honestly speaking, why can you easily be sure those will all happen? are you very close to Xi or any core ccp leader that is scheduled after him?
for example, the 1st action in the list, 武统, does Xi look like he will do it? if you meant he actually wants to do it but intentionally conceals for the moment, how can you be sure about that?
btw, thanks for adding "五毛就不要借题发挥了" at the end of your post. I write English to minimize interactions with 五毛 in other posts.
【 在 fmj (废名举) 的大作中提到: 】 : these are HUGE projections, : honestly speaking, why can you easily be sure those will all happen? : are you very close to Xi or any core ccp leader that is scheduled after him? : for example, the 1st action in the list, 武统, : does Xi look like he will do it? : if you meant he actually wants to do it but intentionally conceals for the : moment, how can you be sure about that?
you used the analog of a card game, as you said CCP has many first hands, but, before I devote to the joy of winning, I would like to ask we win the game for whom?
if you say CCP leads China to win the game for the Chinese people, then why people are not even allowed to speak freely?
if you say CCP must block some voice for the moment, in order to win the game, and you hope people could understand that, then I want to remind you it's very dangerous. There are similar situations and sayings in history and they all have similar nature (and the outcomes were Not good to the people).
you also mentioned, at current stage, there are no alternatives that's better than CCP,
if you assumed that's a valid reason for people to accept Xi's rule, you probably need to Ask (in some way) if Chinese people really accept it! You need to observe and check it out and have some measure of it in mind, and adjust accordingly. That would be minimally wise for any government. You Can't just force the action, then, like some 50cents do, ask back why people don't accept it.
Nothing personal, but people have sense, and it just does NOT make sense.
What about winning the game for humanity? At least I don't see how western culture can fully undo the damage of colonialism and implement real reparation of people of color around the world. To undo the psychological harm of the "gaze of the other", i.e. seeing oneself as inferior, one must gaze back and gain confidence as equals. This is what I see as the only cure for the "self-hating Chinese" complex. TG might be an undesirable agent for change in the western eye, but nevertheless it is still responsible for the rise of China.
With regard to free speech, if you have been to China recently you will recognize that people are much more free to speak their mind in private as compared to the public sphere. Unbridled free speech in public might be worshipped as a religious doctrine in some places, but Chinese people have always been more practical than doctrinal.
That brings me to your point about history. You seem to be influenced by Fukuyama's "End of History" thesis and "the arc of history bends towards justice" style of historical determinism. But a political system is only as good as the people running it. The Chinese civilization has been around longer than the history of democracy, and it has shown the ability to absorb ideas from other civilizations and adapted it into its native version. The concept of respecting individual liberty has already entered the Chinese consciousness, as you can see from the modern family structure. I don't know when it will enter the political sphere, but it's a matter of time.
【 在 fmj (废名举) 的大作中提到: 】 : you used the analog of card game, as you said CCP has many first hands, : but, you win the game for whom? : if you say CCP leads China to win the game for the Chinese people, then why : people are not even allowed to speak freely? : if you say CCP must block some voice for the moment, in order to win the : game, you hope people could understand that, then I want to remind you there : are similar situations in history and they all have similar nature (and the : outcomes were Not good to the people). : you also mentioned, at current stage, there are no alternatives that's : better than CCP, : ...................
winning for humanity or winning for the Chinese people both sound very justified to me. CCP is responsible for an entire upward-opened parabola curve since 1949, it led the country to the bottom of the pit, then led up till before Xi.
Being said that, I agree with you that the western culture is not the cure for China, b/c it doesn't exactly fit. It seems to me it's always the culture, rather than the people, that wins and looses. There was some Indian guy explained (I can't find it on youtube now) the failure of African Americans in US as the failure of their culture, not the failure of their gene. I think we face similar situation in the world.
The reason western culture wins is not the reason our culture fails. The concepts become entangled in a very subtle way, and people easily use one to attack the other.
About free speech, "people are much more free to speak their mind in private as compared to the public sphere". is that still called free, I would ask? But, never mind, leave it.
"Unbridled free speech in public might be worshipped as a religious doctrine in some places" I think it's a main feature of the culture that won. If you assume the fact Chinese people have been very practical for thousands of years is the reason for Chinese people to continue to do so, then we know it's just different choices between you and me. I am a Chinese person born and grew up in China, I don't like Xi's press control or anything like that.
