
楼主 (北美微论坛)
本帖最后由 智障儿童--楠 于 2015-12-19 18:50 编辑

首先说,发这个帖子不是为了撕逼。因为我之前的罐头帖子推荐了weruva和bff 被分享了无数次,我也不想因为我写的东西导致了不好的结果,强迫症+较真,所以做了个研究。

搜menadione sodium bisulfite complex这个词,会看到这一段:
As for the toxicity concerns, there are no reports of nutritional toxicity of any vitamin K sources in dogs or cats readily available in the literature, and certainly no descriptions that could be found showing vitamin K3 (menadione) was harmful to dogs, cats or other domestic animals. The recentNutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats (NRC, 2006) and the Vitamin Tolerances of Animals(1987) texts are authoritative reviews on the topic, and they state that toxicity of menadione by nutritional routes is in excess of 1,000 times the requirement. Further, vitamin K3 has been fed to poultry, swine and companion animals for more than 50 years without incident. So, nutritional supplementation with vitamin K3 doesn't appear to be a smoking gun.


但是这个不足以证明Weruva里的Menadion就没坏处,所以我去了官网,的确有些产品成分里有这个东西来替代Vitamin K3。本来想发邮件contact的,但是官网只留了电话。于是我又把weruva和menadione sodium bisulfite complex一起搜,看到了这个帖子。是Weruva自己写的,为什么他们家产品里有Menadione。

Regarding menadione, it is a form of vitamin k that is a required vitamin in fish based cat foods if the formula does not naturally contain enough vitamin k and if a manufacturer intends to label the formula as a complete meal. At this time, the pet food regulations do not permit the supplementation of different forms of vitamin k. We have removed menadione from non-fish formulas, though some cans may have old labels. None of the chicken or beef items contain menadione.

1) AAFCO REQUIRES US TO PUT MENADIONE IN OUR SEAFOOD BASED CAT FOOD FORMULAS IN ORDER TO BE SUITABLE FOR EVERY DAY FEEDING. According to AAFCO, cat food that contains at least 25% seafood on a dry matter basis must contain a certain level of vitamin K, and according to AAFCO, the only approved source of vitamin k is menadione.
(2) In designing our formulas, we have worked with a nutritionist who has served on several AAFCO boards. When specifically discussing menadione with her, she responded via email, “A couple of websites, that do not seem to have much science behind them, are trying to pressure companies to not use vitamin K3. So for fish items where there is clear evidence that vitamin K is important to the nutrition of the animal, they want you to put the animal at risk. The only form of vitamin K allowed in pet foods is menadione sodium bisulfite complex. So the K1 and K2 besides not being stable are not approved sources. Some companies have caved, but I strongly recommend that you don’t, especially when you are selling fish items.”
(3) For further information regarding menadione/k3 in pet food, please read “Vitamin K3 – is it unnecessary and toxic?” This industry expert states, “this notion that vitamin K3 as an ingredient in pet foods should not be used is unfounded”. 插一句,我前面引用的那段话,就是这篇文章来的。
(4) Here is a pet food expert’s statement that they are not concerned with the use of menadione: 太长了 我就截取几句话 Since synthetic vitamin K has double the potency of natural vitamin K on a per weight basis, this resulted in toxicity. One nursing encyclopedia says that “prolonged consumption of megadoses of vitamin K (menadione) results in anemia,” and that “a daily injection of 10 mg of menadione into an infant for three days can kill the child.” It was this tragic discovery that led to its use being banned. In comparison, the amount of menadione in commercial foods is extremely tiny. The Balance IT supplement, which is meant to supply nutrients at AAFCO recommended levels, contains 0.0774 mg menadione per scoop.
(6) Here is how much menadione we use in our seafood formulas: We use 0.00005% menadione in our formulas. That means in an 85g can, we have 0.00425g of menadione, or 4.25 mg. This is essentially over 3200 times less than toxic levels. Also, oral vitamin K3 is water soluble, meaning, if it isn’t used, it is excreted. The known dangers of vitamin k3 involve heavy injections.
(7) Natural Vitamin K based ingredients – Based upon our research and advice from nutritional consultants, we have learned that there may be “complete depletion” of phylloquinone, the main component of vitamin k, during food processing. Our food is cooked once, put in a can and sealed, and then cooked again in a retort process at high temperatures at extended periods of time in order to “sterilize” the product. Under ordinary heat treatment, vitamin k is relatively stable. However, we are not lightly cooking the food.
总结:Weruva和BFF的成分里含有的这个menadione sodium bisulfite complex对猫无害。

2 楼
赞汤圆妈! 大家不要听风就是雨造成恐慌啦
3 楼
赞 我家的猫从小吃weruva长大 比其他几个挑食的猫咪都健康,从来没生病。这种例子真是太多了。
4 楼

赞 我家的猫从小吃weruva长大 比其他几个挑食的猫咪都健康,从来没生病。这种例子真是太多了。 ...

卧槽 才发现你这一排勋章 blingbling的
5 楼

赞汤圆妈! 大家不要听风就是雨造成恐慌啦

6 楼
7 楼
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我家已经不爱了 现在换了weruva
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11 楼
12 楼

我家也喜欢bff,最近犹豫要不要继续给着吃。。。还是觉得tiki好 ...
