What Are Bed Bugs? How To Kill Bed Bugs Bed bugs, known scientifically as Cimex lectularius (Cimicidae) are small wingless insects that feed by hematophagy - exclusively on the blood of warm blooded-animals. As we are warm-blooded animals we are ideal hosts for them. Over millions of years bed bugs have evolved as nest parasites - inhabiting the nests of birds and the roosts of bats. Some of them have learnt to adapt to the human environment and live in our nests, i.e. our homes, and more specifically, our beds. Newborns, called hatchlings or nymphs, are tiny, about the size of a poppy seed, while adults grow to about ¼ of an inch long. Their shape is oval and flattened. Both nymphs, eggs and adults are visible to the naked eye. They are called bed bugs because of their preferred habitat in human homes: sofas, bed mattresses and other soft furnishings. Bed bugs are seen as a growing problem within all types of dwellings, including private homes, dormitories, cruise ships, army barracks, and shelters. When seen close up they may have a white, light tan to a deep brown or burnt orange color. Just after molting most of them are plain white. When they have had their feed a dark red or black blob may be observed within their body. They will instinctively seek shelter in dark cracks and crevices when disturbed. How dangerous are bed bugs to humans? Most bed bugs feed on their hosts while they are asleep. The host supplies them with blood in a painless way, never knowing it is happening. While feeding they inject a small amount of saliva into the host's skin. The more they feed on one particular host, say a human, over a period of several weeks, the more sensitized that human becomes to their saliva. Until eventually the host develops a mild to intense allergic response. People who have become sensitive to bed bug bites - their saliva - have lesions similar to mosquito or flea bites. Most humans will think they have been bitten by some insect, such as a mosquito, and never realize who the true culprit was. The common bed bug, (Cimex lectularius) has adapted well to human environments. It is generally found in temperate climates. Cimex hemiterus is more common in tropical regions, and has mainly poultry and bats as its host. Leptocimex boueti, found mainly in South America and West Africa feeds chiefly on humans and bats. Haematosiphon inodora, of North America, feeds primarily on poultry. How do bed bugs feed? A bed bug is about the size of a grain of rice. This bed bug has recently had a feed. The most active time for a bed bug is about one hour before sunrise - the peak time for feeding. However, they will try to feed at any time of day or night if they are hungry enough, and if the opportunity is there. They prefer nighttime and hate sunlight. They will reach their host either by crawling straight towards them, or climbing a wall and then across the ceiling until they feel a heat wave - when they jump down onto their host. The bug is attracted to the host by both its warmth and the presence of C02 (carbon dioxide). It pierces the skin of its host with two hollow tubes. One tube injects saliva which contains anesthetics, so that the host feels nothing, and anticoagulants, so that the blood flows out freely. The other tube 禁用词语s the blood in. Feeding takes about five minutes, after which the bug returns to its hiding place. Bites are not noticeable by the host until at least a few minutes or some hours afterwards. Hosts, for example humans, will be aware of a bite after scratching it. Often bites may not be noticeable for several days. Bed bugs will feed every five to ten days. They can, however, last for several months without feeding. If there is no food around they can become dormant for over a year. A well fed bed bug has a lifespan of about six to nine months. How do bed bugs reproduce? Bed bugs reproduce by traumatic insemination, also known as hypodermic insemination. The males have hypodermic genitalia which pierce the females anywhere on their abomen and ejaculate sperm into the body cavity. The sperm diffuse through the insides and reach the ovaries, resulting in fertilization. The female bed bug lays approximately 5 eggs in one day and about 500 during her lifetime. Eggs are about 1 mm long and are visible to the naked eye. They have a milky-white tinge. The eggs take about two weeks to hatch. The nymphs (baby bed bugs) start feeding as soon as they hatch, and pass through five molting stages before reaching maturity. During each molting stage they need to feed once. It takes about five weeks to reach maturity at a room-temperature environment. Bed bugs can only reproduce when they have reached maturity. How do bed bugs get into your house? Bed bugs may get into a new home as stowaways when luggage, furniture and bedding is moved into a new home - especially in the case of second-hand furniture. Perhaps we should be careful when purchasing second hand furniture at knock-down prices - a careful visual inspection should result in detecting them, if any are present. Even vacant and seemingly clean homes may have bed bugs in them - they can survive for many months without any food. They can also move from apartment to apartment through hollows in walls and holes and tubes that wires and pipes go through. A bat or bird that flies into a home could introduce bed bugs, and some other bugs as well. How do I know if I have bed bugs in my house? The biggest sign of bed bugs is people complaining of bites that occurred while they were asleep. If this happens you should examine the bedrooms for bed bugs and signs of bed bug activity. Look carefully into the creases in the bed linen, and seams and tufts of mattresses and box springs for bugs or eggs. The eggs will look like tiny pale poppy seeds. Signs of bed bug activity may exist beneath loose areas of wallpaper near beds, in the corner of desks and dressers, in laundry, and in drawers. Look out for dark brown or reddish fecal spots (bed bug droppings, excrement). If an area is very infested you may sense a coriander-like odor. The excrement is a liquid that looks either light brown or black that can either bead up or be absorbed by the material around it. Dogs can be trained to sniff out live bed bugs or past infestations. A dog's sense of smell is so acute that it can pick up the scent of a single bed bug. What happens when I get bitten? When you are bitten a raised red bump of flat welt (also called a papule or a wheal) will appear, often accompanied by very intense itching. The anesthetic contained in the bed bugs saliva causes an allergic reaction which results in the red bumps. They look very similar to mosquito bites, but last a lot longer. Signs and symptoms of bug bites will only affect the surface of the skin. Bites can sometimes take up to nine days to become visible. Unlike flea bites, bed bug bites do not usually have a red dot in the center. Bed bugs, like fleas, tend to bite in rows. There are likely to be two or three bites all in a row. This is probably because the bed bug is disturbed while feeding, and then comes back about half an inch further down