Fighting over molecules By Steven Syre Globe Columnist / January 11, 2011
Some fights start over the smallest things. This one is about a molecule called WZ4002.
There is no shortage of people and powerful organizations fighting over the molecule, discovered by Boston scientists at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; it could be worth a fortune as a new treatment for many lung cancer patients.
Then again, WZ4002 could turn out to be a big nothing. It’s too early to tell.
But no one is waiting around to find out, and recent lawsuits offer a rare public glimpse of a fight over medicine and money that usually takes place behind closed doors.
Drug giant Novartis International Pharmaceutical Ltd. is locking horns with the scientists who discovered WZ4002. Those researchers are at odds with the president of the company they formed to represent their commercial interests. Dana-Farber is caught awkwardly in the middle, with important interests of its own at stake.
The conflict is remarkable because the molecule is nowhere close to becoming an approved drug. It has not been the subject of a single clinical trial. It’s still a compound in a lab, not a therapy.
John Mirick, a lawyer for researcher Nathanael Gray and three other Dana- Farber scientists behind WZ4002, says development of the molecule has been treading water since the licensing dispute broke out last year.
That would be bad news for patients, the real people at the heart of this story. Jamie Gorenberg has paid close attention to the development of WZ4002 because her mother, Caren Gorenberg, suffers from advanced lung cancer. She recognizes it’s a long shot but hopes the molecule might help her mother in a clinical trial someday soon.
“I know that’s a big if, but we live on ifs,’’ says Gorenberg. “That’s better than nothing, and I’m going to grab onto it.’’
Gorenberg learned about WZ4002 by reading an article in the scientific journal Nature in December 2009 that described how the molecule could help patients with non-small cell lung cancer who also have common gene mutations. Those mutations help the cancer resist the leading treatments, and WZ4002 might get around that problem.
The article in Nature also came as news to executives at Novartis, which spends more than $15 million a year on sponsored research at Dana-Farber, according to court papers. The drug company funded some work in Gray’s lab, and executives soon pressed Dana-Farber for rights to WZ4002. Their view: Novartis owned those commercial rights.
That was a big problem because Dana-Farber gave an option for the rights to Gatekeeper Pharmaceuticals Inc., a company formed by Gray and his colleagues. The cancer institute filed a patent application for WZ4002 but was stuck between the commercial interests of its scientists and a big research sponsor.
Dana-Farber’s solution: Sue and let US District Judge David Woodlock decide who owns what.
“We are not seeking any monetary award,’’ Dana-Farber said in a statement yesterday. “We are simply asking the court to determine which of the two parties has the superior rights to the technology.’’
Meanwhile, the scientists who formed Gatekeeper didn’t see eye to eye with John Chant, whom they hired to run the company and advance the commercial interests of WZ4002.
Chant didn’t like the company’s legal strategy. He made the ambitious argument that Gatekeeper’s founders, who owned 87 percent of the company and constituted its board, were conflicted in the case because they worked at Dana-Farber, among other reasons.
Chant wants to intervene on behalf of Gatekeeper and pursue another legal strategy.
Gray and his colleagues say they are open to a settlement with both Novartis and Dana-Farber. Chant wanted to fight for damages and insisted any settlement must include $750,000 to cover deferred and future compensation for him, according to court papers filed by the scientists.
“The board concluded Mr. Chant was primarily concerned for his salary and benefits,’’ they said in the documents.
Strange fact: Chant is still employed by Gatekeeper.
Chant’s lawyer did not return a call yesterday.
Now the judge has to figure it all out or push for a settlement. But time matters.
“All I can say is, move quickly,’’ Gorenberg says. “I’m not trying to blame anyone or point fingers.’’
The molecule in question may save lives, though the odds are long. But no one will figure that out until everyone agrees on who owns WZ4002.
