91913地区 三层4室3.5卫新新房 联排分租包水包垃圾包网

楼主 (北美微论坛)
one room for one person
全新家电, 9分学区,屋子干净安静安全,可用小区clubhouse Gym和 clubhouse pool
客房位于二楼,带walk in closet
Microwave/oven/fridge 在一楼
washer and dryer 在二楼

5分钟车程到otay ranch town center
Walmart/BestBuy/Ross/Home Depot/Vons/Walgreens etc 5-10 mins 车程

$780每月, 1个月 deposit, 搬走之前,提前一个月通知, no pet no smoking no drug and no drama
looking for ONE clean, mature and responsible male/female roommate.
Tenant screening is required.