Liz Truss will urge Britain to stop the guilt about colonial past as she tries to burnish her credentials as the present-day Margaret Thatcher She will condemn guilt about Britain’s colonial past and look to ‘ confident’ future Ms Truss last week invited comparisons with the Iron Lady by posing on a tank Foreign Secretary plans to say diplomats should be ‘unleashed and empowered
【 在 ql2015 (hotdog99) 的大作中提到: 】 : 英国政客这下彻底不装了?英国《每日邮报》5日透露,外交大臣伊丽莎白·特拉斯( : Liz Truss)本周将在一场智库讲话中阐述自己的外交政策。她将呼吁英国停止对殖民 : 历史的愧疚和罪恶感,从而建立一个“自信而积极”的未来。 : Liz Truss will urge Britain to stop the guilt about colonial past as she : tries to burnish her credentials as the present-day Margaret Thatcher : She will condemn guilt about Britain’s colonial past and look to ‘ : confident’ future : Ms Truss last week invited comparisons with the Iron Lady by posing on a : tank : Foreign Secretary plans to say diplomats should be ‘unleashed and empowered
Liz Truss)本周将在一场智库讲话中阐述自己的外交政策。她将呼吁英国停止对殖民
Liz Truss will urge Britain to stop the guilt about colonial past as she
tries to burnish her credentials as the present-day Margaret Thatcher
She will condemn guilt about Britain’s colonial past and look to ‘
confident’ future
Ms Truss last week invited comparisons with the Iron Lady by posing on a
Foreign Secretary plans to say diplomats should be ‘unleashed and empowered
现在西方玩裸体耍流氓, 彻底不要遮羞布了, 但不妨碍舔着脸大谈人权民主。
【 在 ql2015 (hotdog99) 的大作中提到: 】
: 英国政客这下彻底不装了?英国《每日邮报》5日透露,外交大臣伊丽莎白·特拉斯(
: Liz Truss)本周将在一场智库讲话中阐述自己的外交政策。她将呼吁英国停止对殖民
: 历史的愧疚和罪恶感,从而建立一个“自信而积极”的未来。
: Liz Truss will urge Britain to stop the guilt about colonial past as she
: tries to burnish her credentials as the present-day Margaret Thatcher
: She will condemn guilt about Britain’s colonial past and look to ‘
: confident’ future
: Ms Truss last week invited comparisons with the Iron Lady by posing on a
: tank
: Foreign Secretary plans to say diplomats should be ‘unleashed and