这种小专利官司,大公司一年没有100个也有20个。重要的是10年后大家依然没有兴趣 做完pre-clinical,tagrisso(osimertinib)都卖了几十亿了吧, 发明人royalty拿到手软了吧。 【 在 lubbock12 (非老非小将) 的大作中提到: 】 : 我这里有个详细的报道,WZ4002很好的药,结果死在诺华制药和Dana Farber 专利之争 : 了,Dana Farber认为这药是我发现的,诺华这药研究我赞助的专利归我。 : Fighting over molecules : By Steven Syre : Globe Columnist / January 11, 2011 : Some fights start over the smallest things. This one is about a molecule : called WZ4002. : There is no shortage of people and powerful organizations fighting over the : molecule, discovered by Boston scientists at the Dana-Farber Cancer : Institute; it could be worth a fortune as a new treatment for many lung : ...................
81岁的廖学时又名Wada Masao和Masao A. Wada,他面临的26项重罪指控,包括七项电
基金会,该基金会在蒙特利公园市(Monterey Park)、西柯汶那市(West Covina)先后设有办事处。
廖学时于2011年和2012年曾向联邦食品暨药物管理局(FDA)提交一份研究新药 (IND) 的申请,计划从事一种名为 Allesgen 的产品临床试验,他告诉 FDA 并在宣传材料中
表示此药旨在治疗多种癌症。 FDA收到申请后两次通知廖学时,由于提交材料的缺陷,Allesgen 的申请已被完全临床搁置。
也曾向FDA表示自己会黏贴这种标签,可事实上,他生产了药物,却在瓶身上标记 「营养补充物 」(supplement) ,并添加一个标签,称其 「不是一种药物,未经FDA评估,不能用于治疗任何疾病。」
从2012年7月到2018年1月的六年里,廖学时以每瓶 2000元的价格销售Allesgen给各州
陪审团认为,廖学时没有告知对方这是一种未获批准的癌症治疗药物,禁止销售,并可能会产生不可预测且严重的副作用。几名 Allesgen买家在审判期间作证,表示他们并
【 在 wwwhu (fc) 的大作中提到: 】
: 胆子很大嘛,IND都被拒了,很可能就是老鼠数据有安全问题。
2017-06-23 由 五彩生活斑斕世界 發表于健康
【 在 wwwhu (fc) 的大作中提到: 】
: 胆子很大嘛,IND都被拒了,很可能就是老鼠数据有安全问题。
听你这个真博士后的话,真的要赔掉几个张天爱。WZ4002是第一个EGFR mutation抑制
剂,dana-farber做的,开启了嘧啶类抑制EGFR突变的思路,开天辟地有什么专利问题?后面做得好的,都是受它启发,要说专利问题,反而是后来居上的好东西才有。它没人做clinical trials是因为就是没人愿意做。中国做第三代的很多,甚至有反向向美国
【 在 lubbock12 (非老非小将) 的大作中提到: 】
: 有很多是专利问题,比方说osimertinib是三代肺癌药,但其实还有一个药WZ4002也是
: 三代药,没被FDA批准,但是中国国内有人做也有人吃这个药。
: 这里面水深了去了。
Pasi A. Jänne的组因为WZ4OO2专利冲突,导致该药最终没能上市。
【 在 wwwhu (fc) 的大作中提到: 】
: 听你这个真博士后的话,真的要赔掉几个张天爱。WZ4002是第一个EGFR mutation抑制
: 剂,dana-farber做的,开启了嘧啶类抑制EGFR突变的思路,开天辟地有什么专利问题?
