
楼主 (未名空间)


The 'American Dream' of upward mobility is broken. Look at the numbers

The US has far less mobility and equality of opportunity today than almost
the entire European Union


The US population has been indoctrinated to the point that many truly
believe theirs is the best country in the world. The money flowing into US
politics made that much worse with Citizens United means that big business
is firmly in control of legislation and the rest can have crumbs as long as it does not interfere.

The days where one parent could work and support a family are long gone. It is ever more difficult to work your way up when you (both parents often
times in families with kids) are fighting to keep your head above water. And the huge cash flow is mainly siphoned off into the bank accounts of
corporations and billionaires.

As a result the US has third world infrastructure, expensive second rate
health care system (for most - US ranks outside the top 30 in healthcare),
an education system that is geared towards driving students to colleges to
get expensive degrees they don't need that leave them in debt, etc.

The system is broken but many in the US will look at anything more equitable as socialism.
Most do not understand the difference between social democracies (mostly a
capitalist system with safety nets for those who need it including universal healthcare, etc.) and socialism where the mean of production are owned by
the collective.

They have been indoctrinated so perfectly that tens of millions keep voting against their own best interest. I am a Dutchman living in Canada and it is not perfect here but a difference of night and day.






The American Dream was always a myth .
Give ten people £10k and put them around a card table.
If you play long enough one person will eventually win the lot.




【 在 beijingren4 () 的大作中提到: 】
: 今天,美国的流动性和机会均等程度远不及整个欧盟
: The 'American Dream' of upward mobility is broken. Look at the numbers
: The US has far less mobility and equality of opportunity today than almost
: the entire European Union
: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/mar/13/american-dream-broken-upward-mobility-us


Our history is bound up with our invention and use of technology. The
intelligence of Homo Sapiens has thus far enabled our survival to the point where we are the dominant species on the planet. We have no other attributes which might give us an evolutionary edge. We aren't the fastest, the
strongest, our hearing, vision and sense of smell is inferior to many
species, we can't fly, we don't have the best teeth, and our young are
vulnerable for a long time. It's worth noting that dinosaurs dominated the
planet for a considerably longer time period than we have existed, and
apparently without the intelligence which we rely on. Intelligence isn't the same as wisdom, and for all our advances in scientific knowledge and
technology, wisdom appears to have evolved little further than the level
reached in civilisations of the ancient world. Seems to me our intelligence will either evolve to enable the survival of our species, or be its undoing and extinction. Place your bets...

Americanslive with a morbid fear of someone, somewhere, getting something,
on their dime.

【 在 noid (士无名) 的大作中提到: 】
: 毛时期的流动性和机会均等程度更大,你向往不?



【 在 beijingren4 () 的大作中提到: 】
: Americanslive with a morbid fear of someone, somewhere, getting something,
: on their dime.


The inequality will/can only last so long no matter whether it is the USA or other country.

It is a recipe for civil unrest which will affect the well being of all
groups in the end.

Governments ignore it at their peril.

【 在 noid (士无名) 的大作中提到: 】
: 毛时期的流动性和机会均等程度更大,直接说你向往不?


“ The United States has traditionally viewed economic success and failure
as the result of individual effort.”

There is a very famous and exceptionally good essay on this by Robert Merton from 1938 called ‘social structure and anomie’. I’m sure you’ve heard
of it! It is one of the most famous social science essays ever written.

【 在 noid (士无名) 的大作中提到: 】
: 毛时期的流动性和机会均等程度更大,你向往不?


"The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it."

- George Carlin




【 在 beijingren4 () 的大作中提到: 】
: The inequality will/can only last so long no matter whether it is the USA or
: other country.
: It is a recipe for civil unrest which will affect the well being of all
: groups in the end.
: Governments ignore it at their peril.


some of them are good, some of them are bad.

【 在 noid (士无名) 的大作中提到: 】
: 不用扯三扯四的,你都53+了自然知道毛时期的中国,比那些活在意淫中傻逼作者有更
: 多的经历。直接说你向往不?
: or



【 在 beijingren4 () 的大作中提到: 】
: some of them are good, some of them are bad.


Truth is there are more new wealthy in a socialist system than a democracy
with near unfettered capitalism. The Laws governing 90% of finance ,property, business, the market place were made by the rich for the benefit of the
rich more than 200 years ago.

I don't understand the headline. Of course the American Dream isn't broken; just ask the ranks of billionaires who get richer by the second; the
billionaire bankers and "businessmen" who own and rule the country: they're doing well thankyou very much, really living the dream! America was born out of revolution and will only be reborn out of revolution.

【 在 noid (士无名) 的大作中提到: 】
: 所以说社会是一个整体,是系统工程。
: 你只拿流动性单一参数说事,非傻即坏。


It is an old old story we keep telling ourselves. Let's get real, our
societies are all based on a model where a self-proclaimed elite gives
itself the 'right' to rule, through means of control of the local population, exploitation of the people on the fringes, and ways to pass the reins of
power through the generations. What we consistently fail to implement is a
way to neutralize the sociopaths, those who consider that they don't have to abide by society's rules. If we keep that framework, I don't see how we can do much more that slap a band-aid on a gaping wound.

