Emma is an immigrant 6th Grader student with limited English proficiency at J.H.S. 216 in Fresh Meadow, Queens. She was harassed and attacked by four male school mates on June 16th. She was not offered any medical care afterwards. She was diagnosed with PTSD few days ago and she is still in a lot of pain now. Despite several witnesses’ accounts the incident was neglected and not fairly treated by the school till today. It is also reported that there have been two or three other bullying in the school. Hundreds of parents, community leaders, will rally together in front of the school to fight bullying and request a thorough investigation for Emma . It is also reported that there have been ALLEGEDLY two or three other bullying cases in the school recently.
WHEN: Monday, June 27, 2022 at 1:30 p.m. WHERE: In front of J.H.S. 216, 64-20 175th St, Queens, NY 11365
以下转:临近暑假,希望学校不要再拖延,对施暴的孩子要予以严惩,对不作为的员工要严肃处理。针对这么严重的暴力事件我们一定要团结一致表达我们的意愿和决心,让我们的孩子都知道他们的爸爸妈妈为了自己的安危可以勇敢站出来保护他们,他们也会变得更加有自信,更加勇敢。让学校更加尊重亚裔的存在。相信很多孩子都遭遇过大大小小的霸凌,绝大多数都忍气吞声了。但是如果我们不反抗,不站出来,今天是我家孩子,明天就可能是别人家孩子。希望志同道合的家长朋友都可以一起来,为已经或者打算到Ryan 216读书的孩子伸张一下自己的权益,让别人都知道亚裔是一股洪流,不是一盘散沙。
地点:皇后区新鲜草原 64-20 175th Street
Media Advisory for immediate release:
Emma is an immigrant 6th Grader student with limited English proficiency at J.H.S. 216 in Fresh Meadow, Queens. She was harassed and attacked by four male school mates on June 16th. She was not offered any medical care afterwards. She was diagnosed with PTSD few days ago and she is still in a lot of pain now.
Despite several witnesses’ accounts the incident was neglected and not fairly treated by the school till today. It is also reported that there have been two or three other bullying in the school. Hundreds of parents, community leaders, will rally together in front of the school to fight bullying and request a thorough investigation for Emma . It is also reported that there have been ALLEGEDLY two or three other bullying cases in the school recently.
WHEN: Monday, June 27, 2022 at 1:30 p.m.
WHERE: In front of J.H.S. 216, 64-20 175th St, Queens, NY 11365