for its next bite; or perhaps it had been trying to find a good vein, and needed several attempts. About 50% of people who are bitten show no symptoms at all and do not know it happened. This makes it more difficult to prevent or identify potential infestations. Some individuals, however, may become ill and nauseous. It is possible get skin infections and scars from scratching the bites. When people know they have an infestation of bed bugs in their house they tend to become alarmed. Research, however, indicates that bed bugs do not transmit disease, even though they do bite and take blood. Infections will occur as a result of scratching, and not from a pathogen passed on from the bug. Very rarely, some people may have an anaphylactic reaction to bed bug bites. It is possible to have an asthmatic reaction when they shed skin as they grow and die; but cases are very rare. Treatment of bed bug bites Most bites resolve within one to two weeks. Treatment focuses on relieving symptoms, and include: Applying a topical cream, such as cortisone to relieve itching. Avoid scratching as this can cause infection. If infection does occur an oral antibiotic may be prescribed. If there is a severe allergic reaction oral corticosteroids may be prescribed. Antihistamines may also help relieve allergic reactions. As soon as the symptoms are treated it will be necessary deal with the infestation (see belowControlling infestations of bed bugs) Do bed bugs transmit disease? Although they look very much like the kind of insect that would transmit disease, like mosquitoes, there are no records anywhere of disease transmission caused by bed bugs - even from sick host to healthy host. A study carried out by scientists at the Department of Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, USA, that reviewed the available evidence on bed bugs found that while they are highly resistant to various ways of getting rid of them, they seem to be more of a nuisance than a serious health problem, but the possibility that they could one day serve as a vehicle for disease has not been well researched. Scientists say there may be as many as 40 pathogens that could potentially live inside a bed bug or around its mouth area. However, tests have concluded that bed bugs are highly unlikely to carry disease from host to host. Researchers have concluded that they are much less hazardous to human health than fleas, or other common insects. Nevertheless, these are well formulated opinions, rather than the results of conclusive studies. Some say hepatitis B or Chagas disease could not be discarded as possibilities if the setting were right. As mentioned before, the biggest risk for humans comes from secondary bacterial infection, which in this case would be as a result of scratching the skin. Scratching, if it breaks the skin, allows bacteria to penetrate - but the bacteria would not have been from the bed bug. Although they are not known to carry diseases, bed bugs can affect the quality of life of a person who has been bitten, causing distress, discomfort, embarrassment and unsettled sleep. Controlling infestations of bed bugs Since they can hide in so many places, they are not easy to eradicate. Unless you have a lot of time at your disposal, and limitless patience, it is advisable to get a professional in pest control. Experts know where to look for them, as well as how to get rid of them. You can help the pest control professional by removing excess clutter form your house. If your stuff is strewn about rooms the bed bugs will have many extra places to hide, making inspection and eradication that much more difficult. Some pest control companies may ask you to move furniture away from walls and mattresses and box springs stood on edge before they come in, while others prefer everything to be left where it is so that they can check before moving them themselves. If you live in an apartment or a house that adjoins another one, it may be necessary to inspect adjoining dwellings to. Bed bugs can easily disperse throughout a building. The following procedures are advised: Bedding and garments which are prone to infestation need to be bagged and laundered at 120 F minimum, because these items cannot be treated with insecticides. Or.... Place these items in the clothes drier. Set it to high heat for ten to twenty minutes. "Dry-clean only" clothes may be placed in the drier as long as they are completely dry beforehand and are set at moderate heat (less than 160 F). It is possible to send your stuff off to be dry-cleaned - this will kill the bugs; but you may be passing your problem onto the dry-cleaning establishment. When the dry-cleaners open your bags and sort them the little bugs may get away and infest their new home. For things that cannot be treated by washing or placing in the drier, wrap them in plastic and place them outdoors in a very hot and sunny location for at least 24 hours. For best results pack each bag loosely. The aim is for an internal temperature of at least 120 F. Freezing may also work, but may take several days. It may be an option during winter months when finding hot and sunny locations may not be possible. Do not try to kill them off by ramping up the heating in your house - it won't work. Some pest control companies have special heaters for this. Although thorough vacuuming may not catch every single bug and egg, it will help get rid of some of the infestation before treatment with insecticides. When vacuuming make sure you include cracks and crevices. Dislodging eggs is extremely difficult - scraping as you vacuum along infested areas, such as fabric folds of beds and sofas and the perimeter edge of wall-to-wall carpets, is more effective. When you have finished make sure you place the vacuum cleaner contents in a sealed bag. You may find it is best to throw some infested items away. A pest control professional will help advise you. Make sure you bag these items carefully before moving them. Insecticides are a crucial part of getting rid of bed bugs. Do not use baits for ants and cockroaches, they will not work with bed bugs. A good pest control professional will treat all areas where bugs are found, as well as areas bugs tend to like. Depending on the size of your home and the severity of the infestation, this may take several hours. Follow-up visits may also be necessary. If you have recently got rid of bats or birds in and around your home it is possible that the bed bugs that fed on them may have switched to human hosts. Bat and bird nesting sites must be treated too.
You could encase both the mattress and box spring in a proactive cover, as some people do for allergy relief. Some pest control firms sell them, as do a number of retail outlets.
As soon as you have encased it and zipped it shut, any bed bug trapped inside will eventually die - as long as you do not unzip it. Some people keep their new beds encased as it prevents the bugs from getting into the mattress and crevices and makes it easier to keep the surface clean and bug free. It is important to remember that encasements do not stop bed bugs from crawling onto them.
