没什么waiting 时间, 很快有一个比较老的医生戴着一只放大镜给我的伤口缝了好几针。我们那时的保险是$50 for urgent care. 并没有其它的charge。