west san jose adu出租 95126

楼主 (北美微论坛)
west san jose adu出租 95126
近280/880/87,5XX Mayellen Ave, San Jose, CA,95126 ,
时间:3月16号起开始出租 (独立厨房,独立卫生间,独立出入,独立laundry),面积大概300-400sqft之间
生活便利,近apple park,google san jose downtown office,sjsu,santa clara univertisty,san jose city college。
parking slot非常充裕
Tenant requirement:
1. have a stable income ( >= 3 * rent) or being a college student;
2. with credit score of at least 700 or new international college student ;
3. no drug and non smoker;
4. occasional overnight guest is allowed only with landlord's approval;
5. small cats/dogs only (if any), and you need to be responsible to keep it clean.
水电气网和main house split (,
欢迎随时看房, 预约看房:https://calendly.com/davidrent/30min
Contact: 微信:davidatbayarea 电话:858 900 7241
email:[email protected]