: 后面做得好的,都是受它启发,要说专利问题,反而是后来居上的好东西才有。它没人
: 做clinical trials是因为就是没人愿意做。中国做第三代的很多,甚至有反向向美国
: 公司转让的例子了,比如海归钱向平就把非亚洲的市场卖给CKPT开发,中国RX518,美国
: CK-101。谁还会废上几亿块钱弄肯定卖不了货的最早第一个,情怀?只要是好东西,就
: 不担心专利费。你是博士后,不是阴谋家啊,先生。
你对上市有什么误解吧?一个compound,pre-clinical做完,file IND, 再做phaseI,II,III, file NDA,批准了,才能上市。pre-clinical都没做完,上什么市?专利对于开
发商,从来不是问题,问题是潜力。上$B的钱砸进去,single digit x%的销量提成,
【 在 lubbock12 (非老非小将) 的大作中提到: 】
: Pasi A. Jänne的组因为WZ4OO2专利冲突,导致该药最终没能上市。
【 在 wwwhu (fc) 的大作中提到: 】
: 你对上市有什么误解吧?一个compound,pre-clinical做完,file IND, 再做phaseI,II
: ,III, file NDA,批准了,才能上市。pre-clinical都没做完,上什么市?专利对于开
: 发商,从来不是问题,问题是潜力。上$B的钱砸进去,single digit x%的销量提成,
: 孰重孰轻?
meanwhile,毒死50万霉帝屁民的Purdue Pharma的Sacklers家族免法律责任
我这里有个详细的报道,WZ4002很好的药,结果死在诺华制药和Dana Farber 专利之争了,Dana Farber认为这药是我发现的,诺华这药研究我赞助的专利归我。
Fighting over molecules
By Steven Syre
Globe Columnist / January 11, 2011
Some fights start over the smallest things. This one is about a molecule
called WZ4002.
There is no shortage of people and powerful organizations fighting over the molecule, discovered by Boston scientists at the Dana-Farber Cancer
Institute; it could be worth a fortune as a new treatment for many lung
cancer patients.
Then again, WZ4002 could turn out to be a big nothing. It’s too early to
But no one is waiting around to find out, and recent lawsuits offer a rare
public glimpse of a fight over medicine and money that usually takes place
behind closed doors.
Drug giant Novartis International Pharmaceutical Ltd. is locking horns with the scientists who discovered WZ4002. Those researchers are at odds with the president of the company they formed to represent their commercial
interests. Dana-Farber is caught awkwardly in the middle, with important
interests of its own at stake.
The conflict is remarkable because the molecule is nowhere close to becoming an approved drug. It has not been the subject of a single clinical trial.
It’s still a compound in a lab, not a therapy.
John Mirick, a lawyer for researcher Nathanael Gray and three other Dana-
Farber scientists behind WZ4002, says development of the molecule has been
treading water since the licensing dispute broke out last year.
That would be bad news for patients, the real people at the heart of this
story. Jamie Gorenberg has paid close attention to the development of WZ4002 because her mother, Caren Gorenberg, suffers from advanced lung cancer. She recognizes it’s a long shot but hopes the molecule might help her mother
in a clinical trial someday soon.
“I know that’s a big if, but we live on ifs,’’ says Gorenberg. “That’s better than nothing, and I’m going to grab onto it.’’
Gorenberg learned about WZ4002 by reading an article in the scientific
journal Nature in December 2009 that described how the molecule could help
patients with non-small cell lung cancer who also have common gene mutations. Those mutations help the cancer resist the leading treatments, and WZ4002 might get around that problem.
The article in Nature also came as news to executives at Novartis, which
spends more than $15 million a year on sponsored research at Dana-Farber,
according to court papers. The drug company funded some work in Gray’s lab, and executives soon pressed Dana-Farber for rights to WZ4002. Their view:
Novartis owned those commercial rights.
That was a big problem because Dana-Farber gave an option for the rights to Gatekeeper Pharmaceuticals Inc., a company formed by Gray and his colleagues. The cancer institute filed a patent application for WZ4002 but was stuck
between the commercial interests of its scientists and a big research
Dana-Farber’s solution: Sue and let US District Judge David Woodlock decide who owns what.
“We are not seeking any monetary award,’’ Dana-Farber said in a statement yesterday. “We are simply asking the court to determine which of the two
parties has the superior rights to the technology.’’
Meanwhile, the scientists who formed Gatekeeper didn’t see eye to eye with John Chant, whom they hired to run the company and advance the commercial
interests of WZ4002.
Chant didn’t like the company’s legal strategy. He made the ambitious
argument that Gatekeeper’s founders, who owned 87 percent of the company
and constituted its board, were conflicted in the case because they worked
at Dana-Farber, among other reasons.
