
楼主 (未名空间)


Trump said, ‘I believe it was a terrible accident, but I believe it came
from the lab. I really hope, and I believe, it was incompetence.’

‘I guess some people don’t necessarily agree with that. They think maybe
there was purpose to it, which would be absolutely terrible. But we have to find out more about it, why did it happen, how did it happen, how could
anybody be so incompetent,’ he added.

The former POTUS also addressed the fact that people branded him xenophobic for banning anyone from China coming into the US at the beginning of the
pandemic. Defending his decision, the 74-year-old claimed he saved ‘tens of thousands of lives.’

He saved tens of thousands of lives... from living

【 在 ne5234 (Nessun Dorma) 的大作中提到: 】
: 太笨了,所以泄露了病毒
: Trump said, ‘I believe it was a terrible accident, but I believe it came : from the lab. I really hope, and I believe, it was incompetence.’
: ‘I guess some people don’t necessarily agree with that. They think maybe
: there was purpose to it, which would be absolutely terrible. But we have
: find out more about it, why did it happen, how did it happen, how could
: anybody be so incompetent,’ he added.
: The former POTUS also addressed the fact that people branded him
: for banning anyone from China coming into the US at the beginning of the
: pandemic. Defending his decision, the 74-year-old claimed he saved ‘tens of
: ...................



【 在 ne5234 (Nessun Dorma) 的大作中提到: 】
: 太笨了,所以泄露了病毒
: Trump said, ‘I believe it was a terrible accident, but I believe it came : from the lab. I really hope, and I believe, it was incompetence.’
: ‘I guess some people don’t necessarily agree with that. They think maybe
: there was purpose to it, which would be absolutely terrible. But we have
: find out more about it, why did it happen, how did it happen, how could
: anybody be so incompetent,’ he added.
: The former POTUS also addressed the fact that people branded him
: for banning anyone from China coming into the US at the beginning of the
: pandemic. Defending his decision, the 74-year-old claimed he saved ‘tens of
: ...................