没有appraisal contingency, 这种情况还能退出吗?

楼主 (北美微论坛)
本帖最后由 RealtorSerena 于 2019-11-17 10:39 编辑

假设:评估价比买价低了20%,买家想退出,因为银行也不会贷款那么多给买家。 BUYER SEEKS TO CANCEL THE CONTRACT AFTER THE APPRAISAL CAME IN $200K UNDER THE PURCHASE PRICE ... because the lender would not lend 80% on the purchase price. 现实:没有appraisal continengency, 卖家也不同意降价,且要求买家执行合同。there was no appraisal contingency and the seller intends to hold the buyer to the terms of the contract, but Buyer does not have enough cash.
怎么办?取决于当初的合同用的哪种form。 SFAR的合同并没有关于这一问题的细则。 CAR则是支持卖家,认为买家不可以withdraw,买家自行负担银行不能贷出的部分,否则就只能认定是违反合约。 PRDS则是支持买家的,认为买家购买房屋时需要得到financing和对房屋价值的支持,评估价低于合同价的情况,买家可以退出。
- SFAR contract is silent. - CAR contract specifically provides that an appraisal below the contract price cannot be used by the buyer to withdraw from the contract if he has waived the appraisal contingency. If the lender requires additional down payment, buyer is so obliged or in jeopardy of breaching the contract. - PRDS is contrary to the CAR position. PRDS sides with the buyer and allows the buyer to withdraw under the theory that since the financing is based on buyer qualifications and property value, the low appraisal is justification for withdrawal if the lender objects.
所以在购买房屋时,如果对offer的价格不自信能否达到appraisal,那么尽量不要remove appraisal contingency,或者用对了form,也是对买家的一个保护。大概5%的agent因为知道三种form背后暗藏的意义,会要求买家用特定的form。所以买家在提交offer时,要尽量明确条款对自己的保护。
If when submitting an offer and you are not confident with whether appraisal value wil be at or over offer price, it's always recommended to keep your appraisal contingency, or use the form that can preotect the buyer most. Very few listing agents will require buyer to submit offer in specific form.