Bedbug对于美国人也是多少年提拎不清麻烦透顶的虫子,Bed Bug 在北美的严重程度?什么样的房子容易有Bed Bugs?Bed Bug 如何传播?Bed Bug 生活习性?Bed Bug 藏匿地点?如何预防Bed Bug ?Bed Bug 是否传播疾病?健康方面的危害?下文是关于Bedbug的介绍和整治办法。
这我有发言权,因为有比较--在美国的几年,跳蚤,蟑螂,bed bugs我都全都经历过了,自诩除虫达人 (不要错误的认为这些都是因为我卫生习惯差!!! 认识我的人都知道我有洁癖和强迫症,在家会跪在地上擦马桶擦得铮亮... 全都是因为美国这荒蛮之地,劳什子甚多,纽约的百年老宅更是如此。)
这三种之中,bed bugs win hands down -- 原因很简单,DDT被禁用之后,没有能根除和彻底杀灭bed bug的杀虫剂。有人提到过DE(硅藻土),DE确实对beg bugs有接触性致死的作用,但是同时会对人的肺泡造成不可逆转的损伤,即“尘肺”,像核弹头一样,虽然威力强大,但不到万不得已真不敢用。
至于 bed bug侵扰严重到什么程度呢? 这么说吧,我这种精神、体力两方面抗压能力强大到正态分布3 sigma之外的人,居然有一天看着疾驰而过的地铁产生了“跳下去也好,一了百了”的想法 (严肃不开玩笑的)-- 瞬时被自己的想法吓到,赶紧倒退了几步。我是超敏体质,对bed bug唾液过敏,并且因此产生了很糟糕的并发症,包括人工荨麻疹和皮肤划痕症,每四个小时必须服用抗组织胺类的药,不然一分钟都熬不过去。有时候****的hives实在难受的不行,我就跑去洗手间把热水开到最烫,冒水蒸汽的那种,然后把胳膊放到烫水里冲...
关键词:bed bug怎么办,bed bug spray,bed bug powder,bed bug症状,
除此之外,extermination之前长达两页纸的prep work家里的每一件东西都要吸尘后用塑料袋封装,所有衣服高温洗涤高温烘干或干洗之后用塑料袋封装... & etc),与Building Management进行口头和书面交涉,甚至做最坏打算准备的上庭诉讼材料,隔离,packing,安排movers把东西搬去storage存放,找 新房子,这所有的一切都是我利用下班之后的零星时间和周末一个人完成的。上个周末从星期五晚上开始,连续三个晚上都只睡了5小时不到,其他的时间都花在从上东区的老宅到新泽西同事家的commute, packing , moving, cleaning 上了。更不谈我膝盖带伤,住的那幢上东72街walk-up的破楼里扔个垃圾得从楼梯上下五楼, 洗趟衣服要走3个block。其他经济方面的损失,流水一般花出去的钱,开始的时候还觉得心疼,现在连想都没有气力去想了。
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Q & A: 1. Bed Bug 在北美的严重程度? 遍 布50个州。以人口多,居住密集,流动性大的城市最为严重。另外Hotel 也是一个受灾严重的地区。2009年纽约和新泽西爆发了从二战以来,最严重的虫害。4月在纽约和新泽西召开了第一届Bed Bug峰会,主要议题是争取政府资助,研究有效的杀虫剂,和虫害对人的精神健康的伤害。
2. 什么样的房子容易有Bed Bugs? 很难说。不过问题最大的应该是有过Bed Bug Infestation历史的building。一幢住宅里,如果一户有发生过,其他住户也很危险,因为它们会顺着墙缝,电线,暖气管,地板的缝隙等等迁徙,2微米的缝隙就能钻进去。
3. Bed Bug 如何传播? 多种途径。比如说住宅楼里有过虫害历史,过一段时间重新爆发。另一个重要的传播途径是虫子爬进旅行者的行李,然后带去新的地方开始繁衍生息。还有的是通过从路边拣别人抛弃的旧家具。
4. Bed Bug 藏匿地点? They could live anywhere in an infested home. 最普遍的藏匿地点是木质家具,床垫,床箱,headboard, 沙发,地板缝隙,墙面和地板的接缝,电源面板后,画框背后... 最瞎的藏匿地点包括电视机,音箱,电脑键盘... you name it. 但是通常来说而言,它们无法沿着金属表面垂直爬行,也不太喜欢塑料和金属,以及高温(120华氏度以上)的地方。
5. Bed Bug 生活习性? 通常昼伏夜出(但是也有例外),凌晨3-5点是活动的高峰期,因此行踪诡异难以被发现。专门吸食人类的血液,生命力强,成虫18个月不吸血也能存活。
6. 如何预防Bed Bug? 搬 入新居前认真考察虫害历史,向邻居询问状况。旅行回来对所有旅行包进行吸尘处理(尤其是接缝的地方),最好送去干洗,或者120华氏度以上的高温烘干处 理;对所有衣服进行高温水洗和高温烘干。避免使用来历不明的二手家具。对可疑的咬痕(线状排列,类似蚊虫叮咬但是更痒),皮肤过敏的状况,以及卧具上的 blood stain 提高警惕。
7. 如果除虫Bed Bug? 我也希望我有成功的经验可以分享,但是我自己暂时还不能确定我已经安全。
在此提供两个有用的Bed Bug 网站: http://bedbugger.com/ (葵花宝典。BB论坛,最多最全的信息资料,以及精神互助组) http://bedbugregistry.com/ (北美公众数据库,用来登记和检索虫害发生的街道地址;信息肯定不完全,但是有一定借鉴价值)
8. 为什么中国没有美国有Bed Bug? 中国很早的时候,在卫生条件非常差的农村,以及一些人口密集的大城市比如上海是有的。但是,除四害的时候用敌敌畏(美国禁用的DDVP -- 感谢nongyao TX更正 ^^)基本算是消灭了,至少是城市地区已经不存在这种问题了。 美国自从确认DDT的长期危害之后,彻底禁用了,以至于这些年来完全没有能够有效杀虫的药剂,bed bug对于市面上杀虫剂大都有抗性。
9. Bed Bug 是否传播疾病?健康方面的危害? 这个虫子虽然可怕,但只要不是过敏体质,对人体的健康并没有太多直接的伤害,它们通常不会传染其他的疾病。说到伤害,主要是部分人群的严重过敏症状,对皮肤过度抓挠引起的次级感染,以及因此产生的高度紧张、恐惧、焦虑、失眠,以及其他精神疾患。
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关键词:bed bug是什么,kill bed bug,bed bug中文,bed bug bites,bed bug killer, bed bug臭虫
