Orange xxx 1. Slice orange in half side to slice? 2. slice 1/2 piece off each of the xxx? 3. with a paper towel, ... at 300 degree ... ... i give up...
1. Slice orange in half. 2. Slice 1/2 slices of each of the ???. 3. With paper towels, dab as much juice from the 2 slices as possible. Then bake on cookie sheet at 300 degree for about 2hrs until slices ??. Once dried and cooked, string slices for ? ? nougat. 4. Hollow fruit out of the 2 waxing halves and refrigerate the empty skin to make ? feeder. Will send materials for ? feeder.
1. Slice orange in half side of slide. 2. Slice 1/2 slices off each of the insider. 3. With paper towels, dab as much juice from the 2 slices as possible. Then bake on cookie sheet at 300 degree for about 2hrs until slices are dried. Are dried and cooled string slices for ??? to give to ???. 4. Hollow fruit out of the 2 ??? halfs and refrigerate the 2 empty skin to make bird feeder. Will send materials for bird feeders for a ???.
已解决,谢谢大家了,昨晚发了邮件给老师,老师今天视频直接做给我看 就是觉得蛮丢脸的,字也看不懂
小孩子的老师带回来要做的, 文盲根本看不懂cursive的字,有没有好心人帮忙翻译成正常英文?谢谢呀
一开始以为是个食谱,再看觉得是要用干橙子片装饰圣诞节?把橙子切成片,烤箱300度, 烤两个小时。字的确写得龙飞凤舞。实在不行就联系老师让对方给你发个邮件或者链接。
Orange xxx
1. Slice orange in half side to slice?
2. slice 1/2 piece off each of the xxx?
3. with a paper towel, ... at 300 degree ...
... i give up...
是的 有说弄个小挂饰 然后一起带到学校去装饰树,但是就是看不懂怎么做这个
是哦 跟医生的字有的比了
是哦 应该就是这样了 谢谢你啊, 不过我还是发了邮件给老师了,不然以后有什么任务都用这种字体的话 我也没办法每次都求助。
也正常吧 毕竟美国很多学校从小学就开始有cursive writing的课了
我不知道小学,我们大学老师就很喜欢写这样的字,但是她说不会写,in case有同学看不懂。我意思是老师这样写字没考虑到陪做作业的家长。
我知道公立学校是3年级就开始有cursive writing 我儿子私立学校从K就一直写到现在5年级了我一点也看不懂。
1. Slice orange in half.
2. Slice 1/2 slices of each of the ???.
3. With paper towels, dab as much juice from the 2 slices as possible. Then bake on cookie sheet at 300 degree for about 2hrs until slices ??.
Once dried and cooked, string slices for ? ? nougat.
4. Hollow fruit out of the 2 waxing halves and refrigerate the empty skin to make ? feeder. Will send materials for ? feeder.
2. Slice 1/2 slices off each of the insider.
3. With paper towels, dab as much juice from the 2 slices as possible. Then bake on cookie sheet at 300 degree for about 2hrs until slices are dried.
Are dried and cooled string slices for ??? to give to ???.
4. Hollow fruit out of the 2 ??? halfs and refrigerate the 2 empty skin to make bird feeder.
Will send materials for bird feeders for a ???.
有几个单词没认出来,大概意是让你把橙子切两半,烤干,中间果肉挖出来,最后用橙子皮做喂鸟的feeder 之类的……
我的认知是一般爱写cursive的都是受教育程度较高的中老年人 他们已经习惯了这种写作方式 就像中国很多年龄大的有学问的人喜欢写行书字体一样 你让他给你写楷书他也觉得很麻烦 所以与其改变别人不如丰富自己 我自己也是很讨厌这种字体看着很累 但是我也就上班没事干的时候是对着电脑临摹了几十遍 现在还大概都可以看懂 说实话你们孩子老师的cursive写的很工整 不是那种非常抽象的潦草版 所以为了孩子建议你有空学一学 不难的 照猫画虎罢了