I don't agree Chinese civilization has shown the ability to absorb ideas from other civilizations and adapted it into its native version. It doesn't look so to me.
"it's a matter of time the concept of respecting individual liberty will enter the political sphere" is also too optimistic from my point of view. That won't happen by itself. I am sorry to say that.
【 在 ccmath (還沒想好) 的大作中提到: 】 : What about winning the game for humanity? At least I don't see how western : culture can fully undo the damage of colonialism and implement real : reparation of people of color around the world. To undo the psychological : harm of the "gaze of the other", i.e. seeing oneself as inferior, one must : gaze back and gain confidence as equals. This is what I see as the only cure : for the "self-hating Chinese" complex. TG might be an undesirable agent for : change in the western eye, but nevertheless it is still responsible for the : rise of China. : With regard to free speech, if you have been to China recently you will : recognize that people are much more free to speak their mind in private as : ...................
叔刚来美国看了TG的黑历史以后也是愤怒的不行,差点参加了三退,还相信了一段时间的中崩论。现在回头看看是too young too simple. 圆明园、30万,大国崛起,都是用来建立共识的叙事。共识没有,中国人就是一盘散沙、黄祸。TG是罪恶,但是换民运那帮人上去只会更差。
老将们来说说为什么这么痛恨TG? 五毛就不要借题发挥了。
【 在 ccmath (還沒想好) 的大作中提到: 】
: 叔在现实生活中认识的真正老将就俩,一个49年以后被TG搞得家破人亡,另一个前轮子
: 进过TG的监狱。他们在美国都吃过白人的大亏,回国几次以后现在逐渐转粉了。很多年
: 前叔还去见过方励之,感觉也没有那种咬牙切齿的感觉。
【 在 manchester9 (2020GodWatching) 的大作中提到: 】
: 疆独,藏独,台独呢?
【 在 ccmath (還沒想好) 的大作中提到: 】
: 叔在现实生活中认识的真正老将就俩,一个49年以后被TG搞得家破人亡,另一个前轮子
: 进过TG的监狱。他们在美国都吃过白人的大亏,回国几次以后现在逐渐转粉了。很多年
: 前叔还去见过方励之,感觉也没有那种咬牙切齿的感觉。
: 叔刚来美国看了TG的黑历史以后也是愤怒的不行,差点参加了三退,还相信了一段时间
: 的中崩论。现在回头看看是too young too simple. 圆明园、30万,大国崛起,都是用
: 来建立共识的叙事。共识没有,中国人就是一盘散沙、黄祸。TG是罪恶,但是换民运那
: 帮人上去只会更差。
: 老将们来说说为什么这么痛恨TG? 五毛就不要借题发挥了。
【 在 lmitbbsl (承让承让) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我鳖这边正在法西斯化。你看版上小将纪念完南屠,都咬牙切齿地表示要发动文革肉体
: 毁灭掉老将。
: 我鳖不把大饥荒文革这些历史罪行理顺,根本建立不起共识。
【 在 ccmath (還沒想好) 的大作中提到: 】
: 叔在现实生活中认识的真正老将就俩,一个49年以后被TG搞得家破人亡,另一个前轮子
: 进过TG的监狱。他们在美国都吃过白人的大亏,回国几次以后现在逐渐转粉了。很多年
: 前叔还去见过方励之,感觉也没有那种咬牙切齿的感觉。
: 叔刚来美国看了TG的黑历史以后也是愤怒的不行,差点参加了三退,还相信了一段时间
: 的中崩论。现在回头看看是too young too simple. 圆明园、30万,大国崛起,都是用
: 来建立共识的叙事。共识没有,中国人就是一盘散沙、黄祸。TG是罪恶,但是换民运那
: 帮人上去只会更差。
: 老将们来说说为什么这么痛恨TG? 五毛就不要借题发挥了。
these are HUGE projections,
honestly speaking, why can you easily be sure those will all happen?
are you very close to Xi or any core ccp leader that is scheduled after him?
for example, the 1st action in the list, 武统,
does Xi look like he will do it?
if you meant he actually wants to do it but intentionally conceals for the
moment, how can you be sure about that?
btw, thanks for adding "五毛就不要借题发挥了" at the end of your post.