Chant wants to intervene on behalf of Gatekeeper and pursue another legal
Gray and his colleagues say they are open to a settlement with both Novartis and Dana-Farber. Chant wanted to fight for damages and insisted any
settlement must include $750,000 to cover deferred and future compensation
for him, according to court papers filed by the scientists.
“The board concluded Mr. Chant was primarily concerned for his salary and
benefits,’’ they said in the documents.
Strange fact: Chant is still employed by Gatekeeper.
Chant’s lawyer did not return a call yesterday.
Now the judge has to figure it all out or push for a settlement. But time
“All I can say is, move quickly,’’ Gorenberg says. “I’m not trying to
blame anyone or point fingers.’’
The molecule in question may save lives, though the odds are long. But no
one will figure that out until everyone agrees on who owns WZ4002.
【 在 wwwhu (fc) 的大作中提到: 】
: 听你这个真博士后的话,真的要赔掉几个张天爱。WZ4002是第一个EGFR mutation抑制
: 剂,dana-farber做的,开启了嘧啶类抑制EGFR突变的思路,开天辟地有什么专利问题?
: 后面做得好的,都是受它启发,要说专利问题,反而是后来居上的好东西才有。它没人
: 做clinical trials是因为就是没人愿意做。中国做第三代的很多,甚至有反向向美国
: 公司转让的例子了,比如海归钱向平就把非亚洲的市场卖给CKPT开发,中国RX518,美国
: CK-101。谁还会废上几亿块钱弄肯定卖不了货的最早第一个,情怀?只要是好东西,就
: 不担心专利费。你是博士后,不是阴谋家啊,先生。
做完pre-clinical,tagrisso(osimertinib)都卖了几十亿了吧, 发明人royalty拿到手软了吧。
【 在 lubbock12 (非老非小将) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我这里有个详细的报道,WZ4002很好的药,结果死在诺华制药和Dana Farber 专利之争
: 了,Dana Farber认为这药是我发现的,诺华这药研究我赞助的专利归我。
: Fighting over molecules
: By Steven Syre
: Globe Columnist / January 11, 2011
: Some fights start over the smallest things. This one is about a molecule
: called WZ4002.
: There is no shortage of people and powerful organizations fighting over
: molecule, discovered by Boston scientists at the Dana-Farber Cancer
: Institute; it could be worth a fortune as a new treatment for many lung
: ...................
【 在 wwwhu (fc) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这种小专利官司,大公司一年没有100个也有20个。重要的是10年后大家依然没有兴趣
: 做完pre-clinical,tagrisso(osimertinib)都卖了几十亿了吧, 发明人royalty拿到手
: 软了吧。
: the
挺惨的,为了区区 160 万美元, 就犯这么大的罪
【 在 lubbock12 (非老非小将) 的大作中提到: 】
: 美国联邦检察官办公室近日宣布,定居南加橙县富乐顿的华裔医生廖学时(Benedict
: Liao)在六年期间,以欺诈手段销售未经批准的癌症治疗药物,共牟取超过161万元的
: 非法收入,他被指控的26项重罪,日前经由陪审团裁定均成立,最高恐面临197年监禁
: 。该案已订2022年2月14日举行量刑听证会。
: 81岁的廖学时又名Wada Masao和Masao A. Wada,他面临的26项重罪指控,包括七项电
: 汇欺诈,11项销售贴错标签的药物,八项销售未经批准的新药,11月2日陪审团裁定这
: 些控罪都成立。
: 根据廖学时在为期五天的审判中提供的证据,他经营一家名为Oeyama-Moto的癌症研究
: 基金会,该基金会在蒙特利公园市(Monterey Park)、西柯汶那市(West Covina)先
: 后设有办事处。
: ...................
【 在 ts78 (ts) 的大作中提到: 】
: 挺惨的,为了区区 160 万美元, 就犯这么大的罪
: 太不值了
【 在 lubbock12 (非老非小将) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我怎么觉得你就是不懂装懂呢