The climate crisis, so inadequately named because it is really so much more than that, is a problem that, for once, we won't be able to tackle by
cheating, lying, exporting it away or praying for a miraculous future
invention. Hope is not what we need. A massive amount of will is.


【 在 beijingren4 () 的大作中提到: 】
: I don't understand the headline. Of course the American Dream isn't broken;
: just ask the ranks of billionaires who get richer by the second; the
: billionaire bankers and "businessmen" who own and rule the country: they'
: doing well thankyou very much, really living the dream! America was born
: of revolution and will only be reborn out of revolution.


... the United States has far less mobility

It's even worse than most people realise. The professions operate on a
system remarkably like Europe's pre-industrial-revolution period. For
instance, assume you're a qualified electrical engineer in San Antonio. You are offered a job in Dallas (also in TX) but are not allowed to work there
until you pass their local 'board exam'! The same for out-of-state lawyers, doctors... like living in medieval times.

Many people end up fined or arrested for not knowing their neighbouring
states' highway code. They like it that way - make the individual user pay
for it all, rather than raise taxation. So you end up pulled over and fined for a malfunctioning light bulb.

In Florida the state doesn't pay for the Court system. The people going to
court do; whether you win your case or not, you pay court costs. No wonder
some people will settle their differences with a gun.


【 在 noid (士无名) 的大作中提到: 】
: 毛时期的流动性和机会均等程度更大,直接说你向往不?


In the past 20 years upward mobility has drastically dropped in Europe as
well and the right,centre right governments - EU included - have kept
impoverishing our wellfare. Nevertheless we Europen can consider ourselves
lucky if compared to North Americans. But we Europeans are quite different
from the majority of US citizins. We care about wellfare and none of us is
even thinking to oppose to universal health care. We feel in a much more
solidaristic way on the contrary of the extreme individualism (egotism?) of US. We further are very concerned about environment, which is such a popular item in the US. For us it still is more important the quality instead of
the quantity. Therefore, let's keep our European Dream alive.


【 在 magicknight (I am always love you baby.) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这个结论有依据吗?还是你拍脑袋想出来的


It’s not ‘broken’. It has been, and is being, deliberately crushed by
millions of horrendous, racist, greedy, men; and our pathetic inability to
keep them out of government. The GOP’s stated goal of fracturing American
society into owner- and slave-classes is heartily supported by many millions of America’s very worst people. Their rose-colored fever dream of
plantation living is a constant disgrace for our nation around the world.
The Venn diagram of white supremacists, evangelical Christians, and
corporate masters approaches the shape of a single circle. I have some
optimism that they, in turn, will be broken by an even larger, more powerful collective of morality and cooperation. The alternative, per clear evidence, is too horrible to even contemplate.

The American Dream is exactly that: a dream!

Yet again, failure to address the origins of the country clouds the
perception of reality.

American culture is rooted in the continent-wide genocide that looted the
villages, towns and lands of the original inhabitants. Rags-to-riches isn't rooted in the work ethics or the hard work of individuals. It is rooted in
the theft of Native properties: cleared land, cultivated fields, responsibly managed resources irresponsibly harvested for maximum gin in minimum time
for minimum effort.

It is the Roman pattern which they so admired: conquer and loot, with the
looted wealth returned to the conquered center.

That was what gave Americans their early social mobility and sense of
freedom to rise above one's station.

Once the conquest complete, the era of social mobility began to close as the conquest was digested and economic niches began to be filled.

Americans have a conqueror's mentality and arrogance, and the elites
maintain that attitude. Look at their language of business, and it's filled with the ideas of combat, conquest, lack of empathy for those conquered,
which has shifted from Native Americans and blacks to encompass all the poor, "conquered" through economic power, and thus deserving of their fates
without regard for their humanity.

White supremacists still feel strongly that no matter how poor they
themselves are, as members of the race that forcibly took the continent from "inferiors" and forcibly built the nation on the backs of the enslaved,
enslaved because of their inferiority, that they are still part of that
conquering breed and deserve the lion's share of the loot.

Throughout my lifetime, white Americans have responded to Native American
pleas for justice and the honoring of treaties with...literally..."You guys lost, so get over it, losers don't deserve anything".

In the eyes of the wealthy, all the poor are losers, and losers don't
deserve anything.


【 在 noid (士无名) 的大作中提到: 】
: 回家问你爹妈,你不会连他们的话也不信吧。



The American Dream depends on knowing the right people at the right time in the right place and being white.Its no longer about mobility.


【 在 beijingren4 () 的大作中提到: 】
: 今天,美国的流动性和机会均等程度远不及整个欧盟
: The 'American Dream' of upward mobility is broken. Look at the numbers
: The US has far less mobility and equality of opportunity today than almost
: the entire European Union
: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/mar/13/american-dream-broken-upward-mobility-us