I write English to minimize interactions with 五毛 in other posts.
【 在 ccmath (還沒想好) 的大作中提到: 】
: 现在这些动作可能是趁着疫情,武统之前统一思想。
: 统一之后,下一代TG核心很可能摇身一变为民族党,大致这样操作就可以了:
: 1.再次修改党章,用民族复兴取代马列。
: 2.解密六四部分档案,收买一些老将
: 3.允许公开讨论三反五反,文革,大饥荒。
: 反正TG的评价已经low的不行,随便开发几个禁区大家都觉得是很大的进步。将来政治
: 体制搞大号的新加坡。
【 在 JSIS (专和小人作对) 的大作中提到: 】
: 小崽子败家子,打是亲骂是爱。
台湾留着继续用来拖住我帝,继续building consensus也不是没有可能。非洲作为原料产地、市场的战略意义可能都大多了。
【 在 fmj (废名举) 的大作中提到: 】
: these are HUGE projections,
: honestly speaking, why can you easily be sure those will all happen?
: are you very close to Xi or any core ccp leader that is scheduled after
: for example, the 1st action in the list, 武统,
: does Xi look like he will do it?
: if you meant he actually wants to do it but intentionally conceals for the
: moment, how can you be sure about that?
【 在 ccmath (還沒想好) 的大作中提到: 】
: 叔在现实生活中认识的真正老将就俩,一个49年以后被TG搞得家破人亡,另一个前轮子
: 进过TG的监狱。他们在美国都吃过白人的大亏,回国几次以后现在逐渐转粉了。很多年
: 前叔还去见过方励之,感觉也没有那种咬牙切齿的感觉。
: 叔刚来美国看了TG的黑历史以后也是愤怒的不行,差点参加了三退,还相信了一段时间
: 的中崩论。现在回头看看是too young too simple. 圆明园、30万,大国崛起,都是用
: 来建立共识的叙事。共识没有,中国人就是一盘散沙、黄祸。TG是罪恶,但是换民运那
: 帮人上去只会更差。
: 老将们来说说为什么这么痛恨TG? 五毛就不要借题发挥了。
【 在 ccmath (還沒想好) 的大作中提到: 】
: 叔在现实生活中认识的真正老将就俩,一个49年以后被TG搞得家破人亡,另一个前轮子
: 进过TG的监狱。他们在美国都吃过白人的大亏,回国几次以后现在逐渐转粉了。很多年
: 前叔还去见过方励之,感觉也没有那种咬牙切齿的感觉。
: 叔刚来美国看了TG的黑历史以后也是愤怒的不行,差点参加了三退,还相信了一段时间
: 的中崩论。现在回头看看是too young too simple. 圆明园、30万,大国崛起,都是用
: 来建立共识的叙事。共识没有,中国人就是一盘散沙、黄祸。TG是罪恶,但是换民运那
: 帮人上去只会更差。
: 老将们来说说为什么这么痛恨TG? 五毛就不要借题发挥了。
这种风不可长, 看看国民党在台湾是如何一步步的走向绝路的。
【 在 ccmath(還沒想好) 的大作中提到: 】
: 现在这些动作可能是趁着疫情,武统之前统一思想。
: 统一之后,下一代TG核心很可能摇身一变为民族党,大致这样操作就可以了:
: 1.再次修改党章,用民族复兴取代马列。
: 2.解密六四部分档案,收买一些老将
: 3.允许公开讨论三反五反,文革,大饥荒。
: 反正TG的评价已经low的不行,随便开发几个禁区大家都觉得是很大的进步。将
: 体制搞大号的新加坡。
骂人就不好了。我觉得身在海外的中国人普遍都有identity crisis. 年纪越大越严重
。叔十几年不上买卖提,最近就是因为midlife crisis又回来了。
【 在 fallingrain2 (密码攻击账号的永不超生) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我给上面轮毙酱起的大名叫
: 老粪黄
: 对应小粉红
: 感觉它们应该很喜欢
【 在 ccmath (還沒想好) 的大作中提到: 】
: 骂人就不好了。我觉得身在海外的中国人普遍都有identity crisis. 年纪越大越严重
: 。叔十几年不上买卖提,最近就是因为midlife crisis又回来了。
【 在 ccmath (還沒想好) 的大作中提到: 】
: 台湾留着继续用来拖住我帝,继续building consensus也不是没有可能。非洲作为原料
: 产地、市场的战略意义可能都大多了。
: 我鳖现在除了名声臭点,手里的牌实在太多了。包书后面谁上来接班,随便打几张牌都
: 不会太差。重要的是现在大家都看到没什么alternative.
