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Intermittent fasting and autophagy are closely related concepts, as intermittent fasting can stimulate autophagy within the body. Let's explore each of these terms and their connection in more detail:
Intermittent Fasting (IF): Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that involves cycling between periods of fasting and eating. It doesn't focus on what you eat but rather when you eat. The most common methods of intermittent fasting include the 16/8 method (16 hours of fasting and an 8-hour eating window) and the 5:2 method (eating normally for 5 days and restricting calories for 2 non-consecutive days). Autophagy: Autophagy is a natural cellular process that involves the recycling and degradation of damaged or dysfunctional components within cells. It is a vital mechanism for maintaining cellular health, removing misfolded proteins, clearing out damaged organelles, and promoting cell survival. Autophagy plays a crucial role in cellular rejuvenation, repair, and overall longevity. The Connection: Intermittent fasting can stimulate autophagy within the body due to the prolonged periods of fasting it involves. During fasting, the body depletes its glycogen stores and switches to using stored fat as an energy source. As the fasting period continues, the body's energy needs are met through the breakdown of fat and, eventually, the breakdown of cellular components.
During periods of nutrient deprivation, such as fasting, the body senses the need for cellular recycling to provide energy and essential building blocks. This triggers the upregulation of autophagy, leading to the degradation of damaged or unnecessary cellular components and the recycling of their building blocks for the synthesis of new molecules. This process helps to maintain cellular homeostasis and supports overall cellular health.
It's important to note that the exact time required for autophagy to be triggered during intermittent fasting can vary and may depend on factors such as individual metabolism, activity level, and nutritional status. Some studies suggest that autophagy may start to increase after approximately 12-16 hours of fasting and become more pronounced after 24-48 hours.
While intermittent fasting can be a potential strategy to promote autophagy, it's not the only way to activate this cellular process. Other factors such as exercise, caloric restriction, and certain dietary interventions can also influence autophagy.
As with any dietary or lifestyle change, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before starting intermittent fasting or making significant changes to your eating habits. They can provide personalized guidance based on your individual health status and goals.
Intermittent fasting and autophagy are closely related concepts, as intermittent fasting can stimulate autophagy within the body. Let's explore each of these terms and their connection in more detail:
Intermittent Fasting (IF): Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that involves cycling between periods of fasting and eating. It doesn't focus on what you eat but rather when you eat. The most common methods of intermittent fasting include the 16/8 method (16 hours of fasting and an 8-hour eating window) and the 5:2 method (eating normally for 5 days and restricting calories for 2 non-consecutive days).
Autophagy: Autophagy is a natural cellular process that involves the recycling and degradation of damaged or dysfunctional components within cells. It is a vital mechanism for maintaining cellular health, removing misfolded proteins, clearing out damaged organelles, and promoting cell survival. Autophagy plays a crucial role in cellular rejuvenation, repair, and overall longevity.
The Connection: Intermittent fasting can stimulate autophagy within the body due to the prolonged periods of fasting it involves. During fasting, the body depletes its glycogen stores and switches to using stored fat as an energy source. As the fasting period continues, the body's energy needs are met through the breakdown of fat and, eventually, the breakdown of cellular components.
During periods of nutrient deprivation, such as fasting, the body senses the need for cellular recycling to provide energy and essential building blocks. This triggers the upregulation of autophagy, leading to the degradation of damaged or unnecessary cellular components and the recycling of their building blocks for the synthesis of new molecules. This process helps to maintain cellular homeostasis and supports overall cellular health.
It's important to note that the exact time required for autophagy to be triggered during intermittent fasting can vary and may depend on factors such as individual metabolism, activity level, and nutritional status. Some studies suggest that autophagy may start to increase after approximately 12-16 hours of fasting and become more pronounced after 24-48 hours.
While intermittent fasting can be a potential strategy to promote autophagy, it's not the only way to activate this cellular process. Other factors such as exercise, caloric restriction, and certain dietary interventions can also influence autophagy.
As with any dietary or lifestyle change, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before starting intermittent fasting or making significant changes to your eating habits. They can provide personalized guidance based on your individual health status and goals.
断食导致cortisol 升高,可能促进免疫细胞 在血液里升降频繁,导致inflammation, 影响免疫功能。其次是虽然轻断食可以短期减肥,但是如果在某段时间里可以随便吃,那么如何看待insulin resistance? 还有如何解决轻断食导致的mental stress, life enjoyment and such?
现在还没有长期效果的research, 有的是以marketing为目的,还有tunnel vision 式的宣传。也许确实是一种积极的方式,只是我们在尝试的时候多加小心。
也减少人体酶的运作,避免一些混乱切割. 人体新陈代谢需要食物,过分的断食会减少能量交换.所以绝食会死人,绝食不绝水死的时间长点.至于一些大分子过去进不去血管血液也不会因胃破而进入,胰酶在肠里.人体是平衡的,胃穿孔;肠穿孔破坏了平衡,引起炎症就会痛不欲生需要外科妙手来重获平衡
去非洲爬山, 8天时间,都是登山队提供三餐。 我们当时以为是没有午饭的, 所以每人带了一盒energy bar, 算下来够每天吃3个, 600卡。 后来发现是管午饭的,途中顶多吃1-2个, 多带的bar就开始投喂guide, 还带了些nuts香蕉片。
每顿饭都不算多, 早饭有热水,茶咖啡或可可粉奶粉自己冲, 有1片面包,果酱花生酱, 一个鸡蛋, 有时会有玉米糊糊但我不喝米糊糊。 午饭一块水煎饼,一块比手掌小的炸鸡, 一根香蕉, 或几块炸薯条或芭蕉。 晚饭丰盛些,有锅炖菜鸡肉胡萝卜圆白菜, 米饭通常是油炒过的, 汤是油炒面类的加一点干菜调味, 饭前有热水自己泡茶泡咖啡。
端上桌的饭菜,每人盛一些,一轮分下来, 就剩很少了,男的好像还能再吃一点。 非洲厨子手艺不错, 高原除了有一天的意面不熟我没吃,其他都挺可口的, 也不咸。 三餐不会超过2000卡, 热量最高的是油面汤, 知道是人造黄油煮的也照喝。
每天天亮6点就起床打包,吃完早饭就开始走, 一直走到下午3-4点,有两天还有额外的功课,放下行李再往高出处走2百米。 晚上6点天黑了, 才开始吃晚饭。
八天下来, 所有的人都瘦了些, 但也没瘦太多。 除了有高反吃不下饭的瘦得比较多。 我自己可能瘦了5斤, 最后一天穿备用hiking裤子需要系腰带了。