从5月20号搬进新宿舍以后,我遭受了一个多月的bedbug虫害。经过和房东交涉,7月1号换到另一间宿舍,到现在终于差不多摆脱了虫子。这中间 叫过五次pest control,和房东office谈过至少四次,喷光了三瓶雷达,看过两次医生,药费、杀虫剂、杀菌抹布、地毯蒸汽清洁(rug doctor)和其他杂七杂八的东西,少说花了一百多。整个六月除了去东北玩的几天,没睡过一个好觉,连带着作息饮食统统混乱。不过也积累了一些对付 bedbug的经验,对付其他虫子也可以参考。
Bedbug体型椭圆扁平,灰棕色,成虫大概只有quarter硬币上面一个到两个字母大,或者人民币纸币上 毛主席领口那粒扣子的一半大(我这参照物找的……)。因为颜色的关系,虫子在深色的家具地毯和床上爬,不太容易发现。因为体型扁平,可以钻进墙缝、箱子 缝、mattress的seam里面。Bedbug的卵和粪便是深棕黄颜色。会蝉蜕,蜕下来的外壳还是有bedbug的样子(上面最后一幅图所示)。如果看 到seam里面有棕黄的东西,或者角落发现上面那种外壳,多半已经有bedbug了。Bedbug忍耐力很强,可以很长时间不进食(就是不吸血),所以前 一个租客搬走之后,房子空几个星期,新租客进来,马上bedbug就会卷土重来。
Bedbug吸哺乳动物的血,包括人、猫狗宠物,甚至房 子里有老鼠的话,也会吸老鼠血。所幸目前没有发现bedbug通过吸血传播疾病。Bedbug靠感知温度梯度和二氧化碳浓度分布来定位食物在哪里。虽然 bedbug不会飞,不会跳,不识水性,放到水里就淹死,但是攀爬的功夫一流。除非表面打滑,不然任何地方bedbug一定爬得到。比如人坐着上网,它可 以爬到人脚上吸血。人在床上躺着,它可以从床脚爬到床上去,还可以从周围墙上爬到高处,然后落在床上。Bedbug集中在夜间活动,尤其是凌晨五六点。我 经常是凌晨痒醒的,起来发现地毯上、墙上都有bedbug在爬。任何露出来的地方,bedbug都可以叮。我被咬最多的地方是脚背、脚踝、小腿,其次是 手、脖子、领口和腰,甚至当我和衣而睡包住全身时,连露出的脸上都被咬过。一般来说,bedbug不习惯跟人移动,即使身上有bedbug,白天出门大多 也不会跟着,所以基本上不会通过人和人接触传播到另一家,不过据说bedbug可以在猫狗身上长期呆着。
关键字:bed bug症状, bed bug臭虫, Bedbug的介绍和整治办法
Bedbug虽然不传播疾病,但 是却比蚊子可恶得多。它咬过的地方和蚊子咬过差不多,起红疱,但要一直痒下去,至少一个星期才会不痒,时间长的可以痒大半个月。而且Bedbug在吸血的时候容易受惊吓,人稍微一动,它就会换个地方再下口,所以多数情况下是连着一排三个红疱,一起痒。我身上咬过的地方,有一半左右好了一个月之后现在都还有 痕迹,甚至表皮破了一层才能好。
Bedbug对于美国人也是多少年提拎不清麻烦透顶的虫子,妈妈哄小孩子入睡说,Good night, sleep tight, don't let bedbugs bite.美国在半个世纪以前在害虫控制上大规模使用DDT,差不多消灭过bedbug,但是后来因为DDT毒性太大禁止使用,bedbug也慢慢发展出抗药性,弱农药不管用,再加上旅行者越来越多,于是星火燎原一样迅猛扩散开了。扩散的渠道多是通过旅馆,上个房客的行李里带来bedbug,下个房客又把 bedbug和衣物一起放箱子里带回家了。在我住的这栋楼,扩散的源头是Apt 20,他们很不讲卫生。我不巧,正好住在Apt 20的隔壁,因此靠Apt 20的厨房、餐厅和卫生间墙上的蟑螂和bedbug最多。因为洗碗池和浴缸的下水道是相通的,墙下也有一些空隙可以让虫子迁移过来。我们这里最多的蟑螂种 类叫做German cockroach,成虫和幼虫的样子可以在网上搜到。虫卵是一个灰色透明的小盒子,会爬出无数小蟑螂。如果发现这种小盒子,恭喜你,你麻烦了。
衣物封闭好。可以用超市买回的大垃圾袋把换下来的衣服装好,万一有虫子不会爬到其他地方。然后送洗衣房,在washer里面加多点洗衣 液,bedbug经不起soap,用热水洗;在dryer里面用高温烘干。干净衣服也放好,避免虫子爬进去。给大床垫有专门隔离bedbug的 mattress protector卖。 有一种粘老鼠用的glue board,像国内粘苍蝇用的那种纸,可以放在房间各角落作为探测有无虫子和灭虫的工具。如果有虫子粘到上面,你就知道房子里已经有虫了。 看到虫子要立即杀死,不要让它跑掉。虫子一般耐力都很强,进食一次能饿很久。像bedbug的幼虫到成虫有几个阶段,每个阶段至少要吸 一次血,以保证生长的需要。那么让它吸血跑掉就等于给它提供了生长的机会。如果是喷杀虫剂,结果虫子还是挣扎跑掉,它以后可能发展出抗药能力,再把这个能力传给后代,以后就更难消灭了。Bedbug体形扁,偶尔可能没捏死。捏死之后会散发一种特殊的有一点刺激性的气味。 美国南方夏天潮湿闷热,空调要常开,虽然费电。温度低一点,虫卵不容易孵化,虫子活动也减少。家具墙壁也不容易长霉。
首先是穿着长衣长裤袜子睡,尽量遮盖,避免虫子咬。开空调,也不会热。我当时虫子严重,已经把帽子手套都戴上了。如果有吊扇可以开着,避免bedbug从天花板上掉下来。 床脚垫一个装水的小容器(网上有卖),可以防止bedbug爬上床,只是木质的床脚不知道会不会泡烂。或者把粘鼠纸垫在床脚也行。像下图这样。中间的纸片是避免床脚粘到粘鼠纸上。 睡觉准备一只手电筒。如果感觉痒,痒的地方暂时不要动,也不要起身开灯,用手电筒在四周仔细搜索虫子,突然来临的手电筒光会让bedbug一惊,暂时停止不动,随后开始逃跑。bedbug的行动不算快,不是很难找到。 Bedbug咬到的地方很痒,影响白天做事情。除了抹清凉油风油精之外,一个办法是开热水冲痒的地方,能让痒的感觉暂时失灵。不过要小心被过热的tap water烫到。 当然要叫pest control的人过来。喷完药之后关门窗,关空调和排气扇,出去玩两个小时再回来。普通的杀虫剂都可以用作杀bedbug,墙沿、墙和家具的裂缝、下水 道表面、冰箱后面缝隙是重点。不过还有几种药可以用。一种没有毒性的药叫做Diatomaceous Earth,硅藻土,有超强吸附能力,可以撒在角落墙沿,虫子爬到上面会脱水而死,5lbs大概一二十刀。Steri fab,杀虫的效果不是最好,但是没有毒性残留,可以喷在床上、衣服上,干了就可以接触皮肤了,16oz大概十几刀。Gentrol IGR(insect growth regulator),一般是fogger,可以让虫子停止生长周期,大概半年有效,一小瓶大概七八刀。 Rug doctor和steam vacuum对清除地毯里的虫卵有用,不过租一次包括清洁剂要花四十块钱。一般如果地毯脏可以要求manager派人来做steam clean,免费。 如果是瓷砖或者tile地面,墙沿可以用滚开的浓盐水浇,前提是确认周围没有虫子的源头,否则浇盐水是没用的,虫子还会来。如果是地毯,不建议用盐水浇,因为地毯不容易干,而且盐分会吸潮。
