问ChatGPT:“sea bass vs tuna which contains more mercury?”
Sea bass and tuna are both popular types of fish, but their mercury levels can vary significantly.
Tuna Mercury Content: Tuna, especially larger species like albacore and bigeye, tends to have higher mercury levels compared to other fish. Canned light tuna typically has lower mercury levels than albacore (white) tuna. Average Mercury Levels: The mercury levels in tuna can range from 0.12 to 0.60 parts per million (ppm), depending on the species. Sea Bass Mercury Content: Sea bass generally has lower mercury levels compared to tuna. However, the mercury content can still vary depending on the specific type of sea bass and where it was caught. Average Mercury Levels: The mercury levels in sea bass can range from 0.1 to 0.22 ppm. Comparison
Overall, tuna tends to contain more mercury than sea bass, particularly larger species of tuna. When considering fish with lower mercury content, opting for sea bass or light tuna rather than albacore tuna is generally a better choice.
Costco卖的智利的Sea bass比起阿拉斯加的Cod要贵太多了。以前一直没试是因为觉得阿拉斯加的品质更有保证。自从日本放核废水之后我就只吃阿根廷红虾,因为南北半球的水系相对独立。但是红虾腥味较重,LD多次抱怨。于是只好试试智利的Sea bass。一试才知道,这东西对厨艺几乎没有什么要求,随便乱烧一气就行。Cod要是乱烧一气会变得很硬,这Sea bass一开始也会变硬,但是熟了之后就很软,太容易了。
Metro店里很多鱼和虾都是东南亚和中国产的,所以几乎只吃三文鱼和 trout 了。
Sea bass虽然口味好,但这是水银含量最高的鱼之一。
反之野生的cod虽然味道没有sea bass好,但却是最健康的鱼之一,因为水银含量低而且好脂肪含量高。
另外,大家除了在Costco买sea bass, 如果在其它地方买sea bass或者在餐馆点sea bass千万要小心。因为有一种鱼俗称“油鱼”口感极其接近sea bass, 但其中的脂肪非常不容易消化,还会引起腹泻,吃了以后会从屁股中流出来污染裤子而不让人察觉,非常可怕。我曾经有一次餐馆点了所谓"sea bass"而中招。还有一次在华人超市已经买了这个鱼,幸亏我多了个心眼看了一下包装的说明发现问题才去退了货。
问ChatGPT:“sea bass vs tuna which contains more mercury?”
Sea bass and tuna are both popular types of fish, but their mercury levels can vary significantly.
Tuna Mercury Content: Tuna, especially larger species like albacore and bigeye, tends to have higher mercury levels compared to other fish. Canned light tuna typically has lower mercury levels than albacore (white) tuna. Average Mercury Levels: The mercury levels in tuna can range from 0.12 to 0.60 parts per million (ppm), depending on the species. Sea Bass Mercury Content: Sea bass generally has lower mercury levels compared to tuna. However, the mercury content can still vary depending on the specific type of sea bass and where it was caught. Average Mercury Levels: The mercury levels in sea bass can range from 0.1 to 0.22 ppm. ComparisonOverall, tuna tends to contain more mercury than sea bass, particularly larger species of tuna. When considering fish with lower mercury content, opting for sea bass or light tuna rather than albacore tuna is generally a better choice.
2011年3月,日本福岛第一核电站发生核泄漏事故,导致大量放射性物质泄漏到周围环境中。 为了冷却受损的反应堆,产生了大量被放射性物质污染的冷却水。放射性物质:
这些核污水中含有多种放射性同位素,包括铯-137、锶-90和氚等。 虽然经过处理,一些放射性同位素被去除,但氚这种放射性同位素由于其化学性质难以完全去除。排放计划:
日本计划通过稀释后将处理过的核污水排放入海,以确保其放射性水平低于国际标准。 中国大亚湾核电站的废水背景:
大亚湾核电站是中国主要的核电站之一,位于广东省深圳市附近。 核电站在正常运行过程中会产生一定量的低放射性废水。放射性物质:
大亚湾核电站的废水主要包含氚和少量其他放射性物质。 这些废水通常在排放前经过处理,确保其放射性水平符合国家和国际安全标准。管理和排放:
大亚湾核电站的废水排放受到严格监管,确保其对环境和公众健康的影响最小。 排放的废水通常经过稀释,使其放射性浓度低于安全限值。 比较放射性水平:
福岛核污水的放射性水平相对较高,尤其是在事故发生后。 大亚湾核电站废水的放射性水平较低,符合正常运行条件下的安全标准。放射性物质种类:
福岛核污水需要经过复杂的处理过程以去除大部分放射性物质,但氚难以完全去除。 大亚湾核电站的废水在排放前经过处理和稀释,确保其放射性水平符合安全标准。 总结尽管日本和中国的核电站废水都涉及放射性物质,但其来源、处理方式和放射性水平存在显著差异。福岛核电站的核污水由于事故原因,其放射性水平和种类较复杂,而大亚湾核电站的废水则是在正常运行条件下产生,放射性水平较低且受到严格管理和监控。