以下仅供参考 Can you record a phone call or conversation when you do not have consent from one of the parties?
Regardless of whether state or federal law governs the situation, it is almost always illegal to record a phone call or private conversation to which you are not a party, do not have consent from at least one party, and could not naturally overhear. In addition, federal and many state laws do not permit you to surreptitiously place a bug or recording device on a person or telephone, in a home, office or restaurant to secretly record a conversation between two people who have not consented.
Federal law and most state statutes also make disclosing the contents of an illegally intercepted telephone call illegal. See the section on Risks Associated with Publication in this guide for more information.
这是德州的法律 Texas's wiretapping law is a "one-party consent" law. Texas makes it a crime to intercept or record any "wire, oral, or electronic communication" unless one party to the conversation consents. Texas Penal Code § 16.02.
告知PM你感觉被冒犯了,问题基本就解决了。 以后他每和你说一句话前都会加上 no offense...
Racism Is any action or attitude, conscious or unconscious, that subordinates an individual or group based on skin colour or race. It can be enacted individually or institutionally.
Racial Discrimination To treat differently a person or group of people based on their racial origins. Power is a necessary precondition, for it depends on the ability to give or withhold social benefits, facilities, services, opportunities etc., from someone who should be entitled to them, and are denied on the basis of race, colour or national origin.
今天同组的同事都在问 大家也都在祝贺我 到这里还挺好的
然后开会的时候 一个刚来公司的PM问我怀孕怎么样了 然后就说到想取什么名字 因为中文名字还没想好目前只有英文名字我和队友达成一致 就说了英文名字 然后PM就语气怪怪的说 他从来没遇到过一个亚洲女孩叫这个名字的 不是应该合法名是中文名吗 然后他又问我老公是中国人吧 我当时解释是我们中文名字还没定 而且本来也是打算出生纸上是中文名
后来回来后越想越气 取什么样的名字都不关pm什么事 亚洲人就一定是亚洲人的名字吗 我给老公说这事 他说这个其实有点种族歧视
当时是在开会 我不好怼他 他自己老婆是个菲利宾人 pm白人 平时就有点红脖子的感觉 旁边印度老哥说这是一美国名字哈 听起来不错 我其实想说你不是印度来的 为什么你名字也是美国名字不是印度名呢
我老公是abc 但是他自己认定自己是中国人 所以我们出生纸上决定写中文名
爱国是件好事 等以后孩子长大了 多教教中国文化更好...
而名字是一直会跟随孩子生活的 英文和中文谐音相近还好 要是偏差远的... 很不方便 。 无论做什么事 老外看见你名字 先问你名字怎么念...
我是觉得在美国生活 还是英文名好一些 大家叫的顺口 回中国的话 可以用英文名的音译来作为中文名
有道理但是把录音发出来的目的应该胜于法律诉讼, 相信新闻部的律师团队有考量。 这里只是提醒录音可能引起不必要的麻烦。
Can you record a phone call or conversation when you do not have consent from one of the parties?
Regardless of whether state or federal law governs the situation, it is almost always illegal to record a phone call or private conversation to which you are not a party, do not have consent from at least one party, and could not naturally overhear. In addition, federal and many state laws do not permit you to surreptitiously place a bug or recording device on a person or telephone, in a home, office or restaurant to secretly record a conversation between two people who have not consented.
Federal law and most state statutes also make disclosing the contents of an illegally intercepted telephone call illegal. See the section on Risks Associated with Publication in this guide for more information.
这是HR的问题 同事间的纠纷。 你直接和对方说你的不满,对方如果要把事情弄大那只是HR管。 如果对方道歉又知道你偷偷录音,那不仅可以HR还可以法律诉讼。偷偷录音这个是电视剧的手法,是否可行最好找专业的法律人士。 开网会的时候都会有个提醒这个会议会被录音,主持人发言前都会提醒一次顺便开下玩笑不想收到任何诉讼。
大多数州的法律是“one-party consent”,也就是说只要对话的一方知道在录音就可以,换句话说,只要录音的人参与了对话,那么他就可以录音。你不可以偷偷的录其他人的对话,但是你可以录你自己参与的对话。
Texas's wiretapping law is a "one-party consent" law. Texas makes it a crime to intercept or record any "wire, oral, or electronic communication" unless one party to the conversation consents. Texas Penal Code § 16.02.
事实上,因为种族歧视和性骚扰被录音的事情时常发生,可以看看律师写的 https://www.calltherightattorney.com/blog/2019/02/can-record-boss-racist-ist/
我觉得录音不是很妥当的处理方式。 这所谓的种族歧视更多偏向于stereotype,而对方没有更多种族歧视的言语,他仅仅是好奇孩子名字,说话态度不够认真就造成了误会。告知PM他言语冒犯了当事人,PM基本上会道歉,不会说更多冒犯的话(楼主和这PM工作的时间应该能推断对方人品)。 如果问这些问题的人是中国人你会觉得是歧视吗? 问是否起中文名可能好奇下一代是否传承中国传统。 美国人不是很多人都知道外面的世界,他没听说过的名字自然会好奇问一下或加上自己的见解。
告知PM你感觉被冒犯了,问题基本就解决了。 以后他每和你说一句话前都会加上 no offense...
Is any action or attitude, conscious or unconscious, that subordinates an individual or group based on skin colour or race. It can be enacted individually or institutionally.
Racial Discrimination
To treat differently a person or group of people based on their racial origins. Power is a necessary precondition, for it depends on the ability to give or withhold social benefits, facilities, services, opportunities etc., from someone who should be entitled to them, and are denied on the basis of race, colour or national origin.