我曾经设想用可乐制造二氧化碳,用灯制造热源,在房子里模拟另一个人,把bedbug引过去,再集中杀灭。实验结果是不成 功。分析失败原因,一是没有給灯遮光,bedbug避光,二是没有稳定释放的二氧化碳源,应当放很多瓶可乐,用水浴让二氧化碳逐步释放出来。然而也没有再 试。
所有衣物床单封闭好,高温洗。 床垫如果详细检查没有虫子,放外面晒几天再搬进去。 所有家具的内外表面全部检查一遍,往缝隙里面喷药。 晒一天,再搬进去。 所有书和纸质资料,翻开检查有没有虫子。纸箱的底要拆开看。 箱子内侧可以大略喷一下药,干了再往里面放东西。杀虫药一般可以残留几个月。 搬进去的东西,先放在一处,不要马上摆放好。当晚如果发现有虫子爬出来,马上把那天搬进来的东西搬出去再检查一遍。把那处的地vacuum一遍。
如果到现在还没有被虫虫折磨得精疲力尽的话, 就开始布置新家吧。我从Apt 18搬出来花了二十天,每天花几个小时,把所有物品都检查了一遍,到目前为止暂时没发现有bedbug。偶尔有一两只小蟑螂,不大碍事。
🔥 最新回帖
请问你买的时哪种,还记得吗?我们现在快被bed bug 折磨死了。。。。
来自 北美省钱快报 的微博评论
来自 北美省钱快报 的微博评论
🛋️ 沙发板凳
什麽是臭蟲? 臭蟲是嗜人血為生的小昆蟲。 它們通常在人們夜間睡覺的時候活動。 成年臭蟲身型扁平橢圓,呈赭紅色。 成年臭蟲大約有蘋果籽這麽大,因此很容易看到,但牠們常常躲藏在家具、地板和牆壁的縫隙裏。臭蟲吸血時,軀體會膨脹起來並變成更加鮮亮的紅色。牠們在不叮咬嗜血的情況下可以存活好幾個月。
被臭蟲叮咬有什麽感覺,被叮咬的地方是什麽樣子? 在大多數情況下,被臭蟲叮咬後一開始沒有痛感,但後來被叮咬的皮膚變成一**發癢的傷痕。與被蝨子叮咬不同的是,這些傷痕在中心部位並沒有一個紅點。
臭蟲會造成危險嗎? 儘管臭蟲和其叮咬令人討厭,但大家都知道,牠們並不會傳播疾病。
家裡怎麼會有臭蟲出沒的? 在大多數情況下,人們是在不知道的情況下把臭蟲帶回家裏,即把受到臭蟲侵襲的行李、家具、鋪蓋或衣服帶回家。臭蟲也可能會透過牆壁和地板上的縫隙和裂縫穿行於公寓之間。
我如何知道我的家裏是否受到臭蟲的侵襲? 您可能會注意到皮膚上發癢的傷痕。您也可能會親眼看到臭蟲、臭蟲被壓扁後所留下的小血跡或者牠們像黑點一樣的糞便。人們常常難以發現臭蟲,因爲牠們藏匿於床鋪裏或其附近,常常是家具和縫隙中。
我是否應僱用防蟲公司消滅臭蟲? 健康局建議屋主僱用由紐約州環境保護廳(New York State Department of Environmental Conservation,簡稱DEC)註冊的防蟲公司來消滅臭蟲。 防蟲公司應該做下列事宜:
檢查您的家裏,以確認是否有臭蟲。 找出臭蟲並清除其藏身之處。 在必要情況下用特殊的清潔用品和/或殺蟲劑對您的住所進行處理。 再度到住所查看,確保已經沒有臭蟲。
請確保向您提供服務的防蟲公司聘用的是有執照的治蟲專業人員。請要求查看一下他們的執照的副本,或者致電或上網直接向DEC查實,電話是(718) 482-4994,網址是:http://www.dec.ny.gov/permits/209.html
有必要使用殺蟲劑來清除臭蟲嗎? 清除臭蟲的最佳方式是對其藏身之處進行清洗和消毒,並除掉這些地方。由於臭蟲的幼蟲(蛹)可以在不吸血的情況下存活好幾個月,而成蟲可以活一年以上,因此防蟲公司可以使用殺蟲劑。請向專業人員諮詢有關安全使用殺蟲劑的知識,並確保他/她們做下列事宜:
使用毒性最低的殺蟲劑。 遵循產品標示上的使用説明和警告。 提醒您離開使用了殺蟲劑的房間並告訴您何時可以安全地重新進入房間。 把少量殺蟲劑僅噴灑在床墊和沙發的接縫處。絕不應把殺蟲劑噴在床墊或沙發的上面。
我如何能清除臭蟲? 1. 在家裏找到臭蟲的藏身之處。 使用光線充足的手電筒在臥室的家具上尋找臭蟲或其黑色的糞便。或者使用吹風機、薄的刀子、舊的地鐵卡或撲克牌把臭蟲從其藏身的空間和縫隙裏趕出來。請檢查下列地方:
床頭板的後面。 床墊的接縫處和缐束處以及床鋪彈簧的裏面。 臥室護壁板的裂縫處。T&I-11333 (Chinese) 床頭櫃的裏面和周圍。 臥室内其他物品,包括窗框和門框、照片、裝飾板條、相鄰的家具、鬆掉的牆紙、灰泥和隔牆的縫隙以及散亂的東西。
2. 對臭蟲有可能藏匿的地方進行清潔。
清潔鋪蓋、床單、窗簾、地毯和衣物。要消滅臭蟲,要用熱水清洗相關物品,並把烘乾機設定在最高強度而將這些物品烘乾。把易損壞的衣物放入加有許多洗衣粉的溫水裏浸泡幾個小時,然後將其清洗。毛料物品、長毛絨玩具、鞋子以及許多其他物品可以放入熱烘乾機裏烘乾30分鐘,以便清除臭蟲。 用堅硬的刷子刷洗床墊的接縫處,以便清除臭蟲和其蟲卵。 用吸塵器清掃床墊、床架、周圍的家具、地板和地毯。要特別注意裂縫和開口空間。在用完吸塵器後,立即把吸塵器的袋子放入密封的塑料袋,然後將其丟棄到室外的垃圾桶裏。 如果您在床墊上發現臭蟲,請用一個防水的、帶拉鎖的且標有「定級為過敏原」(allergen rated)或「用於塵蹣」(for dust mites)字樣的床罩罩起來。至少要使用該床罩一年。 如果您的彈簧床鋪受到臭蟲侵襲,那麽就把其密封在一個乙烯基彈簧床鋪罩中,爲期至少一年。如果沒有床罩,則將彈簧床鋪扔掉。 扔掉無法清潔的受臭蟲侵襲的物品,並將散亂的東西扔掉。將這些物品緊緊地密封在塑料垃圾袋裏,並將其丟棄在室外的垃圾桶裏。 修補灰泥中的裂縫,並且修補或扔掉鬆掉的牆紙。
3. 使用殺蟲劑時,要非常謹慎。 殺蟲劑對人和寵物均有可能造成傷害。如果您選擇使用殺蟲劑,或者一位有執照的防蟲專業人士建議您這樣做,請遵循下列 預防措施: 只使用清楚地標明用於消滅臭蟲的殺蟲劑。決不能使用滅蟑螂或螞蟻的噴劑,或者任何其他沒有在其標簽上列有臭蟲的殺蟲劑。 嚴格遵循標簽上的使用説明。 千萬不要把殺蟲劑噴灑在床墊或沙發的上面,也不要噴灑在兒童或寵物逗遛的區域。 不要購買或使用沒有生産商標簽的產品,而且千萬不要從街頭小販那裏購買殺蟲劑。 避免在家裏使用「殺蟲劑炸彈」(insecticide bomb)和「殺蟲劑噴霧器」(fogger)。這些產品可在您的家裏傳播有毒化學物質,而且對於消滅臭蟲很可能沒有效果。
