Rule 38 of the Internet: anything that can be turned into **ography, will become **ography. Currently at about 30% of global Internet bandwidth, this is probably the majority outlet for human uality (in orgasms per capita). Wait until VR goes tactile… it’ll be the end of the West.
哪有~!没有我等庸俗的败类,如何衬托你们艺术家的高雅魅力呢 我也不想搞yellow 但奈何一天到晚脑子里没点正经 所以我猜我大概是互联网第38条最衷心的代言人
Rule 38 of the Internet: anything that can be turned into **ography, will become **ography. Currently at about 30% of global Internet bandwidth, this is probably the majority outlet for human uality (in orgasms per capita). Wait until VR goes tactile… it’ll be the end of the West.