: him?
you used the analog of a card game, as you said CCP has many first hands,
but, before I devote to the joy of winning, I would like to ask we win the
game for whom?
if you say CCP leads China to win the game for the Chinese people, then why people are not even allowed to speak freely?
if you say CCP must block some voice for the moment, in order to win the
game, and you hope people could understand that,
then I want to remind you it's very dangerous. There are similar situations and sayings in history and they all have similar nature (and the outcomes
were Not good to the people).
you also mentioned, at current stage, there are no alternatives that's
better than CCP,
if you assumed that's a valid reason for people to accept Xi's rule, you
probably need to Ask (in some way) if Chinese people really accept it!
You need to observe and check it out and have some measure of it in mind,
and adjust accordingly. That would be minimally wise for any government.
You Can't just force the action, then, like some 50cents do, ask back
why people don't accept it.
Nothing personal, but people have sense, and it just does NOT make sense.
请问将军, 除了TG, 有谁能为十几亿人代言?郝海东?
【 在 haiguihuaren (haiguihuaren) 的大作中提到: 】
: 土工搞死上亿中国人
: 全面控制中国人
: 只要是个人都痛恨土工
: 体制内的后代纷纷出国就说明了一切
: 只有SB才为土工卖命
【 在 ccmath (還沒想好) 的大作中提到: 】
: 叔在现实生活中认识的真正老将就俩,一个49年以后被TG搞得家破人亡,另一个前轮子
: 进过TG的监狱。他们在美国都吃过白人的大亏,回国几次以后现在逐渐转粉了。很多年
: 前叔还去见过方励之,感觉也没有那种咬牙切齿的感觉。
: 叔刚来美国看了TG的黑历史以后也是愤怒的不行,差点参加了三退,还相信了一段时间
: 的中崩论。现在回头看看是too young too simple. 圆明园、30万,大国崛起,都是用
: 来建立共识的叙事。共识没有,中国人就是一盘散沙、黄祸。TG是罪恶,但是换民运那
: 帮人上去只会更差。
: 老将们来说说为什么这么痛恨TG? 五毛就不要借题发挥了。
【 在 ccmath (還沒想好) 的大作中提到: 】
: 请问将军, 除了TG, 有谁能为十几亿人代言?郝海东?
版上就几头职业老将 1450 天天造谣混淆是非
【 在 ccmath (還沒想好) 的大作中提到: 】
: 叔在现实生活中认识的真正老将就俩,一个49年以后被TG搞得家破人亡,另一个前轮子
: 进过TG的监狱。他们在美国都吃过白人的大亏,回国几次以后现在逐渐转粉了。很多年
: 前叔还去见过方励之,感觉也没有那种咬牙切齿的感觉。
: 叔刚来美国看了TG的黑历史以后也是愤怒的不行,差点参加了三退,还相信了一段时间
: 的中崩论。现在回头看看是too young too simple. 圆明园、30万,大国崛起,都是用
: 来建立共识的叙事。共识没有,中国人就是一盘散沙、黄祸。TG是罪恶,但是换民运那
: 帮人上去只会更差。
: 老将们来说说为什么这么痛恨TG? 五毛就不要借题发挥了。
【 在 Urus (天行九歌之呆毛卫庄) 的大作中提到: 】
: 版上就几头职业老将 1450 天天造谣混淆是非
: 自干五老将基本遇不到
: 稍有理性一点点的也该承认土工近几十年执政取得的巨大成就
【 在 fallingrain2(密码攻击账号的永不超生) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我给上面轮毙酱起的大名叫
: 老粪黄
: 对应小粉红
: 感觉它们应该很喜欢
【 在 ccmath(還沒想好) 的大作中提到: 】
: 请问将军, 除了TG, 有谁能为十几亿人代言?郝海东?
