2009 BMW 328i coupe 双门轿跑 旧金山市区 ¥6800 回国卖车 性价...

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诚意卖车!非诚勿扰! 坐标旧金山市区
2009 BMW 328i coupe, 12.8万 mile, Clean title, 无烟车主,全自动真皮座椅,电动加热后视镜,3D环绕音响,6速变速箱衔接丝滑顺畅,230匹马力轻松应对三藩各种大斜坡,动力强劲,超车不肉,四轮独立悬挂上160KM/h稳如老狗,动态控制系统,定速巡航,四轮ABS,德系安全保障,自动天窗,自感雨刷器,冷暖空调表现佳,无恶劣天气使用史,后驱四轮碟刹,自动大灯,今年刚换完机油和冷凝液,可至少使用一年,刹车片还有>80%, 常规保养打蜡。后加装高清行车记录仪,带驻车监控,赠送雷达探测仪一台,say no to tickets. 可提供autocheck & Carfex carreport.
电话 6289990966 微 Sun_Vincent
Hi, I am a visiting research scholar at UCSF and gonna move out of the US recently. This beloved car works pretty well and looks gorgeous. Actually I am quite reluctant to sell this car due to its performance. Hope you are a car lover and can take good care of it.
Here is some information about it:
2009 BMW 328I coupe, 128k miles, Clean Title, Non-smoker driver, Dual Power Leather Seats, Dynamic Stability Control, Traction Control, ABS (4-Wheel), Air Conditioning works pretty good. Cruise Control, Nice auditory system,6-speed silky transmission, 230 horsepower easily deal with SF’s steepest streets, Automatic Sunroof. Four-wheel independent suspension. Changed engine oil and coolant recently and more than 1 year left. Brakes>80%, regularly maintained and monthly waxed.
Equipped with HD wide-angle dash-camera. A Radar detector as gift, say no to speeding tickets.

Con: There are few scratches on the front bumper due to street parking. But they are not easily noticed if not observe closely.

This beauty won’t last. Don't hesitate to text me if you are interested. Cell: 6289990966 Or email: [email protected]