從旅行回來後,立即洗衣服和檢查行李。 在把二手家具搬回家之前,請檢查,看一看有沒有臭蟲。 絕對不要把別人丟棄的床架子、床墊、彈簧床或帶套子的家具搬回家裏。
不要轉售或捐贈染上臭蟲的家具或衣物。 如果您把染上臭蟲的家具扔掉,請把家具的表面割破或戳幾個洞,或者使其無法使用,以便讓他人都不願意把該件家具撿走。在家具上貼上字條,上寫「沾染了臭蟲」(Infested with Bed Bugs)。
本份事實清單也刊登在網站nyc.gov/health上。如要獲得更多該份文件,請致電311,並要求轉接「Stop Bed Bugs Safely」(安全地阻止臭蟲滋生)。
What Are Bed Bugs? How To Kill Bed Bugs
Bed bugs, known scientifically as Cimex lectularius (Cimicidae) are small wingless insects that feed by hematophagy - exclusively on the blood of warm blooded-animals. As we are warm-blooded animals we are ideal hosts for them.
Over millions of years bed bugs have evolved as nest parasites - inhabiting the nests of birds and the roosts of bats. Some of them have learnt to adapt to the human environment and live in our nests, i.e. our homes, and more specifically, our beds. Newborns, called hatchlings or nymphs, are tiny, about the size of a poppy seed, while adults grow to about ¼ of an inch long. Their shape is oval and flattened. Both nymphs, eggs and adults are visible to the naked eye.
They are called bed bugs because of their preferred habitat in human homes: sofas, bed mattresses and other soft furnishings.
Bed bugs are seen as a growing problem within all types of dwellings, including private homes, dormitories, cruise ships, army barracks, and shelters.
When seen close up they may have a white, light tan to a deep brown or burnt orange color. Just after molting most of them are plain white. When they have had their feed a dark red or black blob may be observed within their body. They will instinctively seek shelter in dark cracks and crevices when disturbed.
How dangerous are bed bugs to humans?
Most bed bugs feed on their hosts while they are asleep. The host supplies them with blood in a painless way, never knowing it is happening. While feeding they inject a small amount of saliva into the host's skin. The more they feed on one particular host, say a human, over a period of several weeks, the more sensitized that human becomes to their saliva. Until eventually the host develops a mild to intense allergic response.
People who have become sensitive to bed bug bites - their saliva - have lesions similar to mosquito or flea bites. Most humans will think they have been bitten by some insect, such as a mosquito, and never realize who the true culprit was.
The common bed bug, (Cimex lectularius) has adapted well to human environments. It is generally found in temperate climates. Cimex hemiterus is more common in tropical regions, and has mainly poultry and bats as its host. Leptocimex boueti, found mainly in South America and West Africa feeds chiefly on humans and bats. Haematosiphon inodora, of North America, feeds primarily on poultry.
