We come here to gain knowledge, to be better educated.
Not to witness crime or experience violence. Let's fight with the city's darkness together.
Chicago is a beautiful city, but it has shed too much blood and tears. Each one, everyone please help do something!
【 在 papajohns3 (pizza) 的大作中提到: 】 : 芝大小留应该改改口号 : to learn 有你只为学习而来,学完了就走的意思,得不到同情 : to die 有你自己主动来的意思,也得不到同情,你当然不是 come here to die : 既然跳出来喊了,那就怎么博同情怎么来, : 比如说: we are here to involve, not to be targeted : just my 2 cents. : bless.
to learn 有你只为学习而来,学完了就走的意思,得不到同情
to die 有你自己主动来的意思,也得不到同情,你当然不是 come here to die
比如说: we are here to involve, not to be targeted
just my 2 cents.
I disagree.
Just lay the plain facts:
We come here to gain knowledge, to be better educated.
Not to witness crime or experience violence. Let's fight with the city's
darkness together.
Chicago is a beautiful city, but it has shed too much blood and tears. Each one, everyone please help do something!
【 在 papajohns3 (pizza) 的大作中提到: 】
: 芝大小留应该改改口号
: to learn 有你只为学习而来,学完了就走的意思,得不到同情
: to die 有你自己主动来的意思,也得不到同情,你当然不是 come here to die
: 既然跳出来喊了,那就怎么博同情怎么来,
: 比如说: we are here to involve, not to be targeted
: just my 2 cents.
: bless.