低SAT录取康奈尔 招生官 :我们不要只有分数所拼凑出的学生

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·        别把筹码都放在那几所私立名校和热门专业 你的竞争者来自世界各地,扩大选择面的学生反而能获得成功。 ·        可以考虑小型文理学院,不要把关注点集中在前20的综合大学 扩大申请的目标学校范围和数量,看到专业的广泛性也很重要。很多学生只专注在热门专业上,却忽略了各个学校对专业的设置而措施了适合自己的机会。

1.      Completethe online information request form on college admissions websites
2.     Sign upfor the college’s newsletter
3.     Openemails sent from colleges. When you open an email, you are now considered amore serious prospect and will receive communications designed specifically forinterested students.
4.     Visitcollege websites frequently to review new information.
5.     Connecton Social Media; like Facebook pages, follow on Twitter, Instagram, Blogs, etc.
6.     Commenton social media threads and share content.
7.     Meetwith admissions officers when they visit your high school or college.
8.    Attenda regional college fair or information session.
9.     Participatein a webinar sponsored by admissions.
10.Engagein alumni or student interviews when offered.
11.  Reachout to an admissions officer with sincere questions that cannot be found on thewebsite 12. Registerand attend the campus tour and admissions information session.
13. Send afollow up thank you email to the admissions presenter/tour guide/studentambassadors you meet. These notes are kept on file and added to yourapplication.
14. Investtime in writing your “Why this university?”  or supplemental essay. Takethis essay very seriously as it is a way to show an admissions committee thatyou have done your homework on their school and are genuinely excited aboutwhat they have to offer you.
15. Applyearly.  Colleges like students to send in applications early decision (ED)or Round 1 because they are likely to enroll. Admit rates tend to be higher forED and Round 1 applicants.



毕竟GPA满分,自行申请TOP 20 学校,例如:UCLA落榜的学生都大有人在。或者有的低分申请人靠着背景超级强大推荐人而入学,这种例外是绝对不常见的。传闻某任美国总统的儿子,可也是靠着捐款百万美金,外加前任总统出面推荐,每天为他一通电话才获得哈佛录取的。学生如果打着低分录取冷门专业的主意,例如:家庭和消费者科学,就算名校毕业了都不一定知道自己能做什么。​

环球教育资源中心GlobalEducation Resource Center集合了十五年以上丰富经验的律师与专业顾问组成,专门从事国际学生的留学规划/名校申请/艺术作品集辅导、惩处申诉、紧急转学,以及学生身份维持、回复与转换。专业机构林立,顾问除了最新资讯、积极的处理态度、正派的专业作风,还需要丰富的资源和权威性的法律专业为您长程规划、护航!