great idea, but I’m having trouble finding a job that offer such benefits.
A higher degree increases your chance of getting a higher salary more than your chance of getting a job. Are you getting interviews and not getting hired? Or simply not getting interviews? If you are getting interviews but not getting offers, you need to improve your communications skills and also bootcamp to build you knowledge. More often than not, your communication skills are more important than your technical skills. On the other hand, if you are not getting interviews, then you need to see if you can polish it before spending more time and money in school. In terms of finding a job, it's about understanding what the company is looking for and then prepare your resume and yourself for the interview...
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不是呢 本科是生物 但后来读者没兴趣还是想要tech相关的
就是想要转code 还是bootcamp比较管用吗?
嗯嗯是的呢 就现在的压力主要来源,就是毕业了还没有收入吧。master如果好找工作的话,一年的投资应该也可以接受
生物啊。。。 的确本科毕业找工作的话挺难的 如果不继续往phd方向继续读下去。
嗯嗯同意 我看也是这个样子。但可能现在比较焦虑因为没收入。想着bootcamp投入少 时间快
对啊 读着读着觉得兴趣不是很高。快毕业了才想转行 的那也有些晚了
学 business analyst的吗?还是data analyst
嗯对啊 学费贵也是我比较担心的。因为没有家里的帮忙,贷款那么多还是有压力的
great idea, but I’m having trouble finding a job that offer such benefits.
湾区来说有两家挺好的,一个叫Hack Reactor,另一个叫App academy。好像现在这两家都是找到工作才付学费,你去了解一下。另外,App Academy的interview貌似比较难,你要好好准备一下,现在去读coding school还要通过他们的面试的,真的不是有钱就行。 ,加油!努力!
BA.... 还是top30的学校……
A higher degree increases your chance of getting a higher salary more than your chance of getting a job. Are you getting interviews and not getting hired? Or simply not getting interviews? If you are getting interviews but not getting offers, you need to improve your communications skills and also bootcamp to build you knowledge. More often than not, your communication skills are more important than your technical skills. On the other hand, if you are not getting interviews, then you need to see if you can polish it before spending more time and money in school. In terms of finding a job, it's about understanding what the company is looking for and then prepare your resume and yourself for the interview...