How do bed bugs feed? A bed bug is about the size of a grain of rice. This bed bug has recently had a feed. The most active time for a bed bug is about one hour before sunrise - the peak time for feeding. However, they will try to feed at any time of day or night if they are hungry enough, and if the opportunity is there. They prefer nighttime and hate sunlight.
They will reach their host either by crawling straight towards them, or climbing a wall and then across the ceiling until they feel a heat wave - when they jump down onto their host. The bug is attracted to the host by both its warmth and the presence of C02 (carbon dioxide).
It pierces the skin of its host with two hollow tubes. One tube injects saliva which contains anesthetics, so that the host feels nothing, and anticoagulants, so that the blood flows out freely. The other tube 禁用词语s the blood in.
Feeding takes about five minutes, after which the bug returns to its hiding place. Bites are not noticeable by the host until at least a few minutes or some hours afterwards. Hosts, for example humans, will be aware of a bite after scratching it. Often bites may not be noticeable for several days.
Bed bugs will feed every five to ten days. They can, however, last for several months without feeding. If there is no food around they can become dormant for over a year. A well fed bed bug has a lifespan of about six to nine months.
How do bed bugs reproduce?
Bed bugs reproduce by traumatic insemination, also known as hypodermic insemination. The males have hypodermic genitalia which pierce the females anywhere on their abomen and ejaculate sperm into the body cavity. The sperm diffuse through the insides and reach the ovaries, resulting in fertilization.
The female bed bug lays approximately 5 eggs in one day and about 500 during her lifetime. Eggs are about 1 mm long and are visible to the naked eye. They have a milky-white tinge.
The eggs take about two weeks to hatch. The nymphs (baby bed bugs) start feeding as soon as they hatch, and pass through five molting stages before reaching maturity. During each molting stage they need to feed once. It takes about five weeks to reach maturity at a room-temperature environment.
Bed bugs can only reproduce when they have reached maturity.
How do bed bugs get into your house?
Bed bugs may get into a new home as stowaways when luggage, furniture and bedding is moved into a new home - especially in the case of second-hand furniture. Perhaps we should be careful when purchasing second hand furniture at knock-down prices - a careful visual inspection should result in detecting them, if any are present.
Even vacant and seemingly clean homes may have bed bugs in them - they can survive for many months without any food. They can also move from apartment to apartment through hollows in walls and holes and tubes that wires and pipes go through.
A bat or bird that flies into a home could introduce bed bugs, and some other bugs as well.
How do I know if I have bed bugs in my house? The biggest sign of bed bugs is people complaining of bites that occurred while they were asleep. If this happens you should examine the bedrooms for bed bugs and signs of bed bug activity. Look carefully into the creases in the bed linen, and seams and tufts of mattresses and box springs for bugs or eggs. The eggs will look like tiny pale poppy seeds.
Signs of bed bug activity may exist beneath loose areas of wallpaper near beds, in the corner of desks and dressers, in laundry, and in drawers.
Look out for dark brown or reddish fecal spots (bed bug droppings, excrement). If an area is very infested you may sense a coriander-like odor. The excrement is a liquid that looks either light brown or black that can either bead up or be absorbed by the material around it.
Dogs can be trained to sniff out live bed bugs or past infestations. A dog's sense of smell is so acute that it can pick up the scent of a single bed bug.
What happens when I get bitten?
When you are bitten a raised red bump of flat welt (also called a papule or a wheal) will appear, often accompanied by very intense itching. The anesthetic contained in the bed bugs saliva causes an allergic reaction which results in the red bumps. They look very similar to mosquito bites, but last a lot longer. Signs and symptoms of bug bites will only affect the surface of the skin.
Bites can sometimes take up to nine days to become visible. Unlike flea bites, bed bug bites do not usually have a red dot in the center.
Bed bugs, like fleas, tend to bite in rows. There are likely to be two or three bites all in a row. This is probably because the bed bug is disturbed while feeding, and then comes back about half an inch further down for its next bite; or perhaps it had been trying to find a good vein, and needed several attempts.
About 50% of people who are bitten show no symptoms at all and do not know it happened. This makes it more difficult to prevent or identify potential infestations. Some individuals, however, may become ill and nauseous. It is possible get skin infections and scars from scratching the bites.
When people know they have an infestation of bed bugs in their house they tend to become alarmed. Research, however, indicates that bed bugs do not transmit disease, even though they do bite and take blood. Infections will occur as a result of scratching, and not from a pathogen passed on from the bug.
Very rarely, some people may have an anaphylactic reaction to bed bug bites. It is possible to have an asthmatic reaction when they shed skin as they grow and die; but cases are very rare.
Treatment of bed bug bites
Most bites resolve within one to two weeks. Treatment focuses on relieving symptoms, and include: Applying a topical cream, such as cortisone to relieve itching. Avoid scratching as this can cause infection. If infection does occur an oral antibiotic may be prescribed. If there is a severe allergic reaction oral corticosteroids may be prescribed. Antihistamines may also help relieve allergic reactions.
As soon as the symptoms are treated it will be necessary deal with the infestation (see belowControlling infestations of bed bugs)
Do bed bugs transmit disease?
Although they look very much like the kind of insect that would transmit disease, like mosquitoes, there are no records anywhere of disease transmission caused by bed bugs - even from sick host to healthy host.
A study carried out by scientists at the Department of Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, USA, that reviewed the available evidence on bed bugs found that while they are highly resistant to various ways of getting rid of them, they seem to be more of a nuisance than a serious health problem, but the possibility that they could one day serve as a vehicle for disease has not been well researched.
Scientists say there may be as many as 40 pathogens that could potentially live inside a bed bug or around its mouth area. However, tests have concluded that bed bugs are highly unlikely to carry disease from host to host.
Researchers have concluded that they are much less hazardous to human health than fleas, or other common insects. Nevertheless, these are well formulated opinions, rather than the results of conclusive studies. Some say hepatitis B or Chagas disease could not be discarded as possibilities if the setting were right.
As mentioned before, the biggest risk for humans comes from secondary bacterial infection, which in this case would be as a result of scratching the skin. Scratching, if it breaks the skin, allows bacteria to penetrate - but the bacteria would not have been from the bed bug.
Although they are not known to carry diseases, bed bugs can affect the quality of life of a person who has been bitten, causing distress, discomfort, embarrassment and unsettled sleep.