【 在 Urus(天行九歌之呆毛卫庄) 的大作中提到: 】
: 版上就几头职业老将 1450 天天造谣混淆是非
: 自干五老将基本遇不到
: 稍有理性一点点的也该承认土工近几十年执政取得的巨大成就
What about winning the game for humanity? At least I don't see how western
culture can fully undo the damage of colonialism and implement real
reparation of people of color around the world. To undo the psychological
harm of the "gaze of the other", i.e. seeing oneself as inferior, one must
gaze back and gain confidence as equals. This is what I see as the only cure for the "self-hating Chinese" complex. TG might be an undesirable agent for change in the western eye, but nevertheless it is still responsible for the rise of China.
With regard to free speech, if you have been to China recently you will
recognize that people are much more free to speak their mind in private as
compared to the public sphere. Unbridled free speech in public might be
worshipped as a religious doctrine in some places, but Chinese people have
always been more practical than doctrinal.
That brings me to your point about history. You seem to be influenced by
Fukuyama's "End of History" thesis and "the arc of history bends towards
justice" style of historical determinism. But a political system is only as good as the people running it. The Chinese civilization has been around
longer than the history of democracy, and it has shown the ability to absorb ideas from other civilizations and adapted it into its native version. The concept of respecting individual liberty has already entered the Chinese
consciousness, as you can see from the modern family structure. I don't know when it will enter the political sphere, but it's a matter of time.
【 在 fmj (废名举) 的大作中提到: 】
: you used the analog of card game, as you said CCP has many first hands,
: but, you win the game for whom?
: if you say CCP leads China to win the game for the Chinese people, then
: people are not even allowed to speak freely?
: if you say CCP must block some voice for the moment, in order to win the
: game, you hope people could understand that, then I want to remind you
: are similar situations in history and they all have similar nature (and
: outcomes were Not good to the people).
: you also mentioned, at current stage, there are no alternatives that's
: better than CCP,
: ...................
winning for humanity or winning for the Chinese people both sound very
justified to me.
CCP is responsible for an entire upward-opened parabola curve since 1949,
it led the country to the bottom of the pit, then led up till before Xi.
Being said that, I agree with you that the western culture is not the cure
for China, b/c it doesn't exactly fit.
It seems to me it's always the culture, rather than the people, that wins
and looses. There was some Indian guy explained (I can't find it on youtube now) the failure of African Americans in US as the failure of their culture, not the failure of their gene.
I think we face similar situation in the world.
The reason western culture wins is not the reason our culture fails. The
concepts become entangled in a very subtle way, and people easily use one to attack the other.
About free speech,
"people are much more free to speak their mind in private as compared to the public sphere".
is that still called free, I would ask? But, never mind, leave it.
"Unbridled free speech in public might be worshipped as a religious doctrine in some places"
I think it's a main feature of the culture that won.
If you assume the fact Chinese people have been very practical for thousands of years is the reason for Chinese people to continue to do so, then we
know it's just different choices between you and me.
I am a Chinese person born and grew up in China, I don't like Xi's press
control or anything like that.
I don't agree Chinese civilization has shown the ability to absorb ideas
from other civilizations and adapted it into its native version. It doesn't look so to me.
"it's a matter of time the concept of respecting individual liberty will
enter the political sphere" is also too optimistic from my point of view.
That won't happen by itself. I am sorry to say that.
【 在 ccmath (還沒想好) 的大作中提到: 】
: What about winning the game for humanity? At least I don't see how western
: culture can fully undo the damage of colonialism and implement real
: reparation of people of color around the world. To undo the psychological : harm of the "gaze of the other", i.e. seeing oneself as inferior, one must
: gaze back and gain confidence as equals. This is what I see as the only
: for the "self-hating Chinese" complex. TG might be an undesirable agent
: change in the western eye, but nevertheless it is still responsible for
: rise of China.
: With regard to free speech, if you have been to China recently you will
: recognize that people are much more free to speak their mind in private as
: ...................
【 在 ccmath (還沒想好) 的大作中提到: 】
: 现在这些动作可能是趁着疫情,武统之前统一思想。
: 统一之后,下一代TG核心很可能摇身一变为民族党,大致这样操作就可以了:
: 1.再次修改党章,用民族复兴取代马列。
: 2.解密六四部分档案,收买一些老将
: 3.允许公开讨论三反五反,文革,大饥荒。
: 反正TG的评价已经low的不行,随便开发几个禁区大家都觉得是很大的进步。将来政治
: 体制搞大号的新加坡。