如何得到20美元Sam’s Club电子购物券

楼主 (北美微论坛)
如何得到20美元Sam’s Club电子购物券

首先在电脑上点击以下链接(手机上点击是没有用的),然后用没有在Sam’s club 注册过的邮箱按照网页步骤输入信息。你可以选择$45 or $100的会员,支付费用成功后,大概在5个工作日内可以收到Sam’s club 发的20美元电子购物券的邮件。
Please click the link: https://www.samsclub.com/r/sqgvvpf
Join New Sams Club membership you have to use the link and pay $45 or $100 for New Membership ($45 or $100 a New membership you have to pay your own money). After that you will receive the $20 e gift card email from Sam’s Club.