Controlling infestations of bed bugs Since they can hide in so many places, they are not easy to eradicate. Unless you have a lot of time at your disposal, and limitless patience, it is advisable to get a professional in pest control. Experts know where to look for them, as well as how to get rid of them.
You can help the pest control professional by removing excess clutter form your house. If your stuff is strewn about rooms the bed bugs will have many extra places to hide, making inspection and eradication that much more difficult.
Some pest control companies may ask you to move furniture away from walls and mattresses and box springs stood on edge before they come in, while others prefer everything to be left where it is so that they can check before moving them themselves.
If you live in an apartment or a house that adjoins another one, it may be necessary to inspect adjoining dwellings to. Bed bugs can easily disperse throughout a building.
The following procedures are advised: Bedding and garments which are prone to infestation need to be bagged and laundered at 120 F minimum, because these items cannot be treated with insecticides. Or.... Place these items in the clothes drier. Set it to high heat for ten to twenty minutes. "Dry-clean only" clothes may be placed in the drier as long as they are completely dry beforehand and are set at moderate heat (less than 160 F). It is possible to send your stuff off to be dry-cleaned - this will kill the bugs; but you may be passing your problem onto the dry-cleaning establishment. When the dry-cleaners open your bags and sort them the little bugs may get away and infest their new home. For things that cannot be treated by washing or placing in the drier, wrap them in plastic and place them outdoors in a very hot and sunny location for at least 24 hours. For best results pack each bag loosely. The aim is for an internal temperature of at least 120 F. Freezing may also work, but may take several days. It may be an option during winter months when finding hot and sunny locations may not be possible. Do not try to kill them off by ramping up the heating in your house - it won't work. Some pest control companies have special heaters for this. Although thorough vacuuming may not catch every single bug and egg, it will help get rid of some of the infestation before treatment with insecticides. When vacuuming make sure you include cracks and crevices. Dislodging eggs is extremely difficult - scraping as you vacuum along infested areas, such as fabric folds of beds and sofas and the perimeter edge of wall-to-wall carpets, is more effective. When you have finished make sure you place the vacuum cleaner contents in a sealed bag. You may find it is best to throw some infested items away. A pest control professional will help advise you. Make sure you bag these items carefully before moving them. Insecticides are a crucial part of getting rid of bed bugs. Do not use baits for ants and cockroaches, they will not work with bed bugs. A good pest control professional will treat all areas where bugs are found, as well as areas bugs tend to like. Depending on the size of your home and the severity of the infestation, this may take several hours. Follow-up visits may also be necessary. If you have recently got rid of bats or birds in and around your home it is possible that the bed bugs that fed on them may have switched to human hosts. Bat and bird nesting sites must be treated too.
Scientists at Ohio State University have determined that combining bed bugs' own chemical signals with a common insect control agent makes that treatment more effective at killing the bugs.
Encasing your bed
You could encase both the mattress and box spring in a proactive cover, as some people do for allergy relief. Some pest control firms sell them, as do a number of retail outlets.
As soon as you have encased it and zipped it shut, any bed bug trapped inside will eventually die - as long as you do not unzip it. Some people keep their new beds encased as it prevents the bugs from getting into the mattress and crevices and makes it easier to keep the surface clean and bug free. It is important to remember that encasements do not stop bed bugs from crawling onto them.
如果在自己的住所发现了Bed Bugs,可以向The Bedbug Registry报告。
这个网站是免费向旅游者和租房者提供Bed Bugs在何处存在的信息。
下面是一段National Geographic Channel拍摄的关于Bed Bugs吸血全过程的视频,高清晰度。 Bed Bugs尖利的吸嘴能够轻易的穿透肌肤吸血。
臭虫没翅膀,所以他们根本飞不了!(这不废话么= =..)。来自明尼苏达大学的臭虫研究者,屎滴芬·凯尔斯说,除非你拿个吹风机在臭虫们的pp后面吹,这样他们可以灰1.2米。单单靠他们自己的话,臭虫一分钟只能爬一米。
科学家们对这一点还在探讨中,实验证明在23度的室温中,臭虫不喝血可以活仨月。因为他们是冷血动物,低温情况下新陈代谢率可以降低,理论上会活的更久一点。 4:臭虫只在晚上吸血
虽然臭虫是喜欢夜行的,但是和人一样,饿了就起床找吃食。砖家说:”如果你去探访远亲并住大半个月,回到家很累,想躺椅子上睡一觉,那么恭喜你,开着灯不会赶走这些小吸血鬼,你要杯具了。“ 5:臭虫(bedbug)只隐匿在床垫里
介是对臭虫最大的误解了。电影院,储物箱,宠物身上,天花板上,椅子上和火车上,他们无处不在。 6:臭虫喜欢不干净的都市环境
假的,因为臭虫喜不喜欢太热的地儿。所以不用担心臭虫会在你的那活儿那滚来滚去。 8:臭虫传播疾病
臭虫咬噬会导致焦虑,失眠或者二次感染。但是从没有过报告臭虫给人类传播疾病的案例。 9:我们应该重新使用强效DDT
这行不通,因为早在1972年,DDT因为过于污染环境而被禁止的时候,臭虫们就已经对这免疫了。而由于越来越多的新式杀虫剂的使用,小虫子们的非物理抵抗属性也越来越强了。 10:我们能用杀虫剂赶跑臭虫
理由同上,还是行不通。最好的方法是烟熏和用热量驱赶 的方法。不过这些方法需要每个家庭淘3000美刀的腰包。 // 臭虫喜欢喝新鲜血液,不介意脏,且呆在凉爽的地儿的话...突然想带了某个公共场所
# 关于臭虫:
wiki: 臭虫又称床虱,是一种很小及难以捕捉的寄生昆虫,属于臭虫科,一般来说,臭虫泛指所有偏好以人体血液为食粮的种属,首选栖息地是房子的床板。臭虫曾经在1940年代早期开始在已发展国家间蔓延,但后来得到治理;不过,从1995年开始,臭虫再度在世界为患,并开始在北美造成严重的卫生问题无论是多伦多参考书图书馆或纽约市的豪宅区均无一幸免。
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