安静安全west San Jose

楼主 (北美微论坛)

2卧室,分租1卧室,1卫浴,厨房(5层过滤饮用水), 客厅(家有全新空气净化器), 含家具(特别是要出租的卧室,全新配置Crate & Barrel 设计的床和床头柜,Simmons Beautyrest 床垫, 书桌以及台灯。水电网全包,洗衣机3户人家共用-非常干净,有固定停车位,居家舒适安静,邻里治安好,配套生活设施齐全。硅谷核心地段的west San Jose. 轻松到达Apple,Linkedln and Google 等公司(10到20分钟车程)。距离高速280,85,快速路 San Tomas express way 和 Lawrence Express way,仅几分钟。走路几分钟就有中国超市/日本超市/餐厅/咖啡厅/蛋糕房等。

大约地址:Bolton Court, San Jose, CA 95129

每月 $1200

White collar woman looking for a roommate to share a 2 bedrooms, 1 bath apartment.  Elegant furnitures. The room to be rented has brand new Crate & Barrel queen size bed along with new Simmons Beautyrest mattress, night stand and lamp. The apartment is conveniently located in West San Jose with easy access to 280, 880, 85, Lawrence Expw and San Tomas Expw.  Apple, Google, LinkedIn and other big employers are all within 20 minutes. Walking distances to Misuwa, Lion Market, Paris Baguette and many shops and restaurants. Coin machine laundry shared by 3 neighbors (very clean). All utilities and internet included.

Note: Two rooms are identical in sizes, design and orientation.

Nearby Address: Bolton Ct. , San Jose, CA 95129

$1200 per month
Earliest move in date: 5/1/2021
Cell:408 439 7655
Best